STC+ and NM-STC: Two Novel Online Results Clustering Methods for Web Searching (original) (raw)

Search Results Clustering: Comparison of Lingo and K-Means

When the intention behind the search query is not clear, the search engine returns a large number of results. The results are displayed in the form of a ranked list. The user need to swift through the long list of results to find the result that suits his (or) her information need. This process is a tedious job, hence search results clustering is proposed to present the results in thematic groups. The aim of the search results clustering is to provide quick focus on relevant search results. The search results clustering organize the search results into different groups each group corresponding to different theme. For example, the query "engine" yields results that belong to search engine as well as car engine parts.

Automatic Naming of Domain Specific Clusters for Efficient Searching

International Journal of Computer Applications, 2015

This paper proposes a new and efficient methodology for clustering of html documents. The topic wise categorization of documents into different clusters makes searching easier and efficient. This technique can be utilized by search engines to provide relevant results to the user according to query and also utilized by online journal domains that are maintaining large set of documents. This paper suggests a good word matching and naming of automatic generated clusters , so, the time consume for finding the appropriate cluster for a document will be reduced. This paper shows the use of an efficient technique for finding the similarity between the documents and assigns them a proper cluster. The proper clustering of documents will be further utilized by multidocument summarization system, which produces a summary for the documents related to each other.

Semantic, Hierarchical, Online Clustering of Web Search Results

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2004

Today, search engine is the most commonly used tool for Web information retrieval, however, its current status is still far from satisfaction. This paper focuses on clustering Web search results in order to help users find relevant Web information more easily and quickly. The main contributions of this paper include the following. (1) The benefits of using key phrases as natural language information features are discussed. An effective and efficient algorithm based on suffix array for key phrase discovery is presented. The efficiency of this method is very high no matter how large the language's alphabet is. (2) The concept of orthogonal clustering is proposed for general clustering problems. The reason why matrix SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) can provide solution to orthogonal clustering is strictly proved. The orthogonal clustering algorithm has a solid mathematics foundation and many advantages over traditional heuristic clustering algorithms. (3) The WICE system is designed and implemented to automatically organize multilingual Web search results through a semantic, hierarchical, online clustering approach named SHOC.

Cluster Generation and Cluster Labelling for Web Snippets: A Fast and Accurate Hierarchical Solution


This paper describes Armil, a meta-search engine that groups into disjoint labelled clusters the Web snippets returned by auxiliary search engines. The cluster labels generated by Armil provide the user with a compact guide to assessing the relevance of each cluster to her information need. Striking the right balance between running time and cluster well-formedness was a key point in the design of our system. Both the clustering and the labelling tasks are performed on the fly by processing only the snippets provided by the auxiliary search engines, and use no external sources of knowledge. Clustering is performed by means of a fast version of the furthest-point-first algorithm for metric k-center clustering. Cluster labelling is achieved by combining intra-cluster and inter-cluster term extraction based on a variant of the information gain measure. We have tested the clustering effectiveness of Armil against Vivisimo, the de facto industrial standard in Web snippet clustering, using as benchmark a comprehensive set of snippets obtained from the Open Directory Project hierarchy. According to two widely accepted “external” metrics of clustering quality, Armil achieves better performance levels by 10%. We also report the results of a thorough user evaluation of both the clustering and the cluster labelling algorithms.

Cluster Generation and Labeling for Web Snippets: A Fast, Accurate Hierarchical Solution

Internet Mathematics, 2006

This paper describes Armil, a meta-search engine that groups the web snippets returned by auxiliary search engines into disjoint labeled clusters. The cluster labels generated by Armil provide the user with a compact guide to assessing the relevance of each cluster to his/her information need. Striking the right balance between running time and cluster well-formedness was a key point in the design of our system. Both the clustering and the labeling tasks are performed on the fly by processing only the snippets provided by the auxiliary search engines, and they use no external sources of knowledge. Clustering is performed by means of a fast version of the furthest-pointfirst algorithm for metric k-center clustering. Cluster labeling is achieved by combining intra-cluster and inter-cluster term extraction based on a variant of the information gain measure. We have tested the clustering effectiveness of Armil against Vivisimo, the de facto industrial standard in web snippet clustering, using as benchmark a comprehensive set of snippets obtained from the Open Directory Project hierarchy. According to two widely accepted "external" metrics of clustering quality, Armil achieves better performance levels by 10%. We also report the results of a thorough user evaluation of both the clustering and the cluster labeling algorithms. On a standard desktop PC (AMD Athlon 1-Ghz Clock with 750 Mbytes RAM), Armil performs clustering and labeling altogether of up to 200 snippets in less than one second.

Web search clustering and labeling with hidden topics

ACM Transactions on …, 2009

Web search clustering is a solution to reorganize search results (also called “snippets”) in a more convenient way for browsing. There are three key requirements for such post-retrieval clustering systems: (1) the clustering algorithm should group similar documents together; (2) ...

