The Importance of Social Networks as a Tool for Employer Branding from the Viewpoint of Slovak Consumers

EUREKA: Social and Humanities

Social networks are a phenomenon that has become a regular part of life for the majority of consumers and they spend much of free time there. With the increasing popularity of social networks, the possibilities of their use are also expanding. Recently, the trend of social networks has also penetrated into the personnel marketing. Due to the current situation on the labour market, in addition to traditional techniques, companies have begun to use the tools of the social networks to recruit employees and build their employer brands. The aim of this article is to define the theoretical basis of social networks and their usage in employer branding from the viewpoint of domestic (Slovak) and foreign authors. This includes an analysis of the practical usage of social networks in employer branding. The secondary data for the analysis were obtained from annual companies reports, statistical tables and published professional publications. In order to determine the perception of social netwo...

Application of Social Media for Personal Branding: A Conceptual Review

The International Journal of Business & Management, 2020

Introduction The enormous embracing of social media has turned the Web into a social space and has provided unique ways of supporting social processes along with the management of data, information, and knowledge (Razmerita, Kirchner, & Nabeth, 2014; Siriwardane & Dissanayake, 2018). In the past decades it has witnessed a harsh increase in the use and popularity of social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Twitter which are increasingly embedded into the structures, forms and processes of everyday communication (Herold, 2018). Alongside, social media comprises a wide range of online, word-of-mouth forums including blogs, company sponsored discussion boards and chat rooms, consumer-to-consumer e-mail, consumer product or service ratings websites and forums, internet discussion boards and forums, and social networking websites, to name a few (Dahlhoff, 2016). The 21st century is observing an explosion of internet-based messages transmitted through these media. They have become a major factor in influencing various aspects of consumer behavior including awareness, information acquisition, opinions, attitudes, purchase behavior, and post-purchase communication and evaluation (Mangold & Faulds, 2009). The usage of social media is increasing sharply in the past few decades and the social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram increasingly rooted into the forms of day today communication (Cara Brems, 201 7; Siriwardane et al., 2018). The digital era demands industries to transform their business models specially emerging economies (Rassool & Dissanayake, 2019). Supportively, role of social media has been a pivotal matter for marketing communication that results competitiveness. Thus, the development of information and communication technology has made branding easier resulting more relationships with consumers (Siriwardane et al., 2018). With the rapid embracement of social media, the boundaries between private life and professional life has been darkened. In the late 1990s, the term "Personal Branding" was developed and tend to digitalize with the user-friendly nature of social media environment like Blog, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn (Kleppinger, Cain, & Pharm, 2015). It denotes that social media has made communication on different levels convenient and affordable and it provides a good platform for branding at a cheaper price. Everyone has a personal brand, whether they knew it or not. It's how a person is viewed by others. The most important thing is that the person is the one that creates the perception others have on himself (Cleveland, Jodi, Philbrick, & Ana, 2015). Personal branding is personal perception or emotion for a person which is considered as a unique personal identity. Same as product branding, personal branding requires capturing and promoting a person's uniqueness and strengths to a target market (Labrecque, Markos, & George, 2011).

Personal Branding: An Insight into Social Media Marketing

In this era of technology-driven society, the usage of traditional modes of communication and marketing are in a waning stage. This is where digital marketing plays an important role. This style of marketing has received great recognition due to the hearty acceptance of technologies and the great immersion of individuals into the cyber world. Internet and e-commerce have found a distinct place in man's life for making ways to comfort and wide access. Internet is of wide access and social media is one of the biggest elements which cover data usage. Personal branding is now required for any individual to hold their foot onto the field they aspire to establish on. Personal branding through social media is the most viable option which also provides wide access to communities, groups, and interested individuals. This, in turn, creates a feasible marketing opportunity. This study intends to bring out different social media marketing techniques that have been adopted for personal branding in the most prominent social media platforms viz. Face book, Instagram and LinkedIn. The study found that different social media use different techniques and offer varied advantages which could be used in favour of the individual intending to go for personal branding. Also, merely creation of an account would not lead to branding, and each social media has its distinct features and areas of marketing and target customers. This should also be taken into account while posting or uploading for building a brand.

Personal Branding and Brand Loyalty, Social Network Users Brand Identification: Polish-French Model

Social network brand sites are increasingly attracting the attention of scientists and managers intrigued by their potential application for brand value creation. The aim of this research, based on a multinational sample, is to fill the gap in understanding how users choose among social networking sites as an act of brand identification. The authors of the paper point to the fact that creating a personal brand is becoming more and more important to today's social media users and may be significant from the point of view of commercial brand value creation in social networks. The study presents a Customer Social Network Brand Identification Model (CsnBI) created for Polish and French populations, analysed with the use of a structural equal modelling method. Research sample based on 346 sample cases was gathered across Poland and France among Facebook users from May to June 2016. The presented model reveals that personal branding is a planned effect of social network users' identification with a brand and that personal branding is stronger than the brand loyalty effect of the CsnBI. These findings lead to interesting practical implications. Namely, social network users' identification with the brand does not have to lead to strong loyalty understood as purchasing a product on regular basis. As opposed to real-life participants, social network users do not need to own branded products to use their image. Thus, from a practical point of view, in order to build the capital of a commercial value on Facebook it is necessary to issue content which focuses on the users and their self-presentation, and not on the brand. A commercial brand, therefore, in order to be effective, ought not to be the subject of the content presented on its own fan page, and ought not to be the centre of its attention. Our study helps understand mechanisms of brand value creation through social media in a better and more complete way.

