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Colecția "BiblioLeader", inițiată de către Biblioteca Națională în anul 2020, urmărește scopul de a scoate în prim-plan și de a promova personalități care își dedică viața Bibliotecii, Informației, Cărții, Educării oamenilor prin lectură. Pe lângă cele câteva titluri din această colecție, editate deja, Biblioteca Națională a elaborat, în anul 2021, volumul aniversar "In honorem Lidia Kulikovski" – cercetător, profesor, manager, bibliotecar de elită, numele căreia este echivalent cu acțiune, fapte și idei de succes, învățare permanentă, comunicare efi cientă. Volumul aniversar este o culegere de articole științifi ce, o platformă de idei, analize și sinteze, experiențe în biblioteconomie și științe ale informării, de refl ecții și evocări, ce conturează portretul profesional și personal al protagonistei volumului.
Consideraţii asupra unei podoabe elenistice din aur din „Colecţia Orghidan”
Cercetări Arheologice, 1997
Bijuteriile elenistice, nu mai puţin decât alte forme de exprimare artistică ale grecilor din ultimele veacuri înainte de Cristos. invocă în mod constant apropiata legătură dintre om şl forţele supranaturale, care se întrepătrundeau cil viaţa sa. Abundă reprezentări de zei şi zeiţe, ca şl ale creaturilor mitologice variate. Adeseori divinităţile nu erau reprezentate ele însele, ci simbolizate de unul dintre atributele zeităţilor respective 1. Esté şl cazul unei interesante piese din "Colecţia Orghldan". care este expusă în Tezaurul istoric de la Muzeul Naţional de Istorie a României-un pandantiv din aur 2 , în formă de porumbel cu aripile strânse-ce sugerează asocierea cu Afrodita, pe care grecii o reprezentau purtată în ceruri de un car tras de porumbei 3. Pe pieptul păsării se încrucişează în chip de hamuri patru trese din filigran, ce converg către o casetă mică, rotundă, cu peretele din bandă din aur în "dinţi de lup", care încastrează un "cabochon" din piatră roşie.
Termeni cromatici derivaţi de la nume de realii
Les hommes ont besoin de couleur. Le monde d'image qui est composé par une diversité des formes de couleurs représente un moyen de communication. «La faim» de couleur est prononcé. Cette «faim» explique l'apparition de nouvelles moyens pour exprimer les nuances de couleurs, comme: limoniu, toporăşiu, scorţişoriu, corbiu, lemniu, cînepiu etc. Mais, dans la communication on a besoin d'exprimer les nuances spéciales qui provoque l'apparition de ces mots dérivés du nome de l'objet qui a cette couleur.
Représentations sous-jacentes et notation chleuhe en graphie arabe ou latine
Études et documents berbères, 1995
Distribution électronique Cairn.info pour La Boite à Documents. Distribution électronique Cairn.info pour La Boite à Documents. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit. Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse https://www.cairn.info/revue-etudes-et-documents-berberes-1995-1-page-229.htm Découvrir le sommaire de ce numéro, suivre la revue par email, s'abonner... Flashez ce QR Code pour accéder à la page de ce numéro sur Cairn.info.
Probleme ale artei contemporane
Annals of the University of Bucharest - Philosophy Series, 2015
This paper aims at discussing some problems of the contemporary art through some of Arthur Danto’s theories. The concept of the end of art, the new way of making art, how to understand the contemporary art are some fundamental problems of nowadays art criticism. Comparisons among artistic techniques used by various avant-gardist movements, especially cubist, abstractionist and dadaist ones are intended to build a comprehensive image of the evolution in art creativity towards post-wars period represented by new contributions (Andy Warhol and Joseph Beuys). These examples prove that the contemporary art needs a more attentive interpretation and a better understanding of the material-form connection within the art work and the process of plastic creativity.
