Interactive maps for exploring spatial data (original) (raw)

The GIS Manual 1 CHAPTER 42 Interactive Maps for Exploring Spatial Data


A hallmark of modern geographic information system (GIS) software is its capability for user interaction. Interactivity—referring here to the myriad ways that a system, or data represented in a system, can change according to user input—is now ubiquitous enough in computerized information systems that it is often taken for granted. However, interactivity

The challenge of analyzing geovisualization tool use: Taking a visual approach

20th International Cartographic …, 2001

Over the past decade, there has been a dramatic change in map forms and map-based analysis. In the past, maps have been designed by cartographers to be studied and interpreted by users. Today there are widely available mapping environments that allow users to generate their own maps and dynamically manipulate parameters of those maps. Although research advances in dynamic mapping are being rapidly incorporated in commercial mapping and GIS products, little is understood about the use of interactive maps or how that use influences tasks such as knowledge construction or decision-making. One of the most serious impediments to developing this understanding is that we lack methods and tools to study dynamic map use. This paper presents a framework for the development of a software environment that will facilitate cognitive and usability studies directed to understanding use and improving usefulness of interactive geovisualization environments.

6. Geographic Visualization

Geographic visualizations always played an important role in human history, especially in the earth sciences, long before computer visualizations became popular. The earliest examples of geographic visualization even date back to the stone age with map-like wall paintings depicting the surroundings of our ancestors. Since then cartography, the art and science of map-making, has evolved continuously until today. This is why computer-based geographic visualization can build upon a large base of established cartographic knowledge. Well-known examples of static visualizations beyond geographic maps are thematic maps that display the spatial pattern of a theme such as climate characteristics or population density. Moreover, the use of modern visualization technology offers many new possibilities for geographical visualization tasks. These visualizations may help to explore, understand, and communicate spatial phenomena. Many readers will have a vague idea of what geographic visualization is about. Nonetheless, to avoid misconceptions, the most common definitions of the term geovisualization (short for geographic visualization) will be given. The following notion according to the 2001 research agenda of the International Cartographic Association (ICA) Commission on Visualization and Virtual Environments is most widely accepted today: " Geovisualization integrates approaches from visu-alization in scientific computing (ViSC), cartography, image analysis, information visualization, exploratory data analysis (EDA), and geographic information systems (GISystems) to provide theory, methods and tools for visual exploration, analysis, synthesis, and presentation of geospatial data " [530]. Others take a more human-centered view and describe geovisualization as " the creation and use of visual representations to facilitate thinking, understanding, and knowledge construction about geospatial data " [515] or as " the use of visual geospatial displays to explore data and through that exploration to generate hypotheses, develop problem solutions and construct knowledge " [474]. There are a few immediate observations from these definitions. It is clear that geovisualization research is a multidisciplinary task. Since it is the human who uses visualizations to explore data and construct knowledge, effective geovisualization techniques must above all take the user needs into account. The chapter is structured as follows. First, the range of possible goals of geovisualization and its driving forces are described in Section 6.1 and 6.2, respectively. Then, Section 6.3 looks at some perceptual issues and theoretical results in geovisualization. The main part of the survey, Section 6.4, covers a va

Computational and Visual Support for Exploratory Geovisualization and Knowledge Construction


In this research, we explore the integration of computational and visual approaches, to contribute to the analysis of complex geospatial data. Computational analysis based on the SOM is used in a framework for data mining, knowledge discovery and spatial analysis, for uncovering the structure, patterns, relationships and trends in the data. The framework is informed by current understanding of the effective application of visual variables for cartographic and information design, by developing theories on interface metaphors for geospatial information displays, and by previous empirical studies of map and information visualization effectiveness. It is used to facilitate the knowledge construction process by supporting user's exploratory tasks in a number of ways, including a scenario for better use of the representational spaces. The ultimate goal is to support visual data mining and exploration, and gain insights into underlying distributions, patterns and trends, and thus contr...

Evaluating the usability of visualization methods in an exploratory geovisualization environment


The use of new representation forms and interactive means to visualize geospatial data requires an understanding of the impact of the visual tools used for data exploration and knowledge construction. Use and usability assessment of implemented methods and tools is an important part of our efforts to build this understanding. Based on an approach to combine visual and computational methods for knowledge discovery in large geospatial data, an integrated visualization-geocomputation environment has been developed based on the Self-Organizing Map (SOM), the map and the parallel coordinate plot. This environment allows patterns and attribute relationships to be explored. A use and usability assessment is conducted to evaluate the ability of each of these visual representations to meet user performance and satisfaction goals. In the test, different representations are compared while exploring a socio-demographic dataset.

Representation and its Relationship with Cartographic Visualization

Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 2001

A research agenda is presented which addresses the current role and potential of map displays. By considering the geospatial data used in visualization, the form and design of maps, the purposes for which map displays are created, the nature of the map user community, and the technology employed to visualize geospatial data, a thorough overview of the nature of cartographic visualization is given. Under the same themes, and sourced in cartographic tradition, cartographic practice and technological opportunities, a series of possible research avenues are highlighted. The important links between representation and the user interface, map user cognition and the geospatial database are stressed.

On the relevance of cartography – An interaction design perspective

Proceedings of the ICA, 2019

We see more cartographic products in our digital world than ever before. But what role does cartography play in the modern production of cartographic products? In this position paper, we will argue that the democratization and diffusion of cartographic production has also led to the presumed "fading relevance" of cartography. As an argument against this notion, we highlight starting points for the field of cartography to improve modern cartographic production through its inherent cartographic knowledge.

Interacting with GIS: from paper cartography to virtual environments


1. Introduction 2. Cognitive science aspects of GIS 2.1. Perceptual aspects of maps 2.2. Semiotic aspects of maps 2.3. Navigation using maps 2.4. Cognitive maps: internal representation of space 2.4.1. Cognitive spatial development in children 2.4.2. Cognitive spatial development in adults 2.4.3. Accuracy of spatial knowledge from maps 2.4.4. The influence of the environment 2.5. Design issues for navigational maps 3. Multimedia and hypermedia systems 3.1. Components of hypermedia 3.1.1. Common features of nodes and links 3.1.2. Nodes 3.1.3.

Guest editorial: map interaction

GeoInformatica, 2017

Spatial information and especially maps have become ubiquitous: many websites rely on maps for different purposes. Maps are used on mobile devices, for navigation systems, in analysis and planning tools, for information visualization, or in gaming. In many cases, these maps are not a static picture but support interaction, e.g. in order to change the displayed area, to find specific sites of interest, or even to edit the map and/or its underlying information. While map-making has a long tradition and consequently benefits from a large body of research to draw from, this is not true for map interaction. In contrast to map-making, there is no agreed-upon set of rules or guidelines that have emerged with respect to how to design interaction with maps. When looking at different popular web services or applications that use interactive maps, a broad range of different approaches become apparent. How we work with interactive maps thus is not only inconsistent across systems but can also be quite awkward. Even simple queries can require a lot of interaction, and the formulation of complex queries is sometimes not even possible-although we know more about the user, the context, and the task than ever before. Given the rapid proliferation of interactive maps and our increasing dependency on them (e.g. in the context of location-based services), a