Zygoma-Gear Apareyi ile Maksiller Molar Distalizasyonunun Maksiller Üçüncü Molar Dişler Üzerine Etkileri (original) (raw)

Minivida İmplant Destekli Distalizasyon Sisteminin Dentoalveoler Etkileri

Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 2012

Bu prospektif klinik çalışmanın amacı Sınıf II malokluzyona sahip hastalarda minivida implant destekli distalizasyon sisteminin tedavi etkilerini incelemektir. Bireyler ve Yöntem: Çalışma örneği 14.9 ortalama yaşa sahip 10 hasta (5 kız ve 5 erkek) içerir. İki titanyum intermaksiller fiksasyon vidası anterior paramedyan bölgede insiziv foramenin her iki yanına yerleştirilmiştir. Aljinat ölçüler alınmış ve apareyler model kalıplar üzerinde yapılmıştır. MISDS üst birinci molarlara simante edilmiş ve minividalara metalik ligatürlerle bağlanmıştır. Aparey açık sarmal yayların sıkıştırılmasıyla aktive edilmiştir. Her bir taraftan 200 g distalizasyon kuvveti uygulanmıştır. Lateral sefalometrik radyograflar distalizasyon öncesi (T0) ve sonrası (T1) ölçülmüştür. Veri SPSS kullanarak analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular: Ortalama maksiller birinci molar distalizasyonu 2,45 mm (p<0.05) dir ve 1° (p<0.05) lik hafif devrilme distalizasyona eşlik etmiştir. Maksiller ikinci molarlar 4.35 mm (p<0.05) distalize olmuş ve distale 2°(p<0.05) devrilmişlerdir. Üst ikinci premolarlar üst birinci molarları takiben 3 mm distale sürüklenirken ve 2,3° distale devrilirken, üst birinci premolarlarda 2,35 mm spontan distalizasyon ve 1,6° distal devrilme görülmüştür. Üst keserler 1,45° (p<0.05) retrokline olmuş ve overjet 0,8 mm azalmıştır. Sonuç: MISDS, neredeyse paralel üst molar distal hareketi ile sonuçlanan, maksiller molar distalizasyonunun kooperasyon gerektirmeyen etkili bir yöntemidir.

Distal falanks kırığı olan erişkin hastalarda kapalı redüksiyon ve perkutan Kirschner teli uygulaması ile açık redüksiyon internal fiksasyon uygulaması sonuçları karşılaştırılması

Sakarya Medical Journal, 2021

Objective We aimed to compare functional and radiological results of closed reduction with percutaneous Kirschner wire (K-wire) fixation versus open reduction with internal fixation in adult patients with distal phalangeal fractures. Materials and Methods A total of 13 patients (8 males, 5 females) who were operated for distal phalangeal fractures in our center between February 2019 and December 2020 were retrospectively reviewed.The patients were divided into two groups according to the type of surgery:Group 1 (n=6) undergoing closed reduction with percutaneous K-wire fixation and Group 2 (n=7) undergoing open reduction with internal fixation.Functional results were evaluated using the total active range of motion (TAROM) scale.Demographic and clinical characteristics and operative data were recorded.The time to return to work was assessed between the groups. Results The median age was 37 (range, 24 to 51) years and the median follow-up was 13 (range, 10 to 18) months.According to the TAROM scale, excellent and good results were achieved in 11 and two patients, respectively.The median time to complete union was 4 (range, 3 to 6) weeks.There was no significant difference in the functional and radiological results between the groups.However, the median time to return to work was significantly shorter in Group 2 (p=0.03).None of the patients had postoperative complications such as infection, reduction loss, nonunion or complex regional pain syndrome. Conclusion Although both treatment methods yield satisfactory and comparable functional and radiological results in patients with distal phalangeal fractures, open reduction with internal fixation is significantly associated with a shorter time to return to work.

