Insights into the genetic history of Green-legged Partridgelike fowl: mtDNA and genome-wide SNP analysis (original) (raw)
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Animal Genetics, 2013
The Green-legged Partridgelike (GP) fowl, an old native Polish breed, is characterised by reseda green-coloured shanks rather than yellow, white, slate or black commonly observed across most domestic breeds of chicken. Here, we investigate the origin, genetic relationships and structure of the GP fowl using mtDNA D-loop sequencing and genomewide SNP analysis. Genome-wide association analysis between breeds enables us to verify the genetic control of the reseda green shank phenotype, a defining trait for the breed. Two mtDNA D-loop haplogroups and three autosomal genetic backgrounds are revealed. Significant associations of SNPs on chromosomes GGA24 and GGAZ indicate that the reseda green leg phenotype is associated with recessive alleles linked to the W and Id loci. Our results provide new insights into the genetic history of European chicken, indicating an admixed origin of East European traditional breeds of chicken on the continent, as supported by the presence of the reseda green phenotype and the knowledge that the GP fowl as a breed was developed before the advent of commercial stocks.
Maternal genealogical patterns of chicken breeds sampled in Europe
Animal Genetics, 2015
The aim of this study was to investigate the maternal genealogical pattern of chicken breeds sampled in Europe. Sequence polymorphisms of 1256 chickens of the hypervariable region (D-loop) of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were used. Median-joining networks were constructed to establish evolutionary relationships among mtDNA haplotypes of chickens, which included a wide range of breeds with different origin and history. Chicken breeds which have had their roots in Europe for more than 3000 years were categorized by their founding regions, encompassing Mediterranean type, East European type and Northwest European type. Breeds which were introduced to Europe from Asia since the mid-19th century were classified as Asian type, and breeds based on crossbreeding between Asian breeds and European breeds were classified as Intermediate type. The last group, Game birds, included fighting birds from Asia. The classification of mtDNA haplotypes was based on Liu et al. 's (2006) nomenclature. Haplogroup E was the predominant clade among the European chicken breeds. The results showed, on average, the highest number of haplotypes, highest haplotype diversity, and highest nucleotide diversity for Asian type breeds, followed by Intermediate type chickens. East European and Northwest European breeds had lower haplotype and nucleotide diversity compared to Mediterranean, Intermediate, Game and Asian type breeds. Results of our study support earlier findings that chicken breeds sampled in Europe have their roots in the Indian subcontinent and East Asia. This is consistent with historical and archaeological evidence of chicken migration routes to Europe.
Heritage Finnish Landrace chickens are genetically diverse and geographically structured
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section A-animal Science, 2020
The Finnish Landrace breed of chickens (in Finnish suomalainen maatiaiskana) traces its origins to almost 1,000 years ago. Today, remnant populations of phenotypically distinct lineages are maintained by a network of volunteer hobbyists in Finland, managed by Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke). Guided by a prior Major Histocompatibility Complex B-locus haplotype study, we sought now to characterize genetically Finnish Landrace chickens using denser genomic sampling. A new panel of 101 selectively neutral SNP sites was used to interrogate genetic variation in 192 individuals sampled from 13 putatively distinctive population units. Individuals partitioned into K = 11 genetic clusters characterized by high levels of genetic diversity, strong patterns of genetic structure and low levels of inbreeding. Evidence of an undocumented genetic lineage was also discovered. Facilitated by an inexpensive SNP assay, this study shows that the genetic integrity of the Finnish Landrace persists and represents a rich resource of natural (adaptive) genomic variation.
