On the Origins of a Vibrio Species (original) (raw)

Comparative genomic analysis reveals evidence of two novel Vibrio species closely related to V. cholerae

BMC Microbiology, 2010

Background: In recent years genome sequencing has been used to characterize new bacterial species, a method of analysis available as a result of improved methodology and reduced cost. Included in a constantly expanding list of Vibrio species are several that have been reclassified as novel members of the Vibrionaceae. The description of two putative new Vibrio species, Vibrio sp. RC341 and Vibrio sp. RC586 for which we propose the names V. metecus and V. parilis, respectively, previously characterized as non-toxigenic environmental variants of V. cholerae is presented in this study.

Unique core genomes of the bacterial family vibrionaceae: insights into niche adaptation and speciation

BMC Genomics, 2012

The criteria for defining bacterial species and even the concept of bacterial species itself are under debate, and the discussion is apparently intensifying as more genome sequence data is becoming available. However, it is still unclear how the new advances in genomics should be used most efficiently to address this question. In this study we identify genes that are common to any group of genomes in our dataset, to determine whether genes specific to a particular taxon exist and to investigate their potential role in adaptation of bacteria to their specific niche. These genes were named unique core genes. Additionally, we investigate the existence and importance of unique core genes that are found in isolates of phylogenetically non-coherent groups. These groups of isolates, that share a genetic feature without sharing a closest common ancestor, are termed genophyletic groups. Results: The bacterial family Vibrionaceae was used as the model, and we compiled and compared genome sequences of 64 different isolates. Using the software orthoMCL we determined clusters of homologous genes among the investigated genome sequences. We used multilocus sequence analysis to build a host phylogeny and mapped the numbers of unique core genes of all distinct groups of isolates onto the tree. The results show that unique core genes are more likely to be found in monophyletic groups of isolates. Genophyletic groups of isolates, in contrast, are less common especially for large groups of isolate. The subsequent annotation of unique core genes that are present in genophyletic groups indicate a high degree of horizontally transferred genes. Finally, the annotation of the unique core genes of Vibrio cholerae revealed genes involved in aerotaxis and biosynthesis of the iron-chelator vibriobactin.

Genomic and systems evolution in Vibrionaceae species

BMC Genomics, 2009

Background The steadily increasing number of prokaryotic genomes has accelerated the study of genome evolution; in particular, the availability of sets of genomes from closely related bacteria has facilitated the exploration of the mechanisms underlying genome plasticity. The family Vibrionaceae is found in the Gammaproteobacteria and is abundant in aquatic environments. Taxa from the family Vibrionaceae are diversified in their life styles; some species are free living, others are symbiotic, and others are human pathogens. This diversity makes this family a useful set of model organisms for studying bacterial evolution. This evolution is driven by several forces, among them gene duplication and lateral gene transfer, which are believed to provide raw material for functional redundancy and novelty. The resultant gene copy increase in one genome is then detected as lineage-specific expansion (LSE). Results Here we present the results of a detailed comparison of the genomes of eleven Vibrionaceae strains that have distinct life styles and distinct phenotypes. The core genome shared by all eleven strains is composed of 1,882 genes, which make up about 31%–50% of the genome repertoire. We further investigated the distribution and features of genes that have been specifically expanded in one unique lineage of the eleven strains. Abundant duplicate genes have been identified in the eleven Vibrionaceae strains, with 1–11% of the whole genomes composed lineage specific radiations. These LSEs occurred in two distinct patterns: the first type yields one or more copies of a single gene; we call this a single gene expansion. The second pattern has a high evolutionary impact, as the expansion involves two or more gene copies in a block, with the duplicated block located next to the original block (a contiguous block expansion) or at some distance from the original block (a discontiguous block expansion). We showed that LSEs involve genes that are tied to defense and pathogenesis mechanisms as well as in the fundamental life cycle of Vibrionaceae species. Conclusion Our results provide evidence of genome plasticity and rapid evolution within the family Vibrionaceae. The comparisons point to sources of genomic variation and candidates for lineage-specific adaptations of each Vibrionaceae pathogen or nonpathogen strain. Such lineage specific expansions could reveal components in bacterial systems that, by their enhanced genetic variability, can be tied to responses to environmental challenges, interesting phenotypes, or adaptive pathogenic responses to host challenges.

Evolutionary relationships of pathogenic clones of Vibrio cholerae by sequence analysis of four housekeeping genes

Infection and immunity, 1999

Studies of the Vibrio cholerae population, using molecular typing techniques, have shown the existence of several pathogenic clones, mainly sixth-pandemic, seventh-pandemic, and U.S. Gulf Coast clones. However, the relationship of the pathogenic clones to environmental V. cholerae isolates remains unclear. A previous study to determine the phylogeny of V. cholerae by sequencing the asd (aspartate semialdehyde dehydrogenase) gene of V. cholerae showed that the sixth-pandemic, seventh-pandemic, and U.S. Gulf Coast clones had very different asd sequences which fell into separate lineages in the V. cholerae population. As gene trees drawn from a single gene may not reflect the true topology of the population, we sequenced the mdh (malate dehydrogenase) and hlyA (hemolysin A) genes from representatives of environmental and clinical isolates of V. cholerae and found that the mdh and hlyA sequences from the three pathogenic clones were identical, except for the previously reported 11-bp de...