Intraoral distalizer effects with conventional and skeletal anchorage: A meta-analysis

Introduction: The aims of this meta-analysis were to quantify and to compare the amounts of distalization and anchorage loss of conventional and skeletal anchorage methods in the correction of Class II malocclusion with intraoral distalizers. Methods: The literature was searched through 5 electronic databases, and inclusion criteria were applied. Articles that presented pretreatment and posttreatment cephalometric values were preferred. Quality assessments of the studies were performed. The averages and standard deviations of molar and premo-lar effects were extracted from the studies to perform a meta-analysis. Results: After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 40 studies were included in the systematic review. After the quality analysis, 2 articles were classified as high quality, 27 as medium quality, and 11 as low quality. For the meta-analysis, 6 studies were included, and they showed average molar distalization amounts of 3.34 mm with conventional anchorage and 5.10 mm with skeletal anchorage. The meta-analysis of premolar movement showed estimates of combined effects of 2.30 mm (mesialization) in studies with conventional anchorage and À4.01 mm (distalization) in studies with skeletal anchorage. Conclusions: There was scientific evidence that both anchorage systems are effective for distalization; however, with skeletal anchorage, there was no anchorage loss when direct anchorage was used. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2013;143:602-15)

Comparison of two implant-supported molar distalization systems

The Angle Orthodontist, 2012

Objective: To examine skeletal, dental, and soft tissue effects of the Miniscrew Implant Supported Distalization System (MISDS) and the Bone-Anchored Pendulum Appliance (BAPA). Materials and Methods: Among 28 patients displaying Angle Class II malocclusion, 14 patients with a mean age of 14.8 ± 3.6 years treated with MISDS were included in the first group, and 14 patients with a mean age of 14.5 ± 1.5 years treated with BAPA were included in the second group. The pretreatment and posttreatment lateral cephalograms were analyzed. Statistical evaluation was carried out using the paired Shapiro-Wilk test, the paired-sample t-test, and the unpaired t-test. Results: Upper posterior teeth were distalized successfully in both groups. Nearly bodily distalization was seen in the MISDS group, whereas significant distal tipping of the upper first molars was observed in the BAPA group (P < .001). There were no statistically significant changes in the sagittal position of the maxilla and mand...

Zygoma-gear appliance for intraoral upper molar distalization

The Korean Journal of Orthodontics, 2010

The aim of this report is to present an intraoral upper molar distalization system supported with zygomatic anchorage plates (Zygoma-gear Appliance, ZGA). This system was used for a 16-year-old female patient with a Class II molar relationship requiring molar distalization. The system consisted of bilateral zygomatic anchorage plates, an inner-bow and heavy intraoral elastics. Distalization of the upper molars was achieved in 3 months and the treatment results were evaluated from lateral cephalometric radiographs. According to the results of the cephalometric analysis, the maxillary first molars showed a distalization of 4 mm, associated with a distal axial inclination of 4.5 o . The results of this study show that an effective upper molar distalization without anchorage loss can be achieved in a short time using the ZGA. We suggest that this new system may be used in cases requiring molar distalization in place of extraoral appliances. (Korean J Orthod 2010;40(3):195-206)

Sınıf II Derin Kapanışlı Bireylerin Çiğneme Kas Aktivitelerinin ve Mandibular Hareket Yollarının

Turkish Journal of Orthodontics, 2010

Amaç: Bu çal›flman›n amac› derin kapa-n›fll› bireylerin çi€neme kas aktivitelerini ve mandibular hareket yap›lar›n› tespit etmek ve bu de€erleri normal oklüzyonlu bireylerin de€erleri ile karfl›laflt›rmakt›r. Bireyler ve Yöntem: Çal›flmaya ortalama yafllar› 21,20±1,7 y›l olan Angle S›n›f II divizyon 2 maloklüzyona sahip 17 (5 erkek, 12 kad›n) ve ortalama yafllar› 22,10±1,3 olan 10 (3 erkek, 7 kad›n) birey kat›lm›flt›r. Masseter, anterior temporal, sternokleidomasteoid ve digastrik kaslar›n istirahat, maksimum s›kma ve yutkunma durumlar›ndaki elektrik aktiviteleri kaydedilmifltir. Ayr›ca "JT3-Jaw Tracker" ayg›t› kullan›larak a€›z açma-kapama h›z›, maksimum a€›z açma miktar›, lateral deviasyon ve defleksiyon miktarlar›, sentrik oklüzyondan kesici difllerin bafla bafl konumuna hareket yolu ve bafla bafl pozisyondan maksimum protrüzyon konumuna olan hareket yolu ölçülmüfltür. Student t testi kullan›larak gruplar aras›ndaki istatistiksel farkl›l›klar incelenmifltir. B Bu ul lg gu ul la ar r: : Her iki gruptaki bireylerin çi€neme kaslar›-n›n EMG aktivite de€erleri aras›nda istatistiksel olarak önemli farkl›l›k bulunamam›fl-t›r. Çene hareketleri karfl›laflt›r›ld›€›nda ise, sadece sentrik oklüzyondan kesici difllerin bafla bafl konumuna olan hareket yolunun vertikal komponenti, derin kapan›fll› bireylerde normal kapan›fl gösteren bireylere oranla daha uzun bulunmufltur (P<0,01). Sonuçlar: Sentrik oklüzyondan kesici difllerin bafla bafl konumuna olan hareket yolunun, derin kapan›fll› bireylerde uzun olma-s› TME ligamentleri ve disk üzerinde negatif etkiler yaratabilir. Ancak derin kapan›fll› bireylerin çi€neme kas aktiviteleri normal oklüzyonlu bireylerden farkl› de€ildir. (Türk

