Mechanism of VB2 Formation in Molten Aluminium (original) (raw)

Removal of Vanadium from Molten Aluminum—Part II. Kinetic Analysis and Mechanism of VB2 Formation

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2014

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Thermodynamic Analysis of Ti, Zr, V and Cr Impurities in Aluminium Melt

Lindsay/Light, 2011

Aluminum is widely used as the main material for overhead power cable because of its good electrical conductivity and light weight. Metal impurities, in particular Ti, Zr, V and Cr in the solution, affect the electrical conductivity of aluminum significantly. Industrially, boron treatment has been used to remove these impurities through the formation of borides. However, studies have shown that solution thermodynamics and the detailed reaction mechanisms of the borides formed in aluminum melts are not well understood. In the present work, thermodynamic analysis has been carried out to investigate the relative stability and to elaborate on the preferential formation of various borides in aluminum melt. It is shown that diborides (MB 2 ) are the most thermodynamically stable boride compounds of these impurities in the given working conditions. The ZrB 2 , TiB 2 and VB 2 phases are more stable compared to AlB 2 and CrB 2 hence do not dissolve readily. It is also shown that the relative stability of the boride phases is affected by the presence of other metal diborides.

The effect of excess Al and fabrication environment on the composition and microstructure of V–Al alloys

International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials, 2000

Intermetallic aluminides including those phases of the Nb-Al system are of interest for high-temperature structural applications. Through aluminothermic reduction (ATR) of Nb 2 O 5 different alloys of the Nb-Al system can be produced by varying the amount of aluminum (excess aluminum) in the thermit charge. In this work, various Nb-Al alloys were produced by varying Nb 2 O 5 and Al powder blends. The resulting alloys were characterized by chemical analysis (Al, O, and C), X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The aluminum content of the alloys increased linearly from 14.5 to 50.4 at% as the excess Al was varied from 10 up to 60% over the stoichiometric amount to reduce the Nb 2 O 5 . The carbon content was lower than 300 wt-ppm. The oxygen content decreases with increasing excess Al, reaching 1300 wt-ppm for the alloy produced with 60% excess Al. The inclusion content (Al 2 O 3 ) decreases significantly as the excess Al is increased. The following metallic phases were identified in the alloys: Nb ss (niobium solid solution) and Nb 3 Al (alloy produced with 10% excess Al); Nb 3 Al (alloys produced with 15 and 20% excess Al); Nb 3 Al, Nb 2 Al, and NbAl 3 (alloy produced with 30% excess Al); and Nb 2 Al and NbAl 3 (alloys produced with 40, 50, and 60% excess Al).

Effect of casting mode and thermal treatments on the electrical conductivity of the AA4006 aluminum alloy

REM - International Engineering Journal

Initially studied was the effect of the casting mode on the electrical conductivity of AA4006 aluminum alloy sheets produced by both Twin Roll Casting (TRC) and by the semi-continuous Direct Chill (DC) industrial processes, when compared to sheets with commercial purity (AA1050) and high purity aluminum (AA1199). Then, the effects of heat treatments on the electrical conductivity of the AA4006 alloy sheets produced by TRC were also studied. Isochronous and isothermal heat treatments allowed to obtain the precipitation and solution kinetics of the intermetallic compounds. The precipitation kinetics was analyzed with the help of the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov equation.

Electrochemical Formation of Alloys of Aluminum in Molten Salts


Aluminum alloys have been the most commonly used structural non-ferrous metallic materials in aerospace and defense industry. Formation of intermetallic compounds with the alloying elements tailors the properties of the aluminum alloys. Among these elements, scandium, takes the great attention due to offering the combination of excellent properties with the help of Al3Sc intermetallics. An alternative and eco-friendly alloy production method, molten salt electrolysis, was applied to produce Al-Sc alloys by electrochemically reducing Sc compounds in this study. The chemical and structural characterizations of alloys were done by Optical and Scanning Electron Microscopy to assure the formation of Al3Sc intermetallics

VIII-Metals-D-Aluminium production-1 THE PRODUCTION OF ALUMINIUM

Aluminium is a light, conductive, corrosion resistant metal with a strong affinity for oxygen. This combination of properties have made it a widely used material, with applications in the aerospace, architectural construction and marine industries, as well as many domestic uses. It is only over the last century, however, that it has been possible to economically refine aluminium, due to the enormous amount of energy needed to electrolyse its oxide.

Experimental analysis of the intermediary phases AlB2, AlB12 and TiB2 in the Al–B and Al–Ti–B systems

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 1999

The phases AlB , AlB and TiB were studied in Al-rich Al-B and Al-Ti-B alloys produced by several different sample fabrication 2 1 2 2 methods. The samples were examined using light optical microscopy (LOM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopic analysis (EDS) and X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD). The results indicate that only a limited solubility of Al in TiB and Ti in AlB exists, hence a 2 2 continuous compound (Al,Ti)B is not stable.