• «Occhi limpidi e cuore puro». La storia dell’arte raccontata ai ragazzi da Guido Edoardo Mottini, in «History of Education and Children’s Literature», IV/2 (2009), pp. 167-195 (original) (raw)

Simone Fornara, Viaggi di immagini e parole. La didattica dell’italiano nella scuola primaria con gli albi illustrati e i silent books, in «Italica Wratislaviensia», 8(1), 2017, pp. 65-83 (ISSN 2084-4514 e-ISSN 2450-5943).

Picturebooks (and silent books, with images only and without words) are children's books commonly considered suitable only for young children of preschool age or in the earliest years of schooling. For this reason, picturebooks are mostly neglected in teaching in higher educational stages. Nevertheless, the educational potential of picturebooks is considerable, especially in the later years of primary school. For example, in Italian language teaching, they can be extraordinary tools for planning didactic projects that allow instructors to integrate the teaching/learning of all linguistic skills and of metalinguistic reflection, which are the main elements in the curricula related to Italian language teaching in Italian-speaking countries and contexts. The article aims to show the validity of the above claim by establishing a possible classification of picturebooks into six distinct types and by describing some didactic projects and activities developed in primary schools in Canton Ticino (Italian Switzerland). Focusing on the pleasure of reading engaging stories and on motivation, picturebooks enable teachers to pursue ambitious and challenging goals, such as creating one or more new picturebooks inspired by the one read initially or transposing a picturebook into a theatre script. At the same time, picturebooks enable students to develop their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills.

Sacile alla fine dell’Ottocento, con gli occhi di Angelo Nino Astolfoni, in Pintori, angioli e musicanti. Studi offerti a Fabio Metz per i suoi ottant’anni, a cura di A. FADELLI, A. MARCON, Pordenone 2021, pp. 92-103

Un’inedita pianta di Sacile alla fine dell’Ottocento, straordinaria nella sua freschezza perché realizzata da un ragazzino, ma altrettanto precisa nella localizzazione dei principali edifici del centro urbano, è conservata tra le carte di Angelo Nino Astofoni (1891-1916), promettente giornalista e allievo dell'Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia, caduto durante la Grande Guerra. La mappa consente una passeggiata virtuale nella Sacile fin de siècle, attraverso gli occhi attenti e curiosi del giovane Nino, che in riva al Livenza, in un ambiente familiare connotato da solide radici patriottiche e irredentiste, vide la luce e trascorse gli anni felici dell’infanzia...