Whole-genome resequencing reveals loci under selection during chicken domestication
Nature, 2010
Domestic animals are excellent models for genetic studies of phenotypic evolution 1-3 . They have evolved genetic adaptations to a new environment, the farm, and have been subjected to strong human-driven selection leading to remarkable phenotypic changes in morphology, physiology and behaviour. Identifying the genetic changes underlying these developments provides new insight into general mechanisms by which genetic variation shapes phenotypic diversity. Here we describe the use of massively parallel sequencing to identify selective sweeps of favourable alleles and candidate mutations that have had a prominent role in the domestication of chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) and their subsequent specialization into broiler (meat-producing) and layer (egg-producing) chickens. We have generated 44.5-fold coverage of the chicken genome using pools of genomic DNA representing eight different populations of domestic chickens as well as red jungle fowl (Gallus gallus), the major wild ancestor 4 . We report more than 7,000,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms, almost 1,300 deletions and a number of putative selective sweeps. One of the most striking selective sweeps found in all domestic chickens occurred at the locus for thyroid stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR), which has a pivotal role in metabolic regulation and photoperiod control of reproduction in vertebrates. Several of the selective sweeps detected in broilers overlapped genes associated with growth, appetite and metabolic regulation. We found little evidence that selection for loss-of-function mutations had a prominent role in chicken domestication, but we detected two deletions in coding sequences that we suggest are functionally important. This study has direct application to animal breeding and enhances the importance of the domestic chicken as a model organism for biomedical research.
The wild species genome ancestry of domestic chickens
Hybridization and/or introgression play a key role in the evolutionary history of animal species. It is commonly observed in several orders in wild birds. The domestic chicken Gallus gallus domesticus is the commonest livestock species exploited for the benefit of mankind. The origin of its diversity remains unsettled. Here, we report a genome-wide analyses for signatures of introgression within domestic village chicken. We first established the genome-wide phylogeny and divergence time across the genus Gallus, showing the sister relationships between Grey junglefowl G. sonneratii and Ceylon junglefowl G. lafayettii and that the Green junglefowl is the first diverging lineage within the genus Gallus. Then, by analysing the whole-genome sequences of geographically diverse chicken populations, we reveal extensive bidirectional introgression between Grey junglefowl and domestic chicken and to a much less extent with Ceylon junglefowl. A single case of Green junglefowl G. varius introgr...
Genome wide patterns of genetic variation in two domestic chickens
Domestic chickens are excellent models for investigating the genetic basis of phenotypic diversity, as numerous phenotypic changes in physiology, morphology, and behavior in chickens have been artificially selected. Genomic study is required to study genome-wide patterns of DNA variation for dissecting the genetic basis of phenotypic traits. We sequenced the genomes of the Silkie and the Taiwanese native chicken L2 at~23-and 25-fold average coverage depth, respectively, using Illumina sequencing. The reads were mapped onto the chicken reference genome (including 5.1% Ns) to 92.32% genome coverage for the two breeds. Using a stringent filter, we identified~7.6 million single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 8,839 copy number variations (CNVs) in the mapped regions; 42% of the SNPs have not found in other chickens before. Among the 68,906 SNPs annotated in the chicken sequence assembly, 27,852 were nonsynonymous SNPs located in 13,537 genes. We also identified hundreds of shared and divergent structural and copy number variants in intronic and intergenic regions and in coding regions in the two breeds. Functional enrichments of identified genetic variants were discussed. Radical nsSNP-containing immunity genes were enriched in the QTL regions associated with some economic traits for both breeds. Moreover, genetic changes involved in selective sweeps were detected. From the selective sweeps identified in our two breeds, several genes associated with growth, appetite, and metabolic regulation were identified. Our study provides a framework for genetic and genomic research of domestic chickens and facilitates the domestic chicken as an avian model for genomic, biomedical, and evolutionary studies.
