(2011) Il sito etrusco in località Granchiaia: i risultati dello scavo (original) (raw)

G. Ciampoltrini, F. Grassini (eds.), Gli etruschi e le vie d'acqua, Pisa, 2011, pp. 51-66. co-authored with M. Baldassarri, F. Grassini

The Marsiliana d’Albegna Project has been carried out by the University of Siena and the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Toscana since 2002: the new data have highlighted the profile of the Etruscan centre, lying on a hill system including the Poggio del Castello, Uliveto di Banditella and a sector of the Poggio di Macchiabuia, defining a large plateau settlement measuring 47 hectares, surrounded by necropolises. The research has shown the connection between the settlement and the rich Banditella necropolis, whose excavation has been promoted by Tommaso Corsini from 1908 to 1919. The exploration of the suburban area has brought to light a complex settlement pattern, mainly based on hilltop sites, often occupied by the Final Bronze Age onwards. This report informs about the rescue excavation carried out in 2013, in order to explore the southern and southwestern slopes of the Poggio del Castello: the abundant pottery recovered belongs to the terminal phase of the Final Bronze Age, even though traces of the occupation of the area suggest the beginning of the site during the Middle Bronze Age.

Etruschi. Viaggio nella terra dei Rasna, catalogo della mostra (Bologna-Museo Civico Archeologico 2019-2020), 2019.

Schede di catalogo: L. BENTINI, M. MARCHESI, L. MINARINI, G. SASSATELLI (a cura di), Etruschi. Viaggio nella terra dei Rasna, catalogo della mostra (Bologna-Museo Civico Archeologico 2019-2020), p. 172, n. 109, p. 175, nn. 112-113.

F. Rossi, L. Campo, I. Cappello, M. Cardosa, A. Lepri, M. Luciano 2014, Duna Feniglia (Orbetello, GR). I risultati delle ultime campagne di scavo (2011-2012) nell'area nord-occidentale, in Atti dell'XI Incontro di Studi di Preistoria e Protostoria in Etruria, Milano, pp. 681 - 688.

F. Rossi, L. Campo, I. Cappello, M. Cardosa, A. Lepri, M. Luciano 2014, Duna Feniglia (Orbetello, GR). I risultati delle ultime campagne di scavo (2011-2012) nell'area nord-occidentale, in Atti dell'XI Incontro di Studi di Preistoria e Protostoria in Etruia, Milano, pp. 681 - 688.

Vengono presentati i più recenti risultati relativi al sito della prima età del ferro di Duna Feniglia, scaturiti dalle indagini archeologiche svolte negli anni 2011- 2013. In particolare ci si concentrerà sulla fase di frequentazione più antica riconosciuta nel sito, rappresentata per il momento da una grande vasca di forma circolare, probabilmente utilizzata per lo stoccaggio dell’argilla. This paper presents the latest data about the Early Iron Age site of Duna Feniglia, arising from the archaeological investigations carried out in the years 2011-2013. In particular, the focus is on the most ancient phase, evidenced by a big circularshaped structure, probably used for storage clay.

The Necropolis of Selva la Rocca could be considered one of the most important funerary sites in the southern territory of Caere, comparable with sites such as Monteroni, Le Fornaci, Procojo di Ceri and Vaccina. However, following its discovery and excavation by Donna Teresa Caetani, duchess of Sermoneta, between 1838 and 1841, its existence was almost forgotten, and the objects discovered on the site were largely lost to the antiquities trade. However, the discovery of new archival documents and the subsequent comparative study carried out with previusly published materials has made it possible to provide a new analysis of almost thirty graves, which date from the 7th to the 3rd century BC. In conjunction with this, on-site reconnaissance has led to the discovery of well-preserved stretches of a road system, which it may be possible to identify as part of ancient route linking Caere with Rome. By reflecting on this newly revealed data, it has therefore been possible to place the emerging findings within the wider context of the Caeretan territorial system and to formulate a hypothesis to identify the inhabited centre on which the Necropolis of Selva la Rocca must have depended.

Relazione di scavo e considerazioni a latere della seconda campagna di scavo presso la villa di Aiano-Torraccia di Chiusi (in pdf le bozze!).