On the Methods of Constructing a Mythological Text: Slavic Folk Beliefs regarding the Spots of the Moon (original) (raw)

Lunar Mythology – Case Study of Natko Nodilo’s Mythology of Nature


Abstract: While the reconstructions of Old Slavic religion are mostly based on solarism and lunarism (solar and lunar mythology), whereby solarism is repre-sented by Alexander Brückner, Vittore Pisani and Raffaele Pettazzoni, and lunar-ism by Evel Gasparini, Lubor Niederle, Mircea Eliade and Veselin Čajkanović, Nodilo initiated his own mythological re/construction with the epicentral myth-eme (or, in his attribution – mythologem) of Svantevit (Svantevid/Vid), consid-ering that Helmold’s Chronicle of the Slavs determines Arkona’s Svantevit as deus deorum of the Baltic-Polish Slavs (Svantevit’s Temple in Arkona on Rujana – the present-day Baltic island of Rügen/Rugia). In the last chapter of his study The Old Faith of Serbs and Croats (1885–1890), it is evident that Nodilo did not apply the absolute conclusion of pansolarism in his re/contruction of the old faith of Serbs and Croats. Keywords: Natko Nodilo, The Old Faith of Serbs and Croats, old faith, solarism, lunar mythology, naturism, zoo-symbolism

The Mythologem of the Moon in the Poetry of the Ukrainian Literary Performance Group Bu-Ba-Bu

Polonia University Scientific Journal

The article analyses the poetry of Ukrainian writers Yuriy Andrukhovych, Oleksandr Irvanets and Viktor Neborak using the mythopoetic methodology. The archetypal image of the moon and the specifics of its development in the poetic works of artists are considered in detail. The relationship of the mythology of the moon with traditional Slavic beliefs and ideas and the influence of world cultural heritage on its artistic realization are established. The works of these artists contain elements of the collective unconscious, consisting in the use of individual images in line with the ancient world-view, which can be decoded only at the subtext level. The meaning of this symbol for creating an artistic world-view is determined. Views of Yurii Andrukhovych, Oleksandr Irvanets and Viktor Neborak are studied on the world structure are studied through the decoding of the author's intentions in the interpretation of the archetypal image of the moon. The author's individual mythopoeia based on the astral image in the lyrics of the literary performance group Bu-Ba-Bu is studied.

Djordje Nikolić' "Yugoslavs in Astronomy"

The serendipitous re-discovery of an old paper and appendix entitled Les Yougoslaves en Astronomie (XV-XX siècles), by Djordje M. Nikolić (Warszawa 1938-1939), gives the opportunity for a concise review of the advances in Astronomy due to south-Slav scientists in the past centuries. The importance of the works by these scientists is apparent especially in the case of those belonging to the "school of Dubrovnik" - whose most famous, but not unique, representative is Rudjer Bošković. It is worth to point out their marked experimental-practical inclination as well as the international context in which they were used to work, with intense and lifelong collaborations all over Europe. The humanistic and cosmopolitan character of their inspiration is repeatedly underlined by Nikolić himself, and strengthens the conclusion that scientific research can only fully flourish under the conditions of free transfer of knowledge and multi-national cooperation.

Святилище Бакшай. В поисках древней астрономической обсерватории А.К. Кириллов, Я.В. Рафикова, В.К.Фёдоров/ Sanctuary Bakshai. In search of an ancient astronomical observatory A.K. Kirillov, Ja.V. Rafikova, V,K, Fyodorov .pdf

