An experimental study of transient natural convection in a side-cooled cavity


Transient natural convection in a side-cooled cavity is experimentally investigated. The shadowgraph technique is used to visualize the flow in the cavity. The results indicate that the flow development is characterized by the following distinct processes: (a) the initial growth of the vertical thermal boundary layers and horizontal intrusions; (b) the interaction of the intrusions and filling up of the cavity; and (c) the stratification and formation of double layer structures.

Visualization of natural convection in a side-heated cavity: transition to the final steady state

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 1996

The flow evolving in a water-filled square cavity which is suddenly heated and cooled on the opposing sidewalls is observed by using the shadowgraph technique. The horizontal boundaries of the cavity are thermally insulating, while the heated and cooled vertical sidewalls are conducting. In a previous publication, the emphasis was on the very early stages of the flow development. As part of this initial evolution, two travelling wave groups were observed. The present paper continues the description of the flow development until a steady state is reached. A clear visualization of the interaction between the second wave group and the laminar intrusion flow across the roof of the cavity is given. The subsequent decay of the horizontal intrusion triggering the thermal stratification in the cavity core and the adjustment of the vertical boundary layer are also observed. The final state is characterized by waves which continuously travel along the boundary layers.

Natural convection in a cubical cavity filled with a fluid showing temperature-dependent viscosity

International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2015

We present a numerical and experimental study of laminar natural convection flow in a fluid filled cubical cavity. The fluid is a dielectric oil used for cooling distribution and power transformers. As most liquids, this oil exhibits temperature-dependent viscosity. The cubical cavity of interest has an imposed temperature difference between two opposite vertical walls while the other walls are insulated. The cavity dimensions are 0.1 m  0.1 m  0.1 m. Four characteristic Rayleigh numbers ranging from 1.7  10 8 to 6.3  10 8 were analyzed. The numerical study was carried out by applying the Finite Element Method to solve the 3D NaviereStokes and heat equations using the in-house developed Par-GPFEP code. The influence of temperature-dependent viscosity on the total transferred heat and on the flow pattern, have been evaluated. Although there are several studies regarding the flow in a square cavity in this configuration, there is limited information in the literature on the 3D flow in cubical cavities with variable properties of the working fluid. We could not find in the open literature experimental measurements that we could use to validate our numerical results. For this reason an experimental setup was developed. The velocity field was visualized and measured by Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). The temperature profiles in the vertical mid-axis at mid-plane of the cavity were measured and compared with the numerical results. We found reasonable agreement between numerical simulations and experimental measurements.

Natural convection in tilted rectangular cavities due to bidirectional temperature gradient

International Journal of Heat and Technology, 2017

The study by the CFD for a 3D natural convection in a tilted rectangular cavity filled by silicone oil at high Prandtl number has been compared to experimental results. A constant vertical temperature gradient has been performed by subjecting the horizontal walls to temperature Th and Tc; respectively. Other walls are adiabatic except the left small sidewall is differentially heating with temperature TA creating the horizontal temperature gradient. Different values of the lateral heating and the tilt with respect to the horizontal plane are imposed. The results draw dynamic maps. The influence of two factors (TA and ) on the flow pattern and on the convective heat transfer are analysed and discussed. The simulation flow pattern results are close to those obtained experimentally for treated cases with a minimum discrepancy between the both. A spectral analysis is done to show the fluctuations seen on the natural convective flow after the stability caused by the lateral heating and tilted angle; which based on the visualization of the amplitude as a function to the frequency. The results also show a significant impact on the flow fields and the heat transfer performance is improved.

Transient natural convection cooling of a high Prandtl number fluid in a cubical cavity

Meccanica, 2011

This work presents a numerical analysis of the effects of thermal boundary conditions, fluid variable viscosity and wall conduction on transient laminar natural convection of a high Prandtl number (Pr = 4 × 10 4 ) fluid (Golden Syrup) in a cubical cavity. The simulations consider physical situations realizable at laboratory scale using a cavity with Plexiglas walls of 1 cm of thickness, and inside dimension of L = 20 cm. The initial Rayleigh (Ra) number is 10 6 . The cavity is initially full of fluid at rest and at constant temperature (T i = 45°C) higher than the temperature of the walls (T w = 25°C). The time evolution of the flow patterns, the temperature contours, the mean temperature of the fluid and the Nusselt number (Nu) of eight different cases of cooling are presented and analyzed.

A three-dimensional simulation of transient natural convection in a triangular cavity

The three-dimensional (3D) numerical simulation of natural convection in a triangular cavity with the top cooling and the bottom heating is performed and compared with the previous experiment. The numerical results show that the development of natural convection in the cavity following an initially isothermal and stationary state may be classified into three stages: an initial stage, a transitional stage and a quasi-steady stage, which is consistent with the experimental result. Natural convection flows in each of the stages, particularly the 3D flow structure such as longitudinal rolls, are described. Further, the regimes of transient natural convection are discussed using a simple scaling analysis and the scaling relations obtained are validated by the present numerical results.

