Sarkophage und Aschenkisten in Oslo (original) (raw)

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Aschenkisten und Sarkophage aus Poetovio Cover Page

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Aschenkisten und Sarkophage aus Poetovio, in: B. Porod - G. Koiner (Hrsg.), Römische Sarkophage. Akten des Internationalen Werkstattgesprächs Graz, 11.-13.10.2012, SchSt. Beih. 5 und Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Archäologie der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 12 (Graz 2015), 212-225 Cover Page

Zwei Orestes-Sarkophage

H. Schwarzer - H.-H. Nieswandt (Hrsg.), "Man kann es sich nicht prächtig genug vorstellen!" Festschrift für Dieter Salzmann zum 65. Geburtstag (2016) I 369-376

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Zwei Orestes-Sarkophage Cover Page

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Eine Aschenkiste und zwei Sarkophage mit Grabinschriften aus dem Gräberfeld südlich der Zivilstadt von Carnuntum Cover Page

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Lokale Sarkophage aus Nikopolis Cover Page

Die privaten Sarkophage des Neuen Reiches/Private Sarcophagi of the New Kingdom


Despite their importance among ancient Egyptian funerary goods and their often prominent display in modern museums and collections ancient Egyptian sarcophagi are rarely the subjects of comprehensive studies. In the past decades only five major investigations on stone coffins were undertaken by researchers, of whom only three were subsequently printed: In 1969 A. M. Donadoni Roveri published her account on the Old Kingdom Sarcophagi, in 1959 M.-L. Buhl her study on Anthropoid Late Egyptian Stone Sarcophagi and in 1935 W. C. Hayes published his book on the Royal Sarcophagi of the XVIII Dynasty. The extensive works on Middle Kingdom Sarcophagi (1989) by A. Schwab and New Kingdom Royal Sarcophagi of the post-Amarna period by E. Brock were never printed and are only available at certain University libraries. These fundamental studies laid the groundwork for the research on objects of the same kind. But with new finds emerging every year they not only deserve a renewed approach applying modern research methods, substantial gaps in the material of various time periods should also be filled. One such gap remains for the New Kingdom. Whereas Hayes dealt thoroughly with the royal specimens up until Amenhotep III., the later ones were left out of his study as well as the many examples owned by private officials that were produced during the five centuries of that period. This latter group of private sarcophagi is constituted of approximately 140 examples. These stone coffins are the subject of a PhD thesis currently written at the Institute of Egyptology in Leipzig. The thesis comprises a catalogue describing each object, their find spot and history of discovery, the social status and family relations of the owner as well as a detailed translation of the accompanying texts. But more importantly it also includes a comprehensive examination of numerous aspects concerning the genesis and development of private sarcophagi throughout the 18th, 19th and 20th dynasty and their estimated decline at the end of the New Kingdom: the origin, utilisation, and arrangement of the inscribed texts and representations, the usage and preferences of certain stones as raw material and the possible implications of them in comparison to earlier times and in regard to funerary beliefs or potential restrictions to royal convention, the manufacturing process and colouring, the distribution of the objects among the various cemeteries as well as an investigation of the status of the owners in relation to each other and to private officials with the same social standing but differing burial equipment.

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Die privaten Sarkophage des Neuen Reiches/Private Sarcophagi of the New Kingdom Cover Page

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Ein »attischer« Eroten-Sarkophag in Salona Cover Page

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Sepulkral-Allegorien auf dokimeischen Sarkophagen Cover Page

Orestes auf römischen Sarkophagen (Berlin 2005)


Griechische Mythen erobern im kaiserzeitlichen Rom einen neuen Bildraum - die Gräber. Unter den Reliefsarkophagen des 2. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. fällt eine kleine, in der Forschung wenig beachtete Gruppe ins Auge, die mit dem Mythos eines höchst problematischen Helden dekoriert war: Orestes. In einer detaillierten Analyse der 29 erhaltenen Sarkophagbilder erschließt Ruth Bielfeldt die kulturellen Beweggründe, die zur Rezeption dieses griechischen Mythos im römischen Sepulkralbereich geführt haben. Der Band ist die erste Monographie zu den Orest-Sarkophagen.

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Orestes auf römischen Sarkophagen (Berlin 2005) Cover Page

Die Aschenkisten von Poetovio und Celeia

Arheoloski Vestnik, 2014

The ossuaries of Poetovio belong to the most important representatives of funerary sculpture in this Roman colonia. On the one hand the relation between ossuaries and sarcophagi is of highest interest, on the other hand the distribution of ossuaries in the neighbourhood of Poetovio, e. g. in Celeia. Although there are contributions on this theme already by E. Diez (1948) and in recent times by B. Djurić (2001) the theme of the ossuaries is still challenging because of the question of dating the pieces by iconographical criteria.

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Die Aschenkisten von Poetovio und Celeia Cover Page