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The Art of Leadership – An Understanding
Journal of human resource and leadership, 2022
The purpose of this paper is to give a general overview of the term "leadership" as used and explained by different authors and how it is situated in the context of group or organizational communication. I will attempt to give various definitions of key terms and concepts used in leadership discourse. Key questions like; what is leadership? What does it mean? Who is a leader? What does a leader do? Types of leaders and types of leadership styles or approaches will be explored. Methodology: The paper adopted a desktop methodology research design. Key words such as leadership styles, leadership, leader, leadership approaches, and leadership communication skills were used to source published papers from popular search engines such as google and scholar. The published papers were then assessed for quality and those found relevant were used to generate results. The type of data analysis method used was qualitative data analysis. Specifically, content analysis was used to identify key themes and research gaps from papers. Findings: Transformational leadership was found to be a critical fundamental tool, particularly in the concept of getting others to buy into necessary changes in the environment, such as workplaces, communities, and government institutions. Another finding is that leadership is the transformational credibility and capacity of men and women in institutions, communities, regions, nations, and international settings to influence people emotionally, intellectually, relationally, and willfully toward shared vision, purpose, mission, goals, objectives and activities. Therefore, any leader taking up this model must continue to be an inspiring presence, one who leads by example and is responsible for motivating others. It appears to be a form of leadership well-suited to these current times characterized by uncertainty, and societal instability. Unique contribution to Theory, Policy and Practice: The paper sheds light on the role that leader's personal communication skills play in leadership. Transformational leadership is a theoretical dimension to leadership styles and types that merits consideration. Policy makers may prescribe the need for transformational leadership in the various policy documents such as the constitution sections which advocate for leadership and governance among public and private institutions. Leaders in all fora could apply transformational leadership in a bid to improve leader-follower performance outcomes.
Open Journal of Leadership , 2018
The crisis of leadership, like other crises in most critical human endeavours, is not occasioned by lack of definitive theories or knowledge, it is elicited by failure to put the existing theories and knowledge into practice. Besides, the assumption advanced by most of the proponents of leadership theories, that by revealing to leaders what leadership is and what leaders should do, then inevitably the leaders will utilize the acquired knowledge and skills to impact their followers and the society, does not stand the test of scrutiny. There is a gap between leadership knowledge and practice, meaning that there are missing elements which translate leadership theories, knowledge and skills into impact. This paper (beyond leadership) seeks to bridge the gap between knowledge and practice. Beyond leadership answers the question, why are some people (leaders) more ethical and effective than other? The paper proposes and discusses 7 elements (purpose, conviction, moral authority, passion, commitment, courage and learning) which distinguish impactful leaders from the rest. Many more elements may be needed on the leadership journey but without the 7 elements of beyond leadership, any other additional element may not matter much.
Leadership for the Recent Time
Individuals have many innate abilities and learned skills, which support them towards the journey of success. Leadership belongs to those skills, which make a person prosperous in various walks of life. Leadership is defined as the ability to lead others, and considered as an art to motivate others to do something, which a person wants to be done. With the growing competition in global economy and technological advancements in 21st century, critical decisions are being made by the organizations. The business and organizations are also required competitive and ambitious employees to move towards high standards. This argumentative essay explains the role and importance of leaders in current era.
Leadership is what unlocks hidden potential and motivates the immovable towards an objective. This paper attempts to identify, isolate, and explain the key components of the best style of leadership. Many real-world examples of leadership are described to illustrate this. The paper then ends with discussing leadership in a contemporary setting. The purpose of this paper is not focused on the ethical aspects of leadership but instead focuses solely on its quantifiable components and the factors that affect it. The attributes mentioned will give the reader empirical means to recognize and be able to follow a true leader or become one themselves.