Sistema De Implantes Cortos. Parte II: Estabilidad De Tejidos Blandos

Revista Facultad De Odontologia Universidad De Antioquia, 2013

RESUMEN. Introducción: el propósito de este estudio fue evaluar la variación en la posición de los tejidos blandos alrededor de implantes cortos de doble fase quirúrgica, seis meses posterior a la restauración con coronas individuales cementadas extraoralmente. Métodos: se hicieron mediciones clínicas y radiográficas sobre restauraciones individuales metal-cerámicas en 22 pacientes, soportadas por implantes cortos Bicon ® (30 implantes), al momento de instalar la restauración y a los 6 meses poscarga. Las mediciones clínicas hechas fueron: distancia margen gingival-borde incisal (MG-BI), distancia vértice de papila-punto de contacto mesial (VP-PCM), distancia vértice de papila-punto de contacto distal (VP-PCD), distancia vértice de papila-ángulo incisomesial (VP-AIM), distancia vértice de papila-ángulo incisodistal (VP-AID), distancia margen gingival-línea mucogingival (MG-LMG), y las mediciones radiográficas hechas fueron: distancia cresta ósea-punto de contacto mesial (CO-PCM), distancia cresta ósea-punto de contacto distal (CO-PCD). Resultados: no se encontraron cambios estadísticamente significativos en las variables enunciadas, a excepción de la distancia VP-PCD que registró la medida de 2,55 mm al momento de la carga y de 1,49 mm a los 6 meses poscarga, y se reportó como una diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p = 0,003). Conclusión: los resultados muestran un comportamiento estable del tejido blando y del soporte óseo alrededor de los implantes, con un cambio favorable en la posición de las papilas y leve modificación hacia apical en la posición del margen gingival. Palabras clave: estabilidad de tejidos blandos, implante corto, restauración de diente único, cementación extraoral.

Anterior İskeletsel Açık Kapanışa Sahip Modellerde Ortognatik Model Cerrahisinde İki Farklı Yöntemin Etkinliklerinin Karşılaştırılması

DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2022

Objective: This study compares the success of the piezoelectric and conventional methods in orthognathic model surgery. Material and Method: In this study, plaster models obtained on phantom models were used. Anterior skeletal open bite models for maxillary subapical osteotomy planning were created and 50 maxilla models were included in the study. Twenty-five plaster models were prepared for model surgery with a piezoelectric device, and 25 models were prepared for subapical maxillary osteotomy surgery with a handpiece device. Statistical significance was accepted as (p<0.05). Results: The study was carried out on a total of 50 plaster models, 50% (n=25) of which were applied piezo surgery and 50% (n=25) of the handpiece method, at Van Yüzüncü Yıl University Faculty of Dentistry in 2022. According to the methods, no statistically significant difference was found between the incidence of model breakage on plaster (p>0.05). The osteotomy time of the plaster model in which piezosurgery was applied was statistically significantly higher than the plaster model with the handpiece applied (p=0.001; p<0.01). There was no statistically significant difference between osteotomy times in the plaster model with piezosurgery and the model fracture (p>0.05). According to the model fracture, there was no statistically significant difference between osteotomy times in the plaster model applied handpiece (p>0.05). Conclusion: In this study, it was observed that the surgical handpiece method was faster than the piezo surgical method in terms of the procedure time.