Glacial and post-glacial sedimentary processes in the Irish Rockall Trough from an integrated acoustic analysis of near-seabed sediments (original) (raw)

Controls on Submarine Canyon Development Along the Eastern Margin of the Rockall Trough


Deep towed sidescan sonar data from the Rockall Trough, west of Ireland, provides an example of how shallow sedimentary facies architecture and slope morphology, related to major submarine canyons, evolve in a deep-water basin straddling the transition from a glaciated to a non-glaciated basin margin. In the north (54° to 56° N), glacial influences were overwhelming and a stacked sequence

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Controls on Submarine Canyon Development Along the Eastern Margin of the Rockall Trough Cover Page

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A new look at the Rockall region, offshore Ireland Cover Page

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The Rockall Bank Mass Flow: Collapse of a moated contourite drift onlapping the eastern flank of Rockall Bank, west of Ireland Cover Page

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Late Cenozoic sediment drift complex, northeast Rockall Trough, North Atlantic Cover Page

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Upper crustal fluid migration: an example from the Variscides of SW Ireland Cover Page

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Burst resuspension of seabed material at the foot of the continental slope in the Rockall Channel Cover Page

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Deep-water geomorphology of the glaciated Irish margin from high-resolution marine geophysical data Cover Page

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Marine geophysical investigations : Rockall Trough to Porcupine Seabright Cover Page

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Rockall Trough-Cretaceous or Late Palaeozoic Cover Page

The geology, crustal structure and evolution of the Rockall Trough and the Faeroe-Shetland Channel

Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section B. Biological Sciences, 1986

SynopsisFrom direct sampling, the deeper Rockall Trough and Faeroe-Shetland Channel are known to have a Tertiary-Quaternary sedimentary sequence up to 3000 m thick, which is in places, particularly in the north, underlain by early Tertiary basaltic volcanic rocks. The seamounts in the Rockall Trough are of basic volcanics of probable Upper Cretaceous age. The eastern shelf areas have a rifted basement of Precambrian-Devonian (-?Carboniferous) age, overlain by Permian + Mesozoic sedimentary rocks that reach 5000 m in thickness in rift basins. Tertiary sediments thicken rapidly from the shelf into deep water. The western shelf areas have extensive early Tertiary basalts from the Faeroe Islands to the southern part of Rockall Bank. A thin Tertiary—Quaternary cover exists and Precambrian basement lies beneath.The pre-Tertiary geology of the deep water areas and the overall crustal structure have been inferred from geophysical investigations. In the Rockall Trough the crust is of oceanic...

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The geology, crustal structure and evolution of the Rockall Trough and the Faeroe-Shetland Channel Cover Page