Belize 2021: Ends, Ways, Means and Risk Management (CSL Issue Paper, Volume 09-06, September 2006) (original) (raw)

Towards a Sustainable and Efficient State: The Development Agenda of Belize


Towards a Sustainable and Efficient State: The Development Agenda of Belize represents a tangible expression of the Inter-American Development Bank's commitment to generating knowledge as part of its assistance to its borrowing member countries and illustrates the Bank's willingness to accompany Belize in its efforts to overcome its development challenges. This intellectual contribution to some of the most important issues regarding Belize's economic and social development is directed primarily at two audiences. First, it is directed at Belizean policymakers, offering a technical and internationally comparative perspective. Second, it is aimed at the wider public who are interested in Belize's economic and social development but who find little material available on the subject.

Belize: Building Effective Governments: Executive Summaries of the Country Studies


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Country Program Evaluation: Belize (2008-2012)


This Country Program Evaluation (CPE) for Belize: 2008-2012 is the third time the Office of Evaluation and Oversight (OVE) has evaluated the work of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB, or Bank) with Belize (the previous evaluations covered 1993-2002 (RE-296) and 2004-2008 (RE-349)). As the Protocol for Country Program Evaluation established, the "main goal of the CPE is to provide information on Bank performance at the country level that is credible and useful, and that enables the incorporation of lessons and recommendations that can be used to improve the development effectiveness of the Bank's overall strategy and program of country assistance" (RE-348-3, p. 1). The document is organized following the "standard" structure of a CPE. • Chapter 1 briefly describes the social and macroeconomic context in which the Bank's program was executed. It provides information that may be essential to understand the design, execution, and results of the Country Strategy and its associated program of operations, and also examines Management's diagnosis of the country's main development challenges. • Chapter 2 describes the main objects of the evaluation-the Country Strategy and its associated program-and discusses their relevance for Belize's economic development in light of the issues raised in the previous chapter.

Belize, Right Choices Bright Future


DMSP-OLS Operational Lines scan System DRM Disaster Risk Management ECLAC Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean ECCU Eastern Caribbean Currency Union EIRR Economic Internal Rate of Return EMBI Emerging Market Bond Index EM-DAT International Emergency Disasters Database EPI Environmental Performance Index EPPR Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response EU European Union FATF Financial Action Task Force FDI Foreign Direct Investment GDP Gross Domestic Product GFDRR Global Facility for Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction GIS Geographic Information System ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS 2 Belize-Right Choices Bright Future Systematic Country Diagnostic 3 GNI Gross National Income GNS Gross National Saving GTAP Global Trade Analysis Project GVC Global Value Chain HBS Household Budget Survey HHI Hirshman-Herfindhal Index UN-United Nations Commodity Trade COMTRADE Statistics Database UNDP United Nations Development Program UN-ECLACC United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime UNSD United Nations Statistics Division UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund UNWTO United Nations World Tourism Organization USA United States of America WDI World Development Indicators WEF World Economic Forum WHO World Health Organization WITS World Integrated Trade Solution WWF World Wildlife Fund

Citizen Security in Belize

Inter-American Development Bank - Technical Report, 2013

In the face of rising crime rates and increasingly complex transnational and local criminal dynamics, Belize’s limited institutional resources are overstretched. Youth violence and gangs are of particular concern in urban areas, where lack of education and employment options converge with the prevalence of guns and trafficking networks. Despite some promising smaller-scale crime prevention initiatives, a comprehensive crime prevention strategy requires more significant institutional reforms. This Technical Note reviews the current trends in crime and violence in Belize and the government’s existing policies and programs in the sector. It then proposes several short and medium-term actions to strengthen the government’s ability to prevent and reduce crime and violence, such as consolidating strategic planning and information management efforts, designing prevention programs more tailored to specific at-risk groups, bolstering criminal investigation and community policing resources, and adapting the corrections system to the specific needs of juveniles and gang-involved youth.