In silico comparative study of the genomic islands of Vibrio cholerae MJ1236 with those of Classical and El Tor N16961 strains of Vibrio cholerae

FEMS microbiology letters, 2011

The evolution of microbial genomes is greatly influenced by horizontal gene transfer (HGT), where large blocks of horizontally acquired foreign sequences, often encoding virulence determinants, occur in chromosomes of pathogenic bacteria. A program design-island developed in our laboratory was used on three completely sequenced Vibrio cholerae genomes, V. cholerae Classical O395, El Tor N16961 and MJ1236, in order to identify the putative horizontally acquired regions. The putative genomic islands (GIs) were graphically represented and analyzed. The study identified distinct regions in the GIs of V. cholerae MJ1236 which were shared either with the Classical or the El Tor strain of V. cholerae. A cluster comprising of 38 ORFs was common to V. cholerae strains of MJ1236 and Classical O395 but absent in El Tor N16961. About 5% of the predicted GIs of V. cholerae MJ1236 were unique to itself. Among these unique ORFs, a region of mostly hypothetical genes was identified, where the ORFs were present in a large cluster. The results show that the HGT had played a significant role in the evolution and the differentiation of V. cholerae MJ1236.

Vibrio Clade 3.0: New Vibrionaceae Evolutionary Units Using Genome-Based Approach

Current Microbiology, 2021

 Consent to participate (Not applicable)  Consent for publication (Not applicable)  Availability of data and material The whole genome sequence data obtained in this study was deposited at DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank under BioProject Accession: PRJDB11924.  Code availability (Not applicable) Author Contributions  Chunqi Jiang conceived, designed and performed the experiments, analyzed the data, visualized the data, drafted and reviewed the manuscript.  Mami Tanaka and Sayo Nishikawa performed the experiments, reviewed the manuscript.

Genomic taxonomy of vibrios

BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2009

Background: Vibrio taxonomy has been based on a polyphasic approach. In this study, we retrieve useful taxonomic information (i.e. data that can be used to distinguish different taxonomic levels, such as species and genera) from 32 genome sequences of different vibrio species. We use a variety of tools to explore the taxonomic relationship between the sequenced genomes, including Multilocus Sequence Analysis (MLSA), supertrees, Average Amino Acid Identity (AAI), genomic signatures, and Genome BLAST atlases. Our aim is to analyse the usefulness of these tools for species identification in vibrios.

Comparative genomics of the family Vibrionaceae reveals the wide distribution of genes encoding virulence-associated proteins

BMC Genomics, 2010

Background: Species of the family Vibrionaceae are ubiquitous in marine environments. Several of these species are important pathogens of humans and marine species. Evidence indicates that genetic exchange plays an important role in the emergence of new pathogenic strains within this family. Data from the sequenced genomes of strains in this family could show how the genes encoded by all these strains, known as the pangenome, are distributed. Information about the core, accessory and panproteome of this family can show how, for example, genes encoding virulenceassociated proteins are distributed and help us understand how virulence emerges.

Identification of the positively selected genes governing host-pathogen arm race in Vibrio sp. through comparative genomics approach

Bacterial evolution is due to the adaptive nature of the core bacterial genomes that plays critical role in diversification, fitness and adaptation of the species to different environment and host. Since Vibrio cholerae represents an appropriate model organism for studying the interplay of environment and host driven factors shaping the microbial genome structure and function, the current study aims to identify genes that are under these strong forces in V. cholerae. Here, we employed a comparative genomics approach to identify genes that are under positive selection in ten strains of Vibrio sp. including four pathogenic V. cholerae strains. From the available genome sequence data, a total of 422 orthologous genes were identified by reciprocal BLAST best-hit method, recombination breakpoint frequency analysis and tree comparison method. These 422 genes, representing the core genome of Vibrio sp., constituted the dataset to be analyzed for evolutionary selections. The analysis of natural selection, based on Maximum Likelihood method on synonymous and non-synonymous substitution rate, confirms the hypothesis that the bacterial core genomes are mostly under purifying selection with a few positively selected regions. However, our finding also reveals that positively selected sites in the Vibrio genome occur in a wide range of different genes encompassing diverse functional pathways including cell surface proteins (e.g. outer membrane-specific lipoprotein transporter/assembly proteins etc.), cell motility proteins (e.g. flagellar motor switch proteins, flagellar hook and assembly proteins), nutrient acquisition (e.g. amino acid, carbohydrate and phosphate ABC transporters), DNA repair and transcription related proteins. Interestingly, these positively selected gene products are directly involved with host-pathogen interactions and fitness in gastrointestinal environment. Therefore, the collective evidences of these positively selected genes spanning several pathways raise the possibility of their involvement in evolutionary arms races with other bacteria, phages, and/or the host immune system. This finding points to the natural selections which is the responsible factor for the diversification of Vibrio genus.