Spectral Inclusion and Analytic Continuation (original) (raw)

Accumulation of complex eigenvalues of a class of analytic operator functions

Journal of Functional Analysis, 2018

For analytic operator functions, we prove accumulation of branches of complex eigenvalues to the essential spectrum. Moreover, we show minimality and completeness of the corresponding system of eigenvectors and associated vectors. These results are used to prove sufficient conditions for eigenvalue accumulation to the poles and to infinity of rational operator functions. Finally, an application of electromagnetic field theory is given.

Polynomials and holomorphic functions onA-compact sets in Banach spaces

Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications

In this paper we study the behavior of holomorphic mappings on A-compact sets. Motivated by the recent work of Aron, Ç alişkan, García and Maestre (2016), we give several conditions (on the holomorphic mappings and on the λ-Banach operator ideal A) under which A-compact sets are preserved. Appealing to the notion of tensorstability for operator ideals, we first address the question in the polynomial setting. Then, we define a radius of (A; B)compactification that permits us to tackle the analytic case. Our approach, for instance, allows us to show that the image of any (p, r)-compact set under any holomorphic function (defined on any open set of a Banach space), is again (p, r)-compact.

Analytic functions

Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, 1980

As usual we let R be any discrete subring of the complex numbers. Throughout this chapter R will always contain the identity. DEFINITION 11.1. Let/be a complex valued function on a subset X of C. For each n in N set £"(/)= inf \\f-p\\ x deg/></i where the/?'s have arbitrary complex coefficients and £"<(/)= inf ||/-9H* deg q < n where the coefficients of the q's he in R. Clearly E Q {f) > E x (f) > , ES(f) > W) > , 0) and E"(f) < E< n (f), n e N. (2) In Part II we were concerned with characterizing those/for which E*(f)->0 as n-» oo. In Part III we will obtain information about the asymptotic behavior of the sequence {E*(f)} as n-> oo. From (2) we have a sort of lower bound on the rate of convergence of E*(f) to zero which we will not mention again. In the present chapter we will be concerned with the effect on the sequence {E*(f)} of the hypothesis that/be analytic. If/is analytic on an interval, then by a well-known theorem of S. N. Bernstein (Lorentz [66, 5.5]) there exists p < 1 such that E n (f) = 0(p n), i.e., there exists a constant C such that E n (f) < Cp n , all n in N. A similar result holds for E%(f). We start with the following. THEOREM 11.2. Let q be a monic polynomial in R[z], 0 < p, < p 2 , and z v. .. , z k the zeros of q. If f is analytic where \q{z)\ < p 2 and X = (z: \q(z)\ < pj}, then E£(f) = 0(p n) on X for some p < \ if and only if for every positive integer r there is a polynomial q r in R [z] satisfying tf\zj) = f (*\zj), \<j<k,0<s<r.

On bounded analytic functions in finitely connected domains


A new proof of the corona theorem for finitely connected domains is given. It is based on a result on the existence of a meromorphic selection from an analytic set-valued function. The latter fact is also applied to the study of finitely generated ideals of H°° over multiply connected domains. Introduction. In this paper, which is a direct continuation of [18], we study applications of analytic multifunctions to some topics in function theory on finitely connected domains, related mainly to the corona problem. Concerniag analytic multifunctions (which are certain set-valued functions, cf. Definition 1.2), §§1-3 of [18] form sufficient background for our purposes here. The reader is also referred there for the information about the origin of the approach employed in this paper. However, basic definitions and references are provided below. Our basic new result (Theorem 1.4) associates to every analytic multifunction defined in a finitely connected domain some meromorphic functions wit...

On the spectra of algebras of analytic functions

Contemporary Mathematics, 2012

In this paper we survey the most relevant recent developments on the research of the spectra of algebras of analytic functions. We concentrate mainly in three algebras, the Banach algebra H ∞ (B) of all bounded holomorphic functions on the unit ball B of a complex Banach space X, the Banach algebra of the ball Au(B), and the Fréchet algebra H b (X) of all entire functions bounded on bounded sets.

Holomorphic functions and polynomial ideals on Banach spaces

Collectanea Mathematica, 2012

Given A a multiplicative sequence of polynomial ideals, we consider the associated algebra of holomorphic functions of bounded type, H bA (E). We prove that, under very natural conditions satisfied by many usual classes of polynomials, the spectrum M bA (E) of this algebra "behaves" like the classical case of

On zeros of polynomials of best approximation to holomorphic and C ∞ functions

Monatshefte Fur Mathematik, 1988

LetE be a compact subset of the complex planeC such that Leja's extremal functionL E forE is continuous. If almost all zeros of the polynomials of best approximation to a functionf∈C(E) are outside the setE R ={z∈C:L E (z<R)}, for someR>1, thenf is extendible to a holomorphic function inE R . If the zeros ofn-th, polynomial of best approximation tof are outside ERnE_{R_n } ERn and the sequence {R n −n } rapidly decreases to zero thenf can be extended to aC ∞ function on 075-4}.

C2 extensions of analytic functions defined in the complex plane

Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 2001

Analytic continuations to C '~ of solutions to elliptic differential equations defined over domains in R ~ have been studied in a general context by Kiselman [5]. For the ease where the elliptic operator is the Laplacian a detailed analysis of these analytic continuations have been given by Lelong [6], Siciak [10] and Jarnicki [4]. Related results have also been described by Hayman [2]. In this paper we consider some of the properties of analytic continuations to C 2 of analytic functions defined over domains in the complex plane. The main result proved is: Theorem 1. Suppose that ~ is a domain lying in the complex plane. Then there exist two unbounded domains ~1 and ~2 lying in C 2 and containing ~, such that for each analytic function f (z) defined on ~ there are two holomorphic functions

Extensions of harmonic and analytic functions

Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 1990

This paper studies the extensions of harmonic and analytic functions defined on the unit disk to continuous functions defined on a certain compactification of the disk.