On the one hand, when leadership manifests itself, the roles assumed by the leader are extremely important, but, on the other hand, the roles assumed by the members of an organisation are important as well. "Shaping" the future is made starting from several variables: the evolution of technology, the cultural conflicts, the uneven economic developments, the diversity of contexts which very often do not depend on "actors", the quality of political leaders, and the complexity of social problems that arise. In light of these variables, leadership can play a decisive role to the extent that suitable individuals appear in crisis situations, individuals who use a visionary and creative leadership which is influenced by the values in which people find themselves. We can speak of a favourable direction in terms of development to the extent that the leadership has the ability to influence social groups to act in a certain way as to achieve certain goals shared by the group. The aim of our paper is to present some of the current concerns regarding leadership and its evolution in relation to the evolution of society in general starting from the dramatic changes occurring in the economic, social, political, technological and cultural fields and also to highlight some of the future directions of leadership. The research methodology is based on literature review.
Management Outlook, 2022
Whether in the arena of politics or the context of organizational management, we see certain individuals who were admired and followed by many. Such influential personalities are said to have good leadership skills. In the field of politics, we know leaders like Nelson Mandela, George Washington, and Mikhail Gorbachev who had an immense influence over the people and were able to bring about enormous changes in society. Moreover, in the corporate world, we know highly admired leaders like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Jack Ma, who transformed their organizations into immensely successful business entities. Other than planning, organizing, and controlling, leading is considered as one of the four foundation pillars of management. Due to its charismatic nature, this pillar of management has not only fascinated organizational managers at all levels but also political personalities who wanted to rule some piece of land as a king, prime minister, or president. This article discusses the meaning and purpose of the leadership phenomenon.
INTRODUCTION -8- "Freedom, justice, uprightness, truthfulness, honesty, courtesy, courage, audacity, ambition, mercy, the feeling of sorrow or shame, the sense of duty, charity, patriotism, loyalty, bravery, selflessness and, above all, a wonderful sense of honor are never automated, in any man, in any society. in no season. They are simply tested and confirmed everywhere and always."1 GENERAL "Business Administration" can rightly be characterized as one of the most important manifestations of modern life. Thanks to it, huge reserves of materials are produced and services are offered to man that he would not otherwise be able to have. Thanks to this, to a large extent, our daily lives have this form. We think it is appropriate to make it clear here that the group activities of the individual, in which we are interested here, do not always have to refer to profit-making enterprises. Public education, local government and public services are group activities in which profit does not apply at least directly. Nevertheless, their operation is greatly facilitated if the principles of Business Organization and Management are applied to them. The issue of effective leadership in an organization is one of the most critical issues in modern societies, especially nowadays when the conditions of crisis shape competitive and rapidly changing situations in the workplace. Effective leadership is a constant challenge, since a series of factors hinder the development of employees' capabilities, the creation of team spirit, the building of a collective vision, the launch of a common perspective, the formation of a healthy work culture. It is clear that the formal and bureaucratic processing of contractual tasks in a labor space does not produce a result that meets the capabilities of employees. On the contrary, where the intervention of a leading figure occurs, the productive result reflects the synthesis and utilization of forces, highlighting characteristics such as innovation, self-motivation, voluntary participation in a common vision, moral satisfaction, professional self-realization. Specifications, terms and conditions-criteria of the leader we seek and find from Ancient Greek Literature, the Renaissance, Byzantium and up to the present day. The specifications of the leader, and the leadership, cannot be a shallow moralism, but essential existing elements that aim to enhance and deepen it, but also to develop and improve it in order to contribute to lasting success that seems to depend on personal work, to require imagination, research, patience, perseverance and creative effort to connect the "parts", the "elements" of the group or society, in order to overcome and expand its limits of development. Konstantinos Tsatsos2 leaves us in his "Greek course" as a legacy the following: "Leadership in a modern state is not a one-party construct. It is a pyramidally formed group of people, led by the first, let's call him that, leader. This leader will choose 1 Inazo Nitobe, "Bushido, The Code of the Samurai", Introduction by V. G. Polydoras, ed. Kastanioti, Athens 1996, p. 24 2 Constantine Tsatsos was a Greek jurist, philosopher and politician who served as President of the Republic. He pursued an academic career, being elected full professor of