Shapes of nonbuoyant round hydrocarbon-fueled laminar-jet diffusion flames in still air (original) (raw)

An Experimental Investigation of the Laminar Flamelet Concept for Soot Properties

45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 2007

The soot properties of round, nonbuoyant, laminar jet diffusion flames are described, based on experiments at microgravity carried out on orbit during three flights of the Space Shuttle Columbia, (Flights STS-83, 94 and 107). Experimental conditions included ethyleneand propane-fueled flames burning in still air at an ambient temperature of 300 K and ambient pressures of 35-100 kPa. Measurements included soot volume fraction distributions using deconvoluted laser extinction imaging, and soot temperature distributions using deconvoluted multiline emission imaging. Flowfield modeling based on the work of Spalding is presented. The present work explores whether soot properties of these flames are universal functions of mixture fraction, i.e., whether they satisfy soot state relationships. Measurements are presented, including radiative emissions and distributions of soot temperature and soot volume fraction. It is shown that most of the volume of these flames is bounded by the dividing streamline and thus should follow residence time state relationships. Most streamlines from the fuel supply to the surroundings are found to exhibit nearly the same maximum soot volume fraction and temperature. The radiation intensity along internal streamlines also is found to have relatively uniform values. Finally, soot state relationships were observed, i.e., soot volume fraction was found to correlate with estimated mixture fraction for each fuel/pressure selection. These results support the existence of soot property state relationships for steady nonbuoyant laminar diffusion flames, and thus in a large class of practical turbulent diffusion flames through the application of the laminar flamelet concept.

Structure of soot-containing laminar jet diffusion flames

31st Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 1993

The structure and soot properties of round, soot-emitting, nonbuoyant, laminar jet diffusion ames are described, based on long-duration (175-230-s) experiments at microgravity carried out on orbit in the Space Shuttle Columbia. Experimental conditions included ethylene-fueled ames burning in still air at nominal pressures of 50 and 100 kPa and an ambient temperature of 300 K with luminous ame lengths of 49-64 mm. Measurements included luminous ame shapes using color video imaging, soot concentration (volume fraction) distributions using deconvoluted laser extinction imaging, soot temperature distributions using deconvoluted multiline emission imaging, gas temperature distributions at fuel-lean (plume) conditions using thermocouple probes, soot structure distributions using thermophoretic sampling and analysis by transmission electron microscopy, and ame radiation using a radiometer. The present ames were larger, and emitted soot more readily, than comparable ames observed during ground-based microgravity experiments due to closer approach to steady conditions resulting from the longer test times and the reduced gravitational disturbances of the space-based experiments. Nomenclature

Soot properties of laminar jet diffusion flames in microgravity

Combustion and Flame, 2009

The soot properties of round, non-buoyant, laminar jet diffusion flames are described, based on experiments carried out in microgravity conditions during three flights of the Space Shuttle Columbia (Flights STS-83, 94 and 107). Experimental conditions included ethylene-and propane-fueled flames burning in still air at an ambient temperature of 298 K and ambient pressures of 35-100 kPa. Measurements included soot volume fraction distributions using deconvolved laser extinction imaging and soot temperature distributions using deconvolved multiline emission imaging. Mixture fractions were estimated from the temperature measurements. Flow field modeling based on the work of Spalding is presented. It is shown that most of the volume of these flames is inside the dividing streamline and thus should follow residence time state relationships. Most streamlines from the fuel supply to the surroundings exhibit nearly the same maximum soot volume fraction and maximum temperature. The present work studies whether soot properties of these flames are universal functions of mixture fraction, i.e., whether they satisfy soot state relationships. Soot state relationships were observed, i.e., soot volume fraction was found to correlate reasonably well with estimated mixture fraction for each fuel/pressure selection. These results support the existence of soot property state relationships in steady non-buoyant laminar diffusion flames, and thus in a large class of practical turbulent diffusion flames through the application of the laminar flamelet concept.

Fuel preheat effects on soot-field structure in laminar gas jet diffusion flames burning in 0-g and 1-g

Combustion and Flame, 1999

An experimental investigation conducted at the 2.2-s drop tower of the NASA Lewis Research Center is presented to quantify the influence of moderate fuel preheat on soot-field structure within 0-g laminar gas jet diffusion flames. Parallel work in 1-g is also presented to delineate the effect of elevated fuel temperatures on soot-field structure in buoyant flames. The experimental methodology implements jet diffusion flames of nitrogen-diluted acetylene fuel burning in quiescent air at atmospheric pressure. Fuel preheat of ϳ100 K in the 0-g laminar jet diffusion flames is found to reduce soot loadings in the annular region, but causes an increase in soot volume fractions at the centerline. In addition, fuel preheat reduces the radial extent of the soot field in 0-g. In 1-g, the same fuel preheat levels have a more moderated influence on soot loadings in the annular region, but are also seen to enhance soot concentrations near the axis low in the flame. The increased soot loadings near the flame centerline, as caused by fuel preheat, are consistent with the hypothesis that preheat levels of ϳ100 K enhance fuel pyrolysis rates. The results show that the growth stage of particles transported along the soot annulus is shortened both in 1-g and 0-g when elevated fuel temperatures are used.

