Chapter 11.—Projecting Watershed Condition with Interagency Mapping and Assessment Project (IMAP) Vegetation Data and Landscape Models (original) (raw)

The integrated landscape assessment project


The Integrated Landscape Assessment Project (ILAP) is a three-year effort that produces information, models, data, and tools to help land managers, policymakers, and others examine midto broad-scale (e.g., watersheds to states and larger areas) prioritization of land management actions, perform landscape assessments, and estimate potential effects of management actions for planning and other purposes. ILAP provides wall-to-wall, cross-ownership geospatial data and maps on existing, potential and future vegetation conditions, land ownership and management allocation classes, and other landscape attributes. State and transition models integrate vegetation development, management actions, natural disturbances, and climate change to allow users to examine the midand long-term effects of alternative management, disturbance, and climate scenarios. Stateand-transition model (STM) outputs are used to produce information on many landscape characteristics, including vegetation conditions, dis...