Measurement of Beam Losses at the Australian Synchrotron (original) (raw)

X-Ray and Optical Diagnostic Beamlines at the Australian Synchrotron Storage Ring

Two diagnostic beamlines have been designed and constructed for the Australian Synchrotron Storage Ring [1]. One diagnostic beamline is a simple x-ray pinhole camera system, with a BESSY II style pinhole array [2], designed to measure the beam divergence, size and stability. The second diagnostic beamline uses an optical chicane to extract the visible light from the photon beam and transports it to various instruments. The end-station of the optical diagnostic beamline is equipped with a streak camera, a fast ICCD camera, a CCD camera and a Fill Pattern Monitor to analyse and optimise the electron beam using the visible synchrotron light.

Storage ring turn-by-turn BPMS at the Australian Synchrotron

2007 IEEE Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC), 2007

The Australian Synchrotron's Storage Ring is equipped with a full compliment of 98 Libera Electron Beam Position Processors from I-Tech (EBPPs) . The EBPPs are capable of measuring beam position data at turn-byturn (TBT) rates and have long history buffers. TBT data from the EBPPs has been used to determine the linear optics of the storage ring lattice using techniques developed at other facilities. This is a useful complement to other methods of determining the linear optics such as LOCO. Characteristics of the EBPPs such as beam current dependence have been studied during commissioning and will also be presented.

Newly Installed Beam Diagnostics at the Australian Synchrotron

The Australian Synchrotron (AS) is aiming at imple-menting Top-Up operations in 2012. To reduce costs only one of the two klystrons in the linac will be used. The electron beam in the linac will only be accelerated to 80 MeV, instead of 100 MeV achieved currently. The injec-tion system will need to be recommissioned. The beam position monitors in the booster have been upgraded and YAG:Ce screens have been added to the booster-to-storage ring (BTS) transfer line. In addition the injection efficiency will be optimized and monitored. For this purpose another Fast Current Transformer has also been installed at the end of the BTS.

Fast Measurements of the Electron Beam Transverse Size and Position on SOLEIL Storage Ring

10th International Beam Instrumentation Conference (IBIC'21), Pohang, Rep. of Korea, 24-28 May 2021, 2021

On SOLEIL storage ring, three beamlines are dedicated to electron beam diagnostics: two in the X-ray range and one in the visible range. The visible range beamline uses the synchrotron radiation which is emitted in one of the ring dipoles and further extracted by a slotted mirror operated in surf-mode (surfing on the upper part of the synchrotron layer). The radiation in the visible range is then transported towards a diagnostic hutch in the experimental hall, allowing electron beam imaging at the source point onto a standard CCD camera. In the perspective of prototyping works for the eventually forthcoming upgrade of SOLEIL, and for the ongoing commissioning of a new Multipole Injection Kicker (MIK), we recently installed in this hutch two new branches ended by two new cameras (a KALYPSO system and a standard CMOS camera). We report in this paper the first results obtained on those branches.

A new detector for photon beam position monitoring designed for synchrotron radiation beamlines

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2002

For the latest generation of SR sources, local bump orbit feedback systems are being developed for the improvement of the stability of the delivered radiation. The high brightness beamlines using undulator radiation are the most sensitive to electron beam oscillations. Therefore, Photon Beam Position Monitors (PBPM) are being built as detectors of beam movement and as references for feedback systems. The PBPM must not be destructive and has to be suitable for continuous usage. Usual storage ring configurations permit a significant part of the radiation coming from the upstream and downstream dipoles to be superimposed with the undulator radiation. A novel detector, based on spectroscopic techniques, has been developed at ELETTRA. It can be tuned on the working energy of the undulator from a few eV to some keV. A detailed description of the detector layout and its working principle is presented. Its performance with respect to the stability requirements of the beam of synchrotron radiation is also analysed. r 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. (A. Galimberti). 0168-9002/02/$ -see front matter r 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. PII: S 0 1 6 8 -9 0 0 2 ( 0 1 ) 0 1 8 4 5 -9

Impedance Effects in the Australian Synchrotron Storage Ring

The Australian Synchrotron (AS) is a 3rd generation light source facility located in Melbourne, Australia. Com-missioning was conducted in 2006, with beamline opera-tions commencing in April 2007. The 3 GeV storage ring is 216 metres in circumference and can store a ...

Development of a Fiber-Optic Beam Loss Position Monitor for the Advanced Photon Source Storage Ring

An array of fused-silica, fiber optic bundles has been built to spatially monitor e-beam loss in the APS storage ring (SR). A prototype beam loss position monitor (BLPM) has been installed on unoccupied undulator straight sec-tions. The BLPM allows for 6 fiber bundles, 3 above and 3 below the beam. The center bundles are aligned with the beam axis. Presently, 4 bundles are used, 3 above and one in the center position below the beam. Each bundle is 3 m in length and composed of 61 220-µm-diameter fibers for a total aperture of 2 mm. The first 30 cm of each bundle are aligned parallel to the beam in contact with the vac-uum chamber. The rest of the fiber acts as a light pipe to transmit photons to shielded PMTs. Tests show good signal strength during stored-beam mode from Touschek scattering and deterministic losses that occur during top-up injection and beam dumps. Light generated by fast elec-trons within the fibers is thought to come primarily from Cherenkov radiation. Post-injecti...

Beam instrumentation for the Ultra-low energy Storage Ring (USR)

Hyperfine Interactions, 2012

The electrostatic Ultra-low energy Storage Ring (USR) at the future Facility for Low energy Antiproton and Ion Research (FLAIR) will make available antiprotons from 300 keV down to 20 keV beam energy. This multipurpose machine puts challenging demands on the beam instrumentation due to the varied bunch structure (ultra-short bunches of 1-2 ns up to a quasi-DC beam structure on the other), together with variable very low beam energies, ultra-low currents of down to 1 nA (or even less in the transfer lines which means less than 2 × 10 7 particles). Thus, the development of new diagnostic devices is required as most of the standard techniques are not suitable. Within the QUASAR Group, the necessary beam instrumentation for the commissioning phase and standard operation of the USR, as well as advanced techniques such as a gas curtain-jet beam profile monitor, have been developed and prototypes of all devices have been built up. This paper presents the design of all beam diagnostics devices for the USR and summarizes the results from first measurements.