Soot Surface Growth in Laminar Hydrocarbon/Air Diffusion Flames

AIAA Journal, 2003

The structure and soot surface growth properties of round laminar jet diffusion flames were studied experimentally. Measurements were made along the axes of ethylene-, propylenepropane-and acetylene-benzene-fueled flames burning in coflowing air at atmospheric pressure with the reactants at normal temperature. The measurements included soot structure, soot concentrations, soot temperatures, major gas species concentrations, some radial species (H, OH and O) concentrations, and gas velocities. These measurements yielded the local flame properties that are thought to affect soot surface growth as well as local soot surface growth rates. When present results were combined with similar earlier observations of acetylene-fueled laminar jet diffusion flames, the results suggested that soot surface growth involved decomposition of the original fuel to form acetylene and H, which were the main reactants for soot surface growth, and that the main effect of the parent fuel on soot surface growth involved

Role of fluid-dynamics in soot formation and microstructure in acetylene-air laminar diffusion flames

International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics, 2015

Residence time and thermo-chemical environment are important factors in the soot-formation process in flames. Studies have revealed that flow-dynamics plays a dominant role in soot formation process. For understanding the effect of flow dynamics on soot formation and physical structure of the soot formed in different combustion environments two types of laminar diffusion flames of Acetylene and air, a normal diffusion flame (NDF) and an inverse diffusion flame (IDF) have been investigated. The fuel and air supply in the reaction zone in two flame types were kept constant but the interchange of relative position of fuel and air altered the burner exit Reynolds and Froude numbers of gases, fuel/ air velocity ratio and flame shape. Soot samples were collected using thermophoretic sampling on transmission electron microscope (TEM) grids at different flame heights and were analyzed off-line in a Transmission Electron Microscope. Soot primary particle size, soot aggregate size and soot volume fraction were measured using an image analysis software. In NDF the maximum flame temperature was about 1525 K and 1230 K for IDF. The soot primary particles are distinctly smaller in size in IDF (between 19-26 nm) compared to NDF (between 29-34 nm). Both NDF and IDF show chainlike branched structure of soot agglomerate with soot particles of a nearly spherical shape. The average number of soot primary particles per aggregate in NDF was in the range of 24 to 40 and in IDF it varied between 16 to 24. Soot volume fraction was between 0.6 to 1.5 ppm in NDF where as it was less than 0.2 ppm in IDF. The change in sooting characteristics of the two flame types is attributed to changed fuel/air velocity ratio, entrainment of gas molecules and thermophoresis on soot particles.

Soot volume fractions in the overfire region of turbulent diffusion flames

Combustion and Flame, 1990

Overfire soot volume fractions and mixture fractions, flame heights, and characteristic flame residence times, were measured for turbulent acetylene, propylene, ethylene and propane diffusion flames burning in still air. Test conditions ranged from highly buoyant pool-like flames to buoyant jet flames, using three burners (with exit diameters of 5, 50, and 234 mm) and a wide range of fuel flow rates. Soot generation efficiencies (the percentage of fuel carbon converted to soot and emitted from the flame) were uniform throughout the overfire region for a given flame condition. Soot generation efliciencies increased with increasing flame residence times but tended to approach asymptotic values for residence times roughly ten times longer than residence times at the normal smoke point. Within the asymptotic region, soot volume fractions are directly related to mixing levels, analogous to the laminar flamelet concept for nonpremixed flames, which offers substantial simplifications for analysis of the continuum radiation properties of the overfire region. NOMENCLATURE a acceleration of gravity Cp specific heat at constant pressure d burner exit diameter dp soot particle diameter f mixture fraction fv soot volume fraction L flame height Mi moles of species i for stoichiometric combustion Qf heat release rate Q* dimensionless heat release parameter (Eq. 1) Qr radiative heat loss fraction r radial distance Re burner Reynolds number Ri burner Richardson number T temperature u streamwise velocity x height above burner Greek Symbols h wavelength v kinematic viscosity


Combustion Science and Technology, 2006

A methodology for the estimation of the soot volume fraction in a three-dimensional laminar diffusion flame is presented. All experiments are conducted in microgravity and have as objective producing quantitative data that can serve to estimate radiative heat transfer in flames representative of fires in spacecraft. The competitive nature of formation and oxidation of soot and its direct coupling with the streamlines (source of oxygen) require for these measurements to be conducted within the exact configuration. Thus three-dimensional measurements are needed. Ethylene is injected through a square porous burner and the oxidizer flows parallel to its surface. The methodology uses CH * chemiluminescence measurements to correct for three-dimensional effects affecting light attenuation measurements. Corrected local soot concentrations are thus obtained. All experiments are conducted during parabolic flights and the parameters varied are fuel and oxidizer flow rates. Keywords diffusion flame soot microgravity fire safety Shortened title Sooting quantification in a non-buoyant laminar diffusion flame