Do We Really Understand a Research Topic? Finding Answers Through Meta-Analysis (original) (raw)
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Advances in International Management, Volume 26 , 2013
Over the past decade, international business and international management researchers have utilized meta-analytic approaches to synthesizing findings in the extant literature. This chapter reviews the studies published in the top-five international business and management journals from 2004 to 2012. The review investigates major problems in the published meta-analyses by evaluating their overall analyses as well as the approaches utilized. Findings of this review reveal differences amongst the journals and improvements in the approaches applied in recent years. The chapter ends by discussing why and how international business and management researchers need to focus more on methodological fundamentals in their applications of meta-analysis.
A Review and Evaluation of Meta-Analysis Practices in Management Research
Journal of Management, 2008
Meta-analysis has become increasingly popular in management research to quantitatively integrate research findings across a large number of studies. In an effort to help shape future applications of meta-analysis in management, this study chronicles and evaluates the decisions that management researchers made in 69 meta-analytic studies published between 1980 and 2007 in 14 management journals. It performs four meta-analyses of relationships that have been studied with varying frequency in management research, to provide empirical evidence that meta-analytical decisions influence results. The implications of the findings are discussed with a focus on the changes that seem appropriate.
Evidence-Based Management: The Use of Meta-analysis in Business Studies
International Journal of Academic Management Science Research (IJAMSR), 2021
This study seeks to provide a big picture of meta-analytic activity in Business Studies. The analysis of the publications in Web of Knowledge (WOK)-Business Economics area (BE)-and of the articles published in the Top-10 journals in Business Management area, according to Journal Citation Report de Thomson Reuters (JCR, 2015), show an important and growing up meta-analytic activity in this domain, as well as an unequal interest in this kind of research among the Top-10 journals. It is also observed a lack of guides or standards about meta-analysis in this field of knowledge. The practical implication of this study is to identify the terminology used to facilitate future bibliographic searches, as well as to show new approaches and research gaps in this field.
Meta-analysis: integrating accumulated knowledge
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2017
Building a foundation of marketing theory requires developing effective ways to aggregate research results. Meta-analyses that accumulate knowledge within a research domain is an important means for summarizing research findings and increasingly is being conducted in various substantive marketing domains. Moderator analysis and structural models using meta-analytic inputs have emerged as a powerful means to advance current knowledge in a research domain, and, importantly, identify fruitful areas for future inquiry. This article reviews the growth of meta-analysis in marketing and identifies several important issues researchers must consider when conducting and reporting a meta-analysis.
Meta-analysis for marketing research
The aim of this paper is to present and illustrate the procedure to follow when a researcher wants to use meta-analysis in marketing research. Meta-analysis is the statistical analysis of a large collection of results from individual studies for the purpose of integrating the findings. Meta-analysis offers new opportunities for integrating and combining the contradictory outcomes of studies and for analyzing variance in effect sizes across findings.