Characterization of genetic diversity and gene mapping in two Swedish local chicken breeds
Frontiers in Genetics, 2015
The aim of this paper is to study genetic diversity in the two Swedish local chicken breeds Bohuslän-Dals svarthöna and Hedemorahöna. The now living birds of both of these breeds (about 500 for Bohuslän-Dals svarthöna and 2600 for Hedemorahöna) originate from small relicts of earlier larger populations. An additional aim was to make an attempt to map loci associated with a trait that are segregating in both these breeds. The 60k SNP chip was used to genotype 12 Bohuslän-Dals svarthöna and 22 Hedemorahöna. The mean inbreeding coefficient was considerably larger in the samples from Hedemorahöna than in the samples from Bohuslän-Dals svarthöna. Also the proportion of homozygous SNPs in individuals was larger in Hedemorahöna. In contrast, on the breed level, the number of segregating SNPs were much larger in Hedemorahöna than in Bohuslän-Dals svarthöna. A multidimensional scaling plot shows that the two breeds form clusters well-separated from each other. Both these breeds segregate for the dermal hyperpigmentation phenotype. In Bohuslän-Dals svarthöna most animals have dark skin, but some individuals with lighter skin exists (most easily detected by their red comb). An earlier study of the Fm locus showed that this breed has the same complex rearrangement involving the EDN3 gene as Silkie chicken and two other studied Asian breeds. In the breed Hedemorahöna, most individuals have normal skin pigmentation (and red comb), but there are some birds with darker skin and dark comb. In this study the involvement of the EDN3 gene is confirmed also in Hedemorahöna. In addition we identify a region on chromosome 21 that is significantly associated with the trait.
To evaluate the contribution of different functional single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) classes to genetic variation, we used a total 118,676 SNPs genotyped from 18 (3,231 individuals) global chicken breed types. We classified the SNPs into six genomic classes, estimated and compared allele frequency distributions and heterozygosity within breed types for the different SNP classes. There was no difference between the genic and non-genic classes in their contribution to genetic variation. Among the genic regions, allele frequency distributions showed that the missense sites were subjected to selection pressure. Overall the missense sites significantly contributed less to genetic variation than the other regions.
Poultry Science, 2012
Chicken is considered to be an excellent model for genetic studies of phenotypic and genomic evolution, with large effective population size, specialized commercial lines, and strong human-driven selection. High-density chicken SNP chips can help to achieve a better understanding of the selection mechanisms in artificially selected populations. We performed the genome-wide tests for the selection signature in 385 White Leghorn hens and mapped positively selected regions to the genome annotations. Ten QTL related to egg production, egg quality, growth, and disease resistance traits were selected for extended haplotype homozygosity tests to give a brief overview of recent selection signatures in chicken QTL. We also reported 185 candidate genes/CDSs showing top P-values and slower decay of haplotype homozygosities. Some of these genes seemed to have significant effects on important economical traits, and most of them have not been reported in chickens. The current study provides a genome-wide map of linkage disequilibrium extents and distributions and selection footprints in the chicken genome. A panel of genes, including PRL, NCKX1, NRF1, LHX2, and SFRP1 associated with egg production, metabolism traits, and response to illumination were identified. In addition, there were more genes identified that have not yet been reported in chickens, and our results provide new clues for further study.
Genetic structure of a wide-spectrum chicken gene pool
Animal Genetics, 2009
The genetic structure of 65 chicken populations was studied using 29 SSR loci. Six main clusters which corresponded to geographical origins and histories were identified: Brown Egg Layers, predominantly Broilers, native Chinese breeds or breeds with recent Asian origin, predominantly breeds of European derivation, a small cluster containing populations with No Common-History (NCH), and populations that had breeding history with White Leghorn. Another group of populations that shared their genome with several clusters was defined as "Multi-clusters". Gallus gallus gallus (Multi-clusters), one of the subspecies of the Red Jungle Fowl, which was previously suggested to be one of the ancestors of the domesticated chicken, has almost no sharing with European and White Egg layer populations. In a further sub-clustering of the populations, discrimination between all the 65 populations was possible, and relations between them were suggested. The genetic variation between populations was found to account for about 34% of the total genetic variation, 11% between clusters and 23% between populations within clusters. The suggested clusters may assist in future studies on genetic aspects of the chicken gene pool.