The Fluidity and Adaptability of Buddhism: A Case Study of Maudgalyāyana and Chinese Buddhist identity (original) (raw)

NaMo's mission in 2015: Arjuna Wijaya and Bauddha karuna: Formation of Indian Ocean Community Mongolia, China: lands where Sutras of Bauddham went from Bhratam. Korea: sasural of Bharatam Janam, Kin Suro married Queen Heo Hwang-ok from Ayodhya, Bharat.

NaMo, Prime Minister of Bharatam's visit to South Korea, China and Mongolia should be the prelude to the announcement of Indian Ocean Community, expanding SAARC and making Bharatam a partner in the progress of United States of Indian Ocean. These nations cherish the age-old cultural bonds founded on Dharma-Dhamma. George Coedes, the French epigraphist's book in the wake of discovery of Angkor Wat was titled: Hinduised States of Far East (Histoire ancienne des états hindouises d'Extrême Orient, 1944). IOC will be a celebration to lead the region to a fair share of the world GDP which existed in 1 CE (pace Angus Madison). This will be as momentous as the formation of European Community. The IOC can be founded on Steel, Fossil Fuel, Ocean Resources communities and promote maritime and overland trade by announcing IOC as a Free Trade Community, with the implementation of infrastructure projects ready to take off: Trans-Asian Highway, Trans-Asian Railway (linking Bangkok and Vladivostok), formulation of projects to manage waters of Himalayan rivers: Yangtse, Huanghe, Irawaddy, Salween, Mekong, Brahmaputra, formulation of projects using Satellite and IT prowess of Bharatam and promotion of cultural exchanges of IOC nations, which have been interrupted by the colonial regimes. Arjuna Wijaya and Bauddha Karuna should be the founding principles of IOC. Arjuna Wijaya statue in front of Central Bank building, Jakarta, Indonesia A Maaebul, or a Buddhist statue carved into rock, was found in May 2007 in Gyeongju, South Korea, southeastern ancient capital A 1,300-year old Buddha statue Buddha statue in the Erdene Zuu Monastery, Karakorum. Buddha from Western China, ca. 450 CE