Neurolinguistic Computational Models (original) (raw)

2008, Handbook of the Neuroscience of Language

It is tempting to think of the brain as functioning very much like a computer. Like the digital computer, the brain takes in data and outputs decisions and conclusions. However, unlike the computer, the brain does not store precise memories at specifi c locations. Instead, the brain reaches decisions through the dynamic interaction of diverse areas operating in functional neural circuits. The role of specifi c local areas in these functional neural circuits appears to be highly fl exible and dynamic. Recent work has begun to provide detailed accounts of both the overall circuits supporting language and the detailed computations provided in smaller neural areas. These accounts take the shape of both structured and emergent models. Just, M.A., & Varma, S. (2007). The organization of thinking: what functional brain imaging reveals about the neuroarchitecture of complex cognition. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience , 7, 153-191. This article compares three recent neurocomputational approaches that provide overall maps of high-level functional neural circuits for much of cognition. Miikkulainen , R. , Bednar , J.A. , Choe , Y. , & Sirosh , J. ( 2005 ) . Computational maps in the visual cortex . New York : Springer . This book shows how self-organizing feature maps can be used to describe many of the detailed results from the neuroscience of vision. Ullman , M. ( 2004 ) . Contributions of memory circuits to language: the declarative/procedural model . Cognition , 92 , 231 -270 . An interesting, albeit speculative, application of a neurocomputational model to issues in second language learning.