The role of meta-analysis in marketing and management The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the growing interest in meta-analysis in marketing and management literature and to present the methodological approach for researchers who are planning to use meta-analysis in their marketing or management research. The research also highlights limitations and problems to deal with during the study. Today when researchers must face with a growing number of empirical studies in different areas, the importance of empirical generalizations grow up. Meta-analysis is the statistical analysis of a large collection of results from individual studies for the purpose of integrating and combining the findings. It is one of the dominant methods with a purpose to develop an empirical generalization. The increasing interest about meta-analysis is recognized in marketing and management literature where researchers using meta-analysis have examined the influence of advertising on sales, the determinants of sales staff performance, consumer behavior patterns etc. The author of the research provides the methodological description of the method as well as bibliographical study of journals in marketing and management studies, describing examples of meta-analysis usage in marketing and management. Kopsavilkums Meta-analīzes loma mārketingā un vadībzinībās Atslēgvārdi: meta-analīze, mārketings, menedžments, statiskā analīze Raksta mērķis ir ilustrēt pieaugošo interesi par meta-analīzes lietošanu mārketinga un vadības literatūrā, kā arī piedāvāt metodoloģisku skatījumu uz meta analīzi pētniekiem, kas plāno izmantot meta analīzi savos mārketinga vai vadības pētījumos. Rakstā ir apkopoti arī meta-analīzes pielietošanas ierobežojumi un problēmas, ar kurām jāsastopas pētniekiem. Empīriska vispārināuma nozīme dažādās nozarēs pieaug, jo, pateicoties datu bāzēm, ir pieejams ļoti liels skaits empīrisko pētījumu. Meta-analīze ir daudzu empīrisku pētījumu statistiska analīze ar mērķi tos integrēt un apvienot atsevišķo pētījumu rezultātus. Tā ir viena no galvenām metodēm literatūras empīriskam vispārinājumam. Pieaugošā interese par meta-analīzes izmantošanu ir vērojama arī mārketinga un menedžmenta literature, piemēram, pētnieki to izmanto, lai novērtētu reklāmas ietekmi uz pārdošanu, pētītu patērētāja uzvedības modeļus, analizētu pārdošanā iesaistītā personāla darbību u.c. Raksta autore piedāvā gan metodoloģisku metodes rakstorojumu, gan mārketinga un menedžmenta pētījumu pārskatu, kuru pamatā ir meta analīzes lietošana.
Meta-analysis is a method that seeks to aggregate, integrate, and adjust results from previous studies, while considering the different conditions in which the original studies were investigated. The expected benefit is demonstration of the association between one or more variables, and generation of a systematic review and integration of studies. Hence, in the meta-analysis, the researcher can present broad evidence for or against a given theory. This study discusses the methodological and structural aspects of the organization of meta-analytical investigations in marketing. In addition, this paper suggests eight steps to organize the data and interpret the results. Lastly, we discuss the implications of the formulas and the corrections of the effects, as well as proposing paths for investigations that use meta-analysis in marketing.
Debunking myths and urban legends about meta-analysis
Meta-analysis is the dominant approach to research synthesis in the organizational sciences. We discuss seven meta-analytic practices, misconceptions, claims, and assumptions that have reached the status of myths and urban legends (MULs). These seven MULs include issues related to data collection (e.g., consequences of choices made in the process of gathering primary-level studies to be included in a meta-analysis), data analysis (e.g., effects of meta-analytic choices and technical refinements on substantive conclusions and recommendations for practice), and the interpretation of results (e.g., meta-analytic inferences about causal relationships). We provide a critical analysis of each of these seven MULs, including a discussion of why each merits being classified as an MUL, their kernels of truth value, and what part of each MUL represents misunderstanding. As a consequence of discussing each of these seven MULs, we offer best-practice recommendations regarding how to conduct meta-analytic reviews.
Journal of Management, 2011
The authors content analyzed 196 meta-analyses including 5,581 effect-size estimates published in assess the presumed effects of each of 21 methodological choices and judgment calls on substantive conclusions. Results indicate that, overall, the various meta-analytic methodological choices available and judgment calls involved in the conduct of a meta-analysis have little impact on the resulting magnitude of the meta-analytically derived effect sizes. Thus, the present study, based on actual meta-analyses, casts doubt on previous warnings, primarily based on selective case studies, that judgment calls have an important impact on substantive conclusions. The authors also tested the fit of a multivariate model that includes relationships among Downloaded from 6 Journal of Management / January 2011 theory-building and theory-testing goals, obtained effect sizes, year of publication of the metaanalysis, and scholarly impact (i.e., citations per year). Results indicate that the more a meta-analysis attempts to test an existing theory, the larger the number of citations, whereas the more a meta-analysis attempts to build new theory, the lower the number of citations. Also, in support of scientific particularism, as opposed to scientific universalism, the magnitude of the derived effects is not related to the extent to which a meta-analysis is cited. Taken together, the results provide a comprehensive data-based understanding of how meta-analytic reviews are conducted and the implications of these practices for theory building and testing, obtained effect sizes, and scholarly impact.