Spooky Action at No Distance (original) (raw)

On the Counter-Intuitiveness of Quantum Entanglement

On the Counter-Intuitiveness of Quantum Entanglement, 2012

There is a rather common dictum that quantum entanglement, a key feature of quantum mechanics, is counterintuitive. This assertion can be assigned not only to laypeople, but also to scientists engaged in quantum mechanics. How can we make sense of this? I elaborate the issue based on four intertwined aspects: First, on a theoretical level by introducing the fundamental differences between classical physics and quantum mechanics. This is mainly carried out along the lines of the EPR thought experiment and the corresponding perspectives of Einstein et al. and Schrödinger. Second, on an experimental level by illustrating the counter-intuitiveness of quantum entanglement in the context of a specific field of research. Namely quantum opto-mechanics, and more particularly the experimental setup of the research group Quantum Foundations and Quantum Information on the Nano- and Microscale at the University of Vienna. Third, on a personal level by utilizing my interviews conducted with members of this very research group. Fourth, on a philosophical level by exploiting key concepts of Gaston Bachelard’s epistemology, such as epistemological profile or scientific reason being instructed by fabricated experience. All of these four aspects are brought into contact to accomplish two tasks: On the one hand to flesh out the specifics and characteristics of counter-intuitiveness in the context of quantum entanglement. On the other hand to consider the question whether and how experimenting with quantum entanglement could assist in coping with its counter-intuitiveness, for example by familiarization. Overall, this thesis does not provide an in-depth analysis of these two main issues, but a plausible approach to and depiction of the subject matter.

On EPR Paradox, No Entanglement Theorem for Separate Particles and Consequences


EPR paper contains an error. Its correction leads to a conclusion that position and momentum of a particle can be defined precisely simultaneously, EPR paradox does not exist and uncertainty relations have nothing to do with quantum mechanics. Logic of the EPR paper shows that entangled states of separated particles do not exist and therefore there are no nonlocality in quantum mechanics. Bell's inequalities are never violated, and results of experiments, proving their violation, are shown to be false. Experiments to prove absence of nonlocality are proposed where Bell's inequalities are replaced by precise prediction. Interpretation of quantum mechanics in terms of classical field theory is suggested. Censorship against this paper is demonstrated.

On Quantum Entanglement


Quantum entanglement, a term coined by Erwin Schrodinger in 1935, is a mechanical phenomenon at the quantum level wherein the quantum states of two (or more) particles have to be described with reference to each other though these particles may be spatially separated. This phenomenon leads to paradox and has puzzled us for a long time. The behaviour of entangled particles is apparently inexplicable, incomprehensible and like magic at work. Locality has been a reliable and fruitful principle which has guided us to the triumphs of twentieth century physics. But the consequences of the local laws in quantum theory could seem "spooky" and nonlocal, with some theorists questioning locality itself. Could two subatomic particles on opposite sides of the universe be really instantaneously connected? Is any theory which predicts such a connection essentially flawed or incomplete? Are the results of experiments which demonstrate such a connection being misinterpreted? These questions challenge our most basic concepts of spatial distance and time. Modern physics is in the process of dismantling the space all around us and the universe will never be the same. Quantum entanglement involves the utilisation of cutting edge technology and will bring great benefits to society. This paper traces the development of quantum entanglement and presents some possible explanations for the strange behaviour of entangled particles. This paper is published in an international journal.

Entanglement: A myth introducing non-locality in any quantum theory

The purposes of the present article are: a) To show that non-locality leads to the transfer of certain amounts of energy and angular momentum at very long distances, in an absolutely strange and unnatural manner, in any model reproducing the quantum mechanical results. b) To prove that non-locality is the result only of the zero spin state assumption for distant particles, which explains its presence in any quantum mechanical model. c) To reintroduce locality, simply by denying the existence of the zero spin state in nature (the so-called highly correlated, or EPR singlet state) for particles non-interacting with any known field. d) To propose a realizable experiment to clarify if two remote (and thus non-interacting with a known field) particles, supposed to be correlated as in Bell-type experiments, are actually in zero spin state.

The myth of spooky action at a distance in quantum mechanics

We disprove the notion that there are non-local interactions, sometimes termed "spooky action at a distance," between measurements made on widely separated entangled particles. Both basic quantum theory and stochastic simulations demonstrate that locality is a fundamental characteristic of quantum entanglement. The basic stochastic principle that the probability of a quantum event occurring is equal to the magnitude squared of the local wave function is shown to produce the observed behavior in quantum experiments. Bell models and inequalities fail to accurately model quantum mechanics because the Bell models are based on deterministic local realism rather than local stochastic behavior, not because of any nonlocal quantum effects. We also show that the behavior of entangled quanta can be accurately modeled by including hidden variables imposed by a common source.

On the EPR paradox and local causality principle

Formulas for calculating the joint probability of outcomes of measurements performed on mutually non-interacting component systems of a combined system prepared in an entangled state are presented. The formulas are based on non-relativistic quantum mechanics. The main result of this article is providing an interpretation of the joint probability which conforms to the principle of local causality. A possible flaw in earlier interpretations leading to the EPR paradox is discussed. The joint probability of outcomes of spin measurements performed on a system of two spatially separated spin-1/2 particles in the singlet state is used to illustrate the proposed interpretation of theoretical and experimental results.