How do entrepreneurs build their personal brand through social media

In the 21st century, the era of being competitive in the market, not only firms concentrate all their efforts to build a strong brand, but also create an entrepreneurial brand is critical. Despite of all the importance of branding for organizations, it seems that behind any successful company, it was a productive and creative entrepreneur who put all their efforts to build a durable brand. Branding could have quite the same role for people who are seeking to achieve their personal and professional goals. The concept of personal branding mentioned by Peters in 1997, for the first time, in his article with the name of "The Brand Called You" in Fast Company magazine (Chritton, 2012). Deckers and Lacy (2013), define personal branding as a creation of the appropriate kind of emotional response that individuals wish perceived by people who hear their names, see them on the web, or even meet them. Through personal branding, people can differentiate themselves for their target audiences. Moreover, it would be a strong tool to have a consistent message about who the person is and what they want to propose. Labrecque, Markos and Milne (2011) believe that personal branding involves special challenges which primarily has stemmed from the nature of online complexity. As a result, it seems that social network and online web pages provide opportunities and threats for people to build their own brand. By growth of the internet and personal web pages, the platform for self-expression and self-presentation have created (Vazire & Gosling, 2004). Elements on personal web pages and social media contain individual information, photographs, design and outline of choices (Labrecque, Markos, & Milne, 2011) which may support a person to differentiate themselves from others. The goal of social web pages is not just creating a personal web site but it also because of self-realization (Hemetsberger, 2005). Brand positioning is the dynamic communication of a person’s brand identity to a specific target market and people apply it to emphasize their positive qualifications that present value to their target audiences and simultaneously differentiate themselves from other individuals (Labrecque, Markos, & Milne, 2011). They believe that on social web pages, brand positioning would be achievable by maintaining a consistent message and image through social network. Personal branding specially for entrepreneurs would be a new trend in the future that they will find it necessary for their businesses. Crane (2013), believes that most of entrepreneurs need to consider viral marketing as a cheap and effective way to convey their messages. This author, also highlights that social media play significant role to flourish or crash a brand. There is a big gap between what companies should do to build their brand on social media and individuals such as entrepreneurs should apply to create their own brand, because of limited academic and practical study about harness of personal branding on social media (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010; Hsu & Tsou, 2011). This is a theoretical study that tries to achieve its objectives which are fill this gap by answering how entrepreneurs build their personal brand through social media and highlight the critical role of social media as an appropriate tool for personal branding for entrepreneurs.

Psychosocial Context of Building a Personal Brand in Social Media

Przedsiębiorczość i Zarządzanie, 2019

Building a personal brand in the real world takes place predominantly spontaneously through natural behaviours that meet the needs of the situation. In social media, it is a deliberate process. However, brand communication in virtual space is a difficult task, full of traps. Therefore, the evaluation of the effectiveness of this process gives a paradoxically opposite result – where it is (or should be) subject to systematic control, its result often turns out to be less favourable than when it runs spontaneously. The aim of the article is to show the psychosocial aspects of building a personal brand in social media, with particular emphasis on the nuances of creating a psychological self-portrait and the laws of crowd psychology. Analysis of the problem in the psychosocial context reveals that the causes of this state of affairs are the adaptation of behaviours to the standards in the virtual community and the lack of sufficient self-knowledge and the ability to constructive self-criticism that would allow for auditing of content published on social media.


Belonging to a present which submits a huge influx of information, the generation of the past 10 years is " naturally " developing skills for managing the huge amount of inputs, "Digital Natives" (the term belongs to Marc Prensky) seem to be perfectly adapted to a very animated environment in which messages and stimuli come and go at high speed. In this informational whirlwind, the virtual environment plays a central role and, gradually, the huge basket of the Internet will include information, cultures and personalities. A reality of today's Romanian school, identified in the findings of a research from 2015, is that the school is only the third training provider regarding the best practices in self-education by searching the Internet, after the circle of friends / colleagues and family. Starting from this fact, our exploratory study aims to draw attention to education providers in Romania on the need for early education of youth on the efficient exploitation of the Internet resources and, including in terms of their future professional career, the optimal use of Social Media platforms in the area of Self-Branding. Our undertaken endeavour highlights the need to educate young people for the concern to build a personality profile, optimal and desirable in the virtual environment, in the context of the likelihood of targeting some top jobs on the labour market of the future where important employers frequently hire specialized recruitment agencies to identify the "perfect employee" for a certain position. Study findings are summarized in a mini-guide to good practices upon which we insist to be implemented early in the education of young people for a profitable meeting with Social Media.



Offering from the point of view of its characteristics and also interesting to analyze is what the specialists call ‘brand’. This term is relatively new in the area of marketing, and it stirs interest especially as far as its two components are concerned: the situation of the contemporary society, on the one hand, and the marketing, i.e. the efforts the corporation undertakes in order to be chosen by the clients, on the other. The peculiarities and, at the same time, the variables of each brand reside in the economic, social, educational, financial, political, religious or any other type of specificities, that are different first and foremost from one product to another, but also from country to country, and we could even add, from region to region. SEA Practical Application of Science Volume II, Issue 1 (3) / 2014 240 The conceptualization of brand The etymology of the word ‘brand’ takes us back to the old inhabitants of Scandinavia, for whom the term ‘brandr’ meant ‘to burn’. It i...

The Effect of Social Networks on Branding

Advances in marketing, customer relationship management, and e-services book series, 2017

The Internet is currently the largest computer network in use. Because everyone can use it, and join the network. The main role is that the internet allows to exchange information freely. Corporate communication modes jostled following the advent of the internet and more specifically social networking. Many victims of online business communication crisis affecting sustainably their brand. A real challenge for today's companies needs to understand the characteristics of these new media and to establish an effective communication strategy in order to maintain and improve its image among its customers. This research looks at whether social networks have an effect on the brand image. Several dimensions for assessing this concept will be identified through an empirical study.