philosophy of law at the Athens Law School and a member of the Academy of Athens, of which he also served as president. -9- the leaders under him. Again, the leaders under him, who must also have leadership qualities, must choose the leaders under them. So we gradually descend to that circle of simple executioners, who have a completely limited initiative. The leader must know how to choose his associates and, when the time comes, his successors. And he must be sure enough of himself not to be afraid to choose the best, the most leading, those who could, thanks to their leadership qualities, supplant him, the one who happened perhaps by chance to hold the first place of leadership." (Polydoras, 2008, pp. 263,264) Ethos and choice of partners seem to be among the key characteristics of the leader. In times of crisis and tension it seems to Other "gifts" are added in addition to moral skills, such as many and varied skills as a key to effective leadership. Seizing opportunities, practicing leadership, training, and carefully evaluating experience and its implementation in culture also seem to lead to the lasting success of effective leadership. In this paper an attempt will be made to highlight how important leadership is for the development of an organization In this context, the first chapter defines the concept of leadership and identifies the positive effects on the development of an organization while giving the mark of offering effective leadership to an organization. The second chapter analyzes the definitions and basic characteristics of business management. Chapter Three illustrates the main theories of success and why successful businesses fail. Chapter Four analyzes the most representative theories on the issue of Leadership, what are the current leadership standards and what method of leadership we should follow. In the Fifth, an approach to the role of the Leader in leading teams is attempted and basic strategies of a leader are recorded. In order to avoid confusion between the terms Leadership and Management, it was considered appropriate to record the elements that differentiate the two concepts ASSUMPTIONS The factors taken into account which influence the development of the topic are: 1. The leader is born and becomes. 2. The reference is made to leaders of "Western societies, democratic states and well-governed societies.3 3. Virtue is taught as well as cultivated. (Aristotle., pp. 5-15) DEFINITIONS For a better understanding of work, we will develop some of the terms related to it and they are as follows: 1. System It is a set of interdependent units or objects (inanimate or animate) considered in conjunction with the set of Laws, which govern the relations between them. The set of units or objects constitutes the composition of the system, while the set of laws constitutes the operation of the system. 2. Enterprise - 10 - They are a set of individuals and means engaged with each other in a specific way, to accomplish a specific objective (or more). With a little attention the reader will notice that the term "Enterprise" is identical to the term 'System'. That is indeed the case! Because, what else constitutes an "Enterprise", from all the working people within it, considered in conjunction with the means at its disposal and with some objective. With the generality of the term "Enterprise" that we adopt here, we are not limited only to Commercial and Industrial Enterprises. Non-profit enterprises or state service providers (i.e. public services and similar entities) are well included in the generality of the above definition. 3 It is accepted that many principles of leadership and characteristics of the leader can be found, for example, in authoritarian regimes and Islamic societies, but not all of them and not with the same importance and hierarchy And in Public Services we have movement of people and means, under a certain set of rules, to achieve a set of objectives such as the provision of services. Therefore, what is developed in the following is valid for any "form" and "nature" of Enterprises, which fall under the above definition. 3. Productivity Productivity can be considered as the volume of production of goods and services, relative to the means consumed to carry out this production. The task of the business executive is to achieve precisely the greatest possible productivity. 4. Work It is the activity of the individual, referred to as "freedom of action", in order to achieve certain objectives. The examination of an activity, which we can consider as human labor, will lead to the enumeration of certain characteristics. Thus, we will find that there is always an objective or more, as well as some kind of raw materials, i.e. primary energy sources, required to carry out the project in question. 5. Project It is the result that must be achieved within a certain period of time. In any project there is a specific or conditional, explicit or implicit, time limit that determines when it is desirable to achieve the objectives that will be fulfilled by completing that project. 6. Role It is the position occupied by an individual in an organization and related to a specific task or group of projects, in the sense of the terms defined above. It is emphasized that it is particularly important to be able to separate the "personality" of the person from the role that this person is called upon to play each time. PURPOSE The purpose of this thesis is to explore the concept of leadership, what it means and from where it is determined to be effective, whether it can guarantee lasting success and what it is, in a modern and constantly changing world and whether effective leadership contributes to the development of an Organization.