Sanctuary Bakshai. In search of an ancient astronomical observatory A.K. Kirillov, Ja.V. Rafikova, V,K, Fyodorov The results of arhaeoastronomical research performed in the vicinity of the summer solstice in 2013 are discussed. The measurements of the sunrise and the astronomically significant points of horizon were made by a theodolite. The geografic coordinates of selected points of the sanctuary and the line of horizon were determined by a GPS receiver. The benchmarks were fixed on the horizon, that allowed observation of the sunrise during the solstices and equinoxes, as well as the extreme azimuths of the "north-high " and "south-high" Moon rises related to the precession of the lunar orbit with a period of 18.6 years. The era close to 2800 BC was determined by Lockyer method, when one could fix the points of sunrise on the horizon during the annual cycle out of the Sanctuary. This dating is seven centuries older than the age of Arkaim, the Middle Bronze Age settlement. Three variants of Sanctuary plan are suggested on the basis of significant astronomical azimuths of the Sun and the Moon rise that allow keeping of the calendar linked to economic activities. The main Sanctuary axis coincides with the azimuth of 68-70 deg., that is the direction where the Sun rises in 40 days after the vernal equinox. It is concluded, that the monument New Bayramgulovo-1 (Sanctuary Bakshai) could serve as an astronomical proto-observatory for keeping of calendar and fixing the points of the rising in the key dates of the annual cycle of the brightest celestial bodies as the Sun and the Moon.

Nikolay N. Donitch - the astronomer


The article is devoted to milestones of life and scientific activity of the eminent astronomer Nikolay Nikolaevich Donitch (Nicolae N. Donici) (1874-1956), a graduate from the Odessa (Novorossiski) university. He was a wellknown expert in the field of reseacrh of objects of Solar system. A person highly cultured, which built the first in Bessarabia (actually a part of the Republic of Moldova) observatory. He was borne in Kishinev (Chisinau) in a nobles family of notable Moldavian landersmen. N.D. graduated from the Richelieu lyceym in Odessa and afterwards, in 1897, graduated from the Odessa (Novorossiysky) University. A.K. Kononovich (1850-1910)headed the chair of astronomy and the Observatory at that time - a foremost authority in the field of astrophysics and stellar astronomy. Many of his disciples became eminent scientists of their time. N. Donitch was among them. N.D. worked till 1918 at Pulkovo Observatory and became a master in the field of studying of such phenomena as sola...

The Moon in Lithuanian Folk Tradition

Folklore: Electronic Journal of Folklore, 2006

The paper is an attempt to summarize the available Lithuanian folk knowledge about the Moon. The ethnoastronomical materials that have been collected during expeditions since 1988 as well as ethnographic and folklore archive data in written sources are used in this work. Lithuanian ethnographical material gives far more information about the Moon (terms, narratives, folklore, ethnocosmography, popular meteorology, relics of lunar calendar, folk belief, etc.) than about other heavenly bodies.

The ancient cultural framework of astronomy in Ukraine

Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, 2009

We describe and discuss most interesting archaeological findings related to old astronomy in Ukraine. Among them are the mammoth tusk fragments (Gontsy and Kiev-Kirilivska settlements) and the famous Mezin bracelets (Mezin settlement), where possible calendar patterns based on the lunar cycles are engraved with fine accuracy, as well as a possible stellar map on the mammoth shoulder bone (Chocurcha-2 settlement).

MondSymbolik – MondWissen. Lunare Konzepte in den ägyptischen Tempeln griechisch-römischer Zeit by Victoria Altmann-Wendling

Aestimatio: Sources and Studies in the History of Science, 2021

This publication comprises the slightly revised version of the author’s doctoral dissertation, which was submitted in 2017 to the Philosophical Faculty of Eberhard Karls University, Tubingen. The study concerns the embedding of lunar phenomena and the Moon’s cycle in religious contexts, while the calendrical aspect plays only a secondary role. The timeframe of the investigation is concentrated on the Ptolemaic-Roman Period. Reviewed by: Stefan Bojowald, Published Online (2021-04-30)Copyright © 2021 by Stefan Bojowald Article PDF Link: https://jps.library.utoronto.ca/index.php/aestimatio/article/view/37678/28675 Corresponding Author: Stefan Bojowald,Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University BonnE-Mail: stefan.bojowald@t-online.de