An Analysis of Web Document Clustering Algorithms

Evidently there is a tremendous increase in the amount of information found today on the largest shared information source, the World Wide Web. The process of finding relevant information on the web is overwhelming. Even with the presence of today's search engines that index the web it is difficult to wade through the large number of returned documents in a response to a user query. Furthermore, users without domain expertise are not familiar with the appropriate terminology thus not submitting the right query terms, leading to the retrieval of more irrelevant pages and the most relevant documents do not necessarily appear at the top of the query output sequence. Users of Web search engines are thus often forced to sift through the long ordered list of document " snippets " returned by the engines. This fact has lead to the need to organize a large set of documents into categories through clustering. The Information Retrieval community has explored document clustering as an alternative method of organizing retrieval results. Grouping similar documents together into clusters will help the users find relevant information quicker and will allow them to focus their search in the appropriate direction. Various web document clustering techniques are now being used to give meaningful search result on web. In this paper an analysis of the various categories of web document clustering and also the various existing web clustering engines with its relevant clustering techniques are presented.

Clustering of Web Search Results Based on Document Segmentation

Computer and Information Science, 2013

The process of clustering documents in a manner which produces accurate and compact clusters becomes increasingly significant mainly with the vast size of information on the web. This problem becomes even more complicated with the multi-topics nature of documents these days. In this paper, we deal with the problem of clustering documents retrieved by a search engine, where each document deals with multiple topics. Our approach is based on segmenting each document into a number of segments and then clustering segments of all documents using the Lingo algorithm. We evaluate the quality of clusters obtained by clustering full documents directly and by clustering document segments using the distance-based average intra-cluster similarity measure. Our results illustrate that average intra-cluster similarity is increased by approximately 75% as a result of clustering document segments as compared to clustering full documents retrieved by the search engine.

Fast and Intuitive Clustering of Web Documents

Conventional document retrieval systems (e.g., Alta Vista) return long lists of ranked documents in response to user queries. Recently, document clustering has been put forth as an alternative method of organizing the results of a retrieval 6]. A person browsing the clusters can discover patterns that would be overlooked in the traditional ranked-list presentation. In this context, a document clustering algorithm has two key requirements. First, the algorithm ought to produce clusters that are easy-to-browse { a user needs to determine at a glance whether the contents of a cluster are of interest. Second, the algorithm has to be fast even when applied to thousands of documents with no preprocessing. This paper describes several novel clustering methods, which intersect the documents in a cluster to determine the set of words (or phrases) shared by all the documents in the cluster. We report on experiments that evaluate these intersection-based clustering methods on collections of snippets returned from Web search engines. First, we show that word-intersection clustering produces superior clusters and does so faster than standard techniques. Second, we show that our O(n log n) time phrase-intersection clustering method produces comparable clusters and does so more than two orders of magnitude faster than word-intersection.

A Methodology to Refine Labels in Web Search Results Clustering

International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2019

Information retrieval systems like web search engines can be used to meet the user's information needs by searching and retrieving the relevant documents that match the user's query. Firstly, the query is inputted to the web search engine and assumed to be a good representative for the user's intention and reflecting specifically his information needs and thus it should be long enough, discriminative, specific and unambiguous. Secondly, the web search engine typically respond to the query by sending back a long flat list of web search results and each search result represents a relevant document. Typically, that list may contain thousands or millions of web search results and thus it is difficult to navigate and locate a specific document relevant to a specific topic. As a postretrieval process, web search results clustering may be a solution for this issue where web search results can be categorized as clusters. These clusters supposed to contain topically related documents and labelled by descriptive and concise labels. These labels supposed to correctly describe the contents of each cluster. Thus the users can easily choose a cluster representing the intended topic and navigate through relatively few documents inside that cluster. High-quality labelling for clusters is crucial for users who can now gain insight into that clusters' contents, general structure, and distribution of the topics among documents in the clusters. This make the user able to preview and navigate easily and fast. To this end, the authors in this paper introduced a methodology to enhance labels for clusters of web search results. The proposed methodology is founded on the idea of using the existing labels nominated by the original Suffix Tree Clustering (STC) algorithm and adapting these labels and/or clusters so that it become more concise and descriptive. The propose methodology was conducted on the original STC algorithm to produce an enhanced version of the classical STC algorithm. The enhanced algorithm was experimented and the produced clusters and labels were evaluated and compared with respect to the classical STC algorithm. For evaluation, the authors used clusters labelling performance measure considered five parameters f1: Comprehensibility, f2: Descriptiveness, f3: Discriminative Power, f4: Uniqueness, and f5: Nonredundancy. The reported results shown that the new enhanced labels outperformed the original labels and the overall performance has been enhanced. The recorded results indicated that: (i) The proposed methodology achieved better performance and the overall average recorded values for the used performance measure (f6) was 0.921. (ii) Number of clusters was decreased from 15 to 9 clusters only. (iii) Number of duplicated results was decreased from 143 to 121 only, and (iv) average number of phrases per label was increased from 1.67 to 2.00 phrases.