What do Claudio Ciborra and Sandro Botticelli have in common? On the renaissance of la Primavera (original) (raw)
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Cómo citar el artículo Número completo Más información del artículo Página de la revista en redalyc.org Sistema de Información Científica Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
Managing IT as a business: The Lutchen’s Gap in the 100 Top Organizations based in Brazil
JISTEM Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 2011
A common problem in IT management involves the lack of business vision on the part of IT executives who align IT to the strategic assumptions of the company, but forget the tactical functions of the former, managed as a business. This is known as the Lutchen's gap. Because of its importance in the context of IT management, this paper is a complementary approach to the preceding one from and aims at identifying the Lutchen´s gap presence in the management of IT among the 100 top companies located in Brazil. To do this, we proceeded to a description of the profile of IT management in these companies, controlled by the executive board. We used a questionnaire filled out by IT executives, containing 77 questions covering the four functions of IT in a company. The main results indicate that: (a) In the IT's Alignment function, the design of IT reveals dichotomies between business and IT objectives (b) In the IT's Management function, the IT's budget is oriented toward ensuring "delivering" abilities to IT services and differing in the methods of cost control, ranging from apportion by volume, overheads and by ABC cost, (c) in the IT's Deliver function, evidence suggests that IT is managed as a business enabler; and (d) in the IT's Quality and Safety Assurance, IT executives monitor quality and safety events, but are limited to IT's basic operations. In conclusion, in the companies surveyed, IT is seen much more as an" on-demand solution provider", rather than as an instrument of innovation and competitiveness enabler for organizations.
The paper presents and discusses a case which shows the possibility of employing the results of theoretical research (namely some of the concepts elaborated by Claudio Ciborra in his "The Labyrinths of Information") in changing human resources management and development, in fostering organizational learning, and in building an ICT management coherent with business goals. BAnCO (194 employees) is a supplier of outsourced ICT services for Italian regional and interregional banks which changed its 'netsourcing' business model (services rendered to a consortium of small client-owner banks of the ICT supplying company) to an 'enterprise partnership' business model, based on servicing both the client investors and external customers. To support the change in strategy, at the end of 1999 it launched a program that deeply innovated performance management (substituting the appraisal based on absolute judgment rating scales to one based on action plans), training activities (traditional classroom work was integrated by personalized, diffused learning centered on the evaluation of the competence requirements of roles), and communication and knowledge management (key competences were defined and updated through interaction between inhouse experts and outside experts in the ICT and banking fields). The three main sections of the paper are devoted: (i) to illustrate the theoretical background explaining both Ciborra's approach and the traits that in his view characterize an effectively managed organization dealing with ICT; (ii) to describe in depth the main areas addressed by the BAnCO program, how project work was conducted, and the outputs produced; (iii) to discuss the case and to comment on the results obtained. In sum, far from being a 'model' or a 'guide', Ciborra's outlook seems to carry helpful "operational" indications when looking for ways to change business-as-usual for more effective and dynamic conducts.
The Student Session, organised by students, is designed to encourage student interaction and feedback from the tutors. By providing the students with a conference-like setup, both in the presentation and in the review process, students have the opportunity to prepare their own submission, go through the selection process and present their work to each other and their interests to their fellow students as well as internationally leading experts in the agent field, both from the theoretical and the practical sector. As the goal of the Student Session is to provide the speakers with constructive feedback and a means to be introduced to the community, the competitive elements often found in conferences (best paper award, best presentation award) are intentionally omitted. Preparing a good scientific paper is a difficult task, practising it is the benefit of this session. All submissions were peer-reviewed and accepted paper submissions are assigned a 30 minute slot for presentation and ...