Ph.D. thesis (University of Bucharest - History; University of Bordeaux - Political Science), 2016
Notre recherche doctorale se propose comme objectif d’éclaircir comment s’est développé et structuré le discours identitaire aroumain-roumain (à savoir, celui qui conçoit les aroumains en tant que membres du peuple roumain), dés ses origines à la fin du XVIIIe siècle, jusqu’à l’indépendance roumaine, en 1878.Le discours identitare qui nous préoccupe a ses origines dans les écrits de Teodor Anastasie Cavalioti (1770) et de Daniel le Moscopolitain (1794). Les propos communiqués par Constantin Hagi Gehani à Johann Thunmann donnent au discours identitaire aroumain-roumain la première formulation explicite nous ayant parvenu (1773). Ces propos sont repris et développés dans les ouvrages de Constantin Ucuta (1797), Gheorghe Constantin Roja (1808, 1809) et Mihail Boiagi (1813). Les récits de voyage des voyageurs étrangers ayant traversé les Balkans entre 1800 et 1860 nous révèlent que le discours identitaire aroumain-roumain représente une reconfiguration de l’ethnicité aroumaine, oeuvrée de sorte à mettre cette ethnicité en convergence multisymbolique avec la nationalité roumaine des Daco-Roumains Nord-danubiens. Les revolutionnaires Nord-danubiens de 1848 prennent le discours en question à leur propre compte. Ils conçoivent un plan d’action politique à entreprendre aux Balkans au nom des idées soutenues par ce discours identitaire. Le plan est mis en œuvre par les agents du mouvement aroumain-roumain qui prend son essor en Roumanie après 1859 ; le mouvement emporte son premier succès important en 1878, avec le décret de Savfet Pacha – un document qui institue l’assimilation de l’ethnicité aroumaine – ayant déjà été modelée par le discours aroumain-roumain – à la nationalité roumaine. Our doctoral research sets out to clarify how the aromanian-romanian identitary discourse (namely, the one which conceives the Aromanians as members of the Romanian people) has been developed and structured since its origins at the end of the XVIIIth century, until Romanian independence, in 1878.The identitary discourse which concerns us has its origins in the writings of Teodor Anastasie Cavalioti (1770) and Daniel the Moscopolitan (1794). The points conveyed by Constantin Hagi Gehani to Johann Thunmann give to the Aromanian-Romanian identitary discourse its first explicit formulation having reached us (1773). These ideas are taken up and developed in the works of Constantin Ucuta (1797), Gheorghe Constantin Roja (1808, 1809) and Mihail Boiagi (1813). The travel writings of foreign travelers having traversed the Balkans between 1800 and 1860 reveal that the Aromanian-Romanian identitary discourse constitutes a reconfiguration of the Aromanian ethnicity, crafted so as to place this ethnicity in multisymbol congruence with the Romanian nationality of North-Danubian Daco-Romanians. The North-Danubian revolutionaries of 1848 take up the aforementioned discourse. They conceive a plan of political action to be2executed in the Balkans in the name of the ideas upheld by this identitary discourse. The plan is set in motion by the agents of the Aromanian-Romanian movement which takes root in Romania after 1859; the movement registers its first major success in 1878, with the decree of Savfet Pascha – a document which officialises the assimilation of the Aromanian ethnicity – having already been shaped by the Aromanian-Romanian discourse – by the Romanian nationality.
Revista Romana de Sociologie, 2011
In Northern Bulgaria, along the Danube River, between Lom and Sishtov, there are groups of villages, communes and towns inhabited by a majority population of Romanian origin. However, as they do not benefit from minimum minority-specific rights at the beginning of this 21 st century (education and religious service in their native language), the members of this population now move away from their mother tongue, adopting Bulgarian as their language and asserting themselves as Bulgarians. This article aims to present the ethnocultural and historical situation of these Romanian communities located in the cross-border cooperation area on the right shore of the Danube River.
Creangă şi proza basarabeană: istoricul problemei
In the history of Romanian literature in Bessarabia Creangă's modelling role is exem¬pli¬fied especially during the turning periods, when the concept of literature is radicalized (years 20-30, 60, 80). Across different searches and wanderings of prose writers, namely, the organicist perspective of the structure of the Bessarabian literary phenomenon elucidates the importance of the Creangă model in overcoming the different complexes, among which, especially, of the narrow-minded Romanian.