The role of logical interpretations in program development (original) (raw)

Refinement by Interpretation in a General Setting

Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 2009

Refinement by interpretation replaces signature morphisms by logic interpretations as a means to translate specifications and witness refinements. The approach was recently introduced by the authors [MMB09] in the context of equational specifications, in order to capture a number of relevant transformations in software design, reuse and adaptation. This paper goes a step forward and discusses the generalization of this idea to deductive systems of arbitrary dimension. This makes possible, for example, to refine sentential into equational specifications and the latter into modal ones. Moreover, the restriction to logics with finitary consequence relations is dropped which results in increased flexibility along the software development process.

Refinement via Interpretation

2009 Seventh IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, 2009

Traditional notions of refinement of algebraic specifications, based on signature morphisms, are often too rigid to capture a number of relevant transformations in the context of software design, reuse and adaptation. This paper proposes an alternative notion of specification refinement, building on recent work on logic interpretation. The concept is discussed, its theory partially developed, its use illustrated through a number of examples.

Toward formal development of programs from algebraic specifications: Parameterisation revisited

Acta Informatica, 1992

The program development process is viewed as a sequence of implementation steps leading from a specification to a program. Based on an elementary notion of refinement, two notions of implementation are studied: constructor implementations which involve a construction "on top of" the implementing specification, and abstractor implementations which additionally provide for abstraction from some details of the implemented specification. These subsume most formal notions of implementation in the literature. Both kinds of implementations satisfy a vertical composition and a (modified) horizontal composition property. All the definitions and results generalise to the framework of an arbitrary institution.

Algebraic reasoning for object-oriented programming

Science of Computer Programming, 2004

We present algebraic laws for a language similar to a subset of sequential Java that includes inheritance, recursive classes, dynamic binding, access control, type tests and casts, assignment, but no sharing. These laws are proved sound with respect to a weakest precondition semantics. We also show that they are complete in the sense that they are sufficient to reduce an arbitrary program to a normal form substantially close to an imperative program; the remaining object-oriented constructs could be further eliminated if our language had recursive records. This suggests that our laws are expressive enough to formally derive behaviour preserving program transformations; we illustrate that through the derivation of provablycorrect refactorings.

On the Semantics of Refinement Calculi


Refinement calculi for imperative programs provide an integrated framework for programs and specifications and allow one to develop programs from specifications in a systematic fashion. The semantics of these calculi has traditionally been defined in terms of predicate transformers and poses several challenges in defining a state transformer semantics in the denotational style. We define a novel semantics in terms of sets of state transformers and prove it to be isomorphic to positively multiplicative predicate transformers. This semantics disagrees with the traditional semantics in some places and the consequences of the disagreement are analyzed.

Program specification and data refinement in type theory

Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 1993

The study of type theory may offer a uniform language for modular programming, structured specification and logical reasoning. We develop an approach to program specification and data refinement in a type theory with a strong logical power and nice structural mechanisms to show that it provides an adequate formalism for modular development of programs and specifications. Specification of abstract data types is considered, and a notion of abstract implementation between specifications is defined in the type theory and studied as a basis for correct and modular development of programs by stepwise refinement. The higher-order structural mechanisms in the type theory provide useful and flexible tools (specification operations and parameterized specifications) for modular design and structured specification. Refinement maps (programs and design decisions) and proofs of implementation correctness can be developed by means of the existing proof development systems based on type theories.

Composing programs in a rewriting logic for declarative programming

Theory and practice of logic …, 2003

Constructor-Based Conditional Rewriting Logic is a general framework for integrating first-order functional and logic programming which gives an algebraic semantics for nondeterministic functional-logic programs. In the context of this formalism, we introduce a simple notion of program module as an open program which can be extended together with several mechanisms to combine them. These mechanisms are based on a reduced set of operations. However, the high expressiveness of these operations enable us to model typical constructs for program modularization like hiding, export/import, genericity/instantiation, and inheritance in a simple way. We also deal with the semantic aspects of the proposal by introducing an immediate consequence operator, and studying several alternative semantics for a program module, based on this operator, in the line of logic programming: the operator itself, its least fixpoint (the least model of the module), the set of its pre-fixpoints (term models of the module), and some other variations in order to find a compositional and fully abstract semantics w.r.t. the set of operations and a natural notion of observability.

Denotational abstract interpretation of logic programs

ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 1994

Logic-programming languages are based on a principle of separation of "logic" and "control." This means that they can be given simple model-theoretic semantics without regard to any particular execution mechanism (or proof procedure, viewing execution as theorem proving). Although the separation is desirable from a semantical point of view, it makes sound, efficient implementation of logic-programming languages difficult. The lack of "control information" in programs calls for complex data-flow analysis techniques to guide execution. Since data-flow analysis furthermore finds extensive use in error-finding and transformation tools, there is a need for a simple and powerful theory of data-flow analysis of logic programs. This paper offers such a theory, based on F. Nielson's extension of P. Cousot and R. Cousot's abstract interpretation. We present a denotational definition of the semantics of definite logic programs. This definition is of interest in its own right because of its compactness. Stepwise we develop the definition into a generic data-flow analysis that encompasses a large class of data-flow analyses based on the SLD execution model. We exemplify one instance of the definition by developing a provably correct groundless analysis to predict how variables may be bound to ground terms during execution. We also discuss implementation issues and related work.

CASL: the Common Algebraic Specification Language

Theoretical Computer Science, 2002

Casl is an expressive specification language that has been designed to supersede many existing algebraic specification languages and provide a standard. Casl consists of several layers, including basic (unstructured) specifications, structured specifications and architectural specifications; the latter are used to prescribe the modular structure of implementations.