Organizational Culture in Higher Education Organizational Culture in Higher Education (original) (raw)
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Organizational Culture Types that Academicians Associate with Their Institutions
International Journal of Higher Education, 2018
This study, considering the sample of a university located in central Anatolia region, Turkey, aims to identify culture types that the academicians perceive in relevant with their institutions according to the 4 types of cultures (Clan, Adhocracy, Hierarchy, and Market) given in the Competing Values Framework by Cameron and Quinn. The study includes 205 academicians from different faculties and vocational schools as participants. The data was obtained from the Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument (OCAI) that has been prepared particularly for the research group. Analyzes of the data obtained in the study were carried out with statistical package programs as IBM SPSS Statistics 23 and Interactive Lisrel SSI 8.72. The demographic features of the academicians were determined with percentage and frequency analyzes and the mean and standard deviation statistics were used in determining the perception levels of organizational culture types which academicians associate with their u...
Organizational Culture in Higher Education: Learning from the Best
European Journal of Social Sciences Education and Research, 2016
In this paper we discuss organizational culture of higher education institutions whose components have been thoroughly described by authors such as Tierney (1988) and Valimaa (1998). We focused on the elements of organizational culture which outlines the identity of a higher education institution: why does the institution exist? How does the institution reach its goals and mission? What does the institution offer to its internal and external public? As such, we analyzed the mission, structure, governance and decision making processes, teaching and research in a comparative perspective: Harvard University (HU) and the University of Bucharest (UB), Romania. By looking into the organizational culture of the best, we learnt some lessons that may inspire, motivate and urge action if UB wants to progress so as to become one day a top leader in higher education worldwide.
Organizational Change and Culture in Universities as Non-profit Organizations
Chaffee and Tierney (1988) 1 argued " Institutions are certainly influenced by powerful external factors, such as demographics, economic, and political conditions, yet they are also shaped by strong forces that emanate from within. Thi s i nt erna l dy n amic h as its roo ts i n th e hist o ry of the organization and derives its force from the values, traditions, processes, and goals held by those most intimately involved in the organization's workings. The most fundamental construct of an organization, as of a society is its culture. An organization's culture is reflected in what is done, how it is done, and who is involved in doing it. It concerns decisions, actions, and communication both on an instrumental and symbolic level."
Organizational Culture at University: A Sample of a State University, Faculty of Education
Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, 2020
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Organizational culture is a vital element of effective management practices in universities. Lately, researchers are motivated to study on the organizational concept to provide managerial effectiveness in the universities. Furthermore, one should analyse the typologies of organizational culture to understand the organizational behaviours in higher education institutions. The purpose of this study is to explore the concept of current organizational culture at private universities in Kuala Lumpur so the effective management strategies will be developed. The Competing Values Framework was employed to identify the organizational culture type displayed by the university faculty. This framework assesses the dominant organizational culture based on four culture types: Clan, hierarchy, adhocracy, and market. According to the results of this study, private university faculty exhibits hierarchy culture type as dominant in the current situation. The hierarchy culture represents University as an organization that concentrates on internal maintenance with stable and where individuals follow procedures, and leaders effectively coordinate and organise activity to maintain a smooth running organisation. However, the strategic objectives of University emphasize the attributes of mainly adhocracy and clan culture types and market culture to some extent. This implies that private University's mission, goals, and strategic objectives are not mostly being met with the dominant current culture type. On the other hand, the second dominant culture type for University is the market culture which is mostly adequate to the strategic objectives of the university. The market culture organization concentrates on results to be achieved and the competition is the significant attribute in this type. Researches on organizational culture indicate that mission, goals and strategic objectives of an organization shouldn't conflict with the current culture and they must work together to enhance effectiveness of the organization
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Economics, Business, Entrepreneurship, and Finance (ICEBEF 2018), 2019
This study analyzes the organizational culture and organizational effectiveness at public universities that operate the Educational Institution of Education Personnel (EIEP) in Indonesia. A carefully developed organizational culture can be part of a strategy to harmonize the cultural expressions of members of the organization to improve the organizational effectiveness at the university. This study analyzes the effect of organizational culture on organizational effectiveness. Using the survey and quantitative approach, the research was conducted at 12 public universities in Indonesia with population of 11,262 lecturers and the sample of 108 lecturers. The data were analyzed by descriptive, SEM-PLS, and quadrant analyses. The results in general reveal that organizational culture and organizational effectiveness at 12 public universities are moderately high, but have not optimal yet. There are still several dimensions that need to be enhanced. Hypothesis testing shows that organizatio...