Simulation of Natural Convection in a Cavity: Cooling with Top versus Bottom Partition

Journal of Energy and Power Engineering, 2019

Natural convection in a square cavity is studied numerically with vertical hot walls and a cold partition located at the bottom or top walls. The effect of orientation of partition on isotherms, flow patterns, and heat transfer is analyzed for different fluids and Rayleigh numbers. The placement of partition is found to considerably influence the isotherms, flow patterns, and heat transfer. Heat transfer rate is observed always to increase when the partition is moved from bottom to top wall.

Analysis of mixed convection flows within a square cavity with linearly heated side wall(s)

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2009

Finite element simulations have been performed to investigate the influence of linearly heated side wall(s) or cooled right wall on mixed convection lid-driven flows in a square cavity. It is interesting to note that multiple circulation cells appear inside the cavity with the increase of Pr for Re ¼ 10 and Gr ¼ 10 5 in the case of linearly heated side walls. For Pr ¼ 0:015, only two circulation cells are formed inside the cavity. As Pr increases to 0.7, three circulation cells are formed inside the cavity. Further increase in Pr to 10, leads to the formation of four circulation cells inside the cavity. On the other hand, only two circulation cells are formed inside the cavity for the case of cooled right wall. A detailed analysis of flow pattern shows that as the value of Re increases from 1 to 10 2 , there occurs a transition from natural convection to forced convection depending on the value of Gr irrespective of Pr. It is observed that the secondary vortex at the top left corner disappears for Re ¼ 10 2 and Gr ¼ 10 5 due to enhanced motion of the upper lid in the case of cooled right wall while a small secondary vortex exist at the bottom right corner in the case of linearly heated side walls. The local Nusselt number (Nu b ) plot shows that heat transfer rate is equal to 1 at the edges for the case of linearly heated side walls case and that is zero at the left edge and thereafter that increases for the case of cooled right wall. It is interesting to observe that Nu b is large within 0:4 6 X 6 0:6 due to compression of isotherms for Pr ¼ 0:7 and 10 in the case of linearly heated side wall. It is also observed that Nu r or Nu l exhibits oscillations especially for Pr ¼ 10 at higher Gr due to the presence of multiple circulations. It is also observed that Nu r or Nu l vs Gr plots show oscillation for two case studies. Average Nusselt numbers at the bottom and right walls are strong functions of Grashof number at larger Prandtl numbers whereas average Nusselt number at the left wall at a specific Pr is a weaker function of Gr.

Natural convection for large temperature gradients around 3 a square solid body within a rectangular cavity

A numerical study of natural convection in cavity filled with air has been carried out under large temperature gradient. The flows 10 under study are generated by a heated solid body located close to the bottom wall in a rectangular cavity with cold vertical walls 11 and insulated horizontal walls. They have been investigated by direct simulations using a two-dimensional finite volume numerical code 12 solving the time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations under the low Mach number approximation. This model permits to take into 13 account large temperature variations unlike the classical Boussinesq model which is valid only for small temperature differences. We were 14 particularly interested in the first transitions which occur when the Rayleigh number is increased for flows in cavities of aspect ratio 15 A = 1, 2, 4. Starting from a steady state, the results obtained for A = 1 and A = 4 show that the first transition occurs through a super-16 critical Hopf bifurcation. The induced disturbances determined for weakly supercritical regimes indicate the existence of two instability 17 types driven by different physical mechanisms: shear and buoyancy-driven instabilities, according to whether the flow develops in a 18 square or in a tall cavity. For A = 2, the flow undergoes a pitchfork bifurcation leading to an asymmetric steady state which in turn 19 becomes periodic via a supercritical Hopf bifurcation point. In both the cases, the flow is found to be strongly deflected towards one 20 vertical wall and instabilities are found to be of shear layers type. 21 55 interferometer to observe the disturbances as they were 56 convected downstream. The experimental results show that 57 sufficiently high frequency disturbances are stable as they 58 are convected downstream. Later, calculations of the same 59 problem have been carried out by Haaland and Sparrow [5] 60 taking into account non-parallel and higher-order effects of 61 the base flow in the linear stability analysis. The authors 62 obtained a lower branch of neutral curve and then a critical 63 Grashof number. Their results show that the unstable 64 region is smaller than that obtained from the quasi-parallel 65 theory . The stability problem of non-parallel flows were 66 also investigated by Wakitani [7] using the method of mul-67 tiple scales. This method considers that the various distur-68 bance quantities have different amplification rates. Their 69 results relating to the amplification rate of disturbances 70 within unstable regions show a substantial deviation from 71 that predicted by the quasi-parallel theory. 72