Thymus-antigen- and immunoglobulin-positive lymphocytes in tissue infiltrates of NZB/NZW mice (original) (raw)
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Primary antibody responses to thymus-independent antigens in the lungs and hilar lymph nodes of mice
Infection and immunity, 1990
B lymphocytes from the pulmonary lymphoid tissues were stimulated with a variety of thymus-independent (TI) antigens by intratracheal (i.t.) immunization. Immune responses in the lungs and hilar lymph nodes (HLN), which are part of the localized lymphoid tissue, as well as in the spleen, the systemic lymphoid organ, were studied. Thus, primary i.t. immunization of mice with the TI-1 antigen trinitrophenyl-lipopolysaccharide (TNP-LPS) elicited both antigen-specific and polyclonal plaque-forming cell responses from HLN, lung, and splenic B lymphocytes. These responses appeared as early as 3 days after immunization and declined by day 7. Similar immunization with another TI-1 antigen, TNP-Brucella abortus, resulted in anti-TNP responses in both pulmonary and systemic lymphoid tissues, although the kinetics of the antibody response were different than those to TNP-LPS. Interestingly an i.t. immunization with a TI-2 antigen, TNP-Ficoll, failed to induce an anti-TNP PFC response from HLN ...
Autoimmune diatheses and T lymphocyte immunoincompetences in BB rats
Metabolism, 1983
EtB rats were found to have autoantibodies to gastric parietal cells, thyroid colloid antigens, smooth muscle, and thymocytes. No autoentibodies reactive with pancreatic islet ceils (cyzoptasmicL th~id epithelial cells, adrenal cortex, testes, or anterior pituitary sections were identified. BB rats with gastric parietal autoantibodies had modest degrees of lymphocytic gas'Critis, but none developed iron or vitamin Btz deficiencies. These results suggest that BB rats have an underlying autoimmune diathesis. In addition, reports of peripheral T lymphopenia in such rats were confirmed, and mmkedly reduced helper T cell and cytotoxic.supprassor T cell subsets were demonstrated. Histological studies also revealed depletions ot the T cell areas of spleen end lymph nodes. Furthermore, BB rats exhibited a profound inability to reject skin grafts across major and minor histocompatibility barriers. This was confirmed by mixed lymphocyte culture studies in vitro. BB-rat ~ymphocytes from either spleen or peripheral blood also showed profoundly reduced responses to T cell mitogens. Although BB-rat {ymphocytes could produce normal levels of {nterleukin-2, they were unable to respond to this T celt growth factor. However, examination of thymuses from BB rats showed largely normal histologies, normal numbers of thvmocyte subsets, and good mitogenic responses to con A, Thus. it appears that BB rats may have a thymic or post thymic defect in T lymphocyte maturation. The re|evance of the immunologic lesion to the etiology of {DO in BB rats remains to be shown.
The Journal of Immunology
Autoimmune-prone (NZB X NZW)F1 (B/W) mice have been shown to have a variety of immunologic perturbations. However, most studies have been performed with spleen cells. By using the Mishell-Dutton culture system, we examined the in vitro immune response of the various lymphoid tissue to determine whether an imbalance at a selective lymphoid site may exist in B/W mice. It was shown that the ability of mesenteric lymph node (MLN) cells of B/W mice to generate plaque-forming cells (PFC) in response to sheep red blood cells was consistently less than that of the spleen cells. This relationship held true in the aged mice. In contrast, the ability of the MLN cells of other strains not prone to develop autoimmunity to generate PFC was higher than that of the spleen cells. No significant difference in the mitogenic response of the lymphoid cells from various lymphoid tissue in the young B/W mice was seen, as compared with normal lymphoid cells from control mice. However, it was demonstrated t...
European Journal of Immunology, 1977
In rat bone marrow Thy-1 antigen is present on cells with membrane immunoglobulin and on precursors of peripheral B lymphocytes Rat bone marrow cells carrying Thy-1 antigen were studied morphologically, and tested for their independence of the thymus and their relationship to the B lymphocyte lineage. Using a fluorescence-activated cell sorter t o separate Thy-l+ and Thy-1-fractions, it has been confirmed that up to 50 % of all nucleated bone marrow cells are Thy-l+, most of which have the morphology of small lymphocytes. Thy-1-cells were mainly neutrophils and erythroid. Thy-l+ cells were found also in the marrow of B rats (rats thymectomized as adults, irradiated and reconstituted with syngeneic bone marrow from thymectomized donors drained of recirculating lymphocytes), though at a lower frequency (roughly half) than of normal rats. In both normal and B rats about 1/4 of the Thy-l+cells also bore lymphocyte surface immunoglobulin (sIg), and these doubly labeled cells accounted for the majority (-2/3) of marrow cells carrying large amounts of sIg. Therefore, unlike mice, Thy-1 is not a marker of thymus-dependent lymphocytes in rats. The B precursor activity of marrow fractions was measured in a long-term reconstitution assay counting sIg+ cells in the thoracic duct of lethally irradiated recipients. Virtually all the precursors were in the Thy-l+ or sIg-fractions, and were barely detectable among Thy-1-or sIg+ cells. Thus, in the rat peripheral B lymphocytes descend from precursors bearing Thy-l antigen but lacking sIg.
Cellular Immunology, 1977
Combined radioautography and immunofluorescence were employed to discern the proportions of rapidly renewed (RR) and slowly renewed (SR) T, B, and null cells in mouse lymph nodes (LN), spleen (Spl), thymus (Thy), and the lymphocyte-rich fraction of bone marrow (BML). Thy and BML were found to consist predominan(tly of cells with a rapid turnover rate (95.4 and 76.90/o, respectively) in accord with their roles as primary lymphoid organs. In contrast, the secondary lymphoid organs were primarily composed of SR cells (LN, 73.4% ; Spl, 67.8%) and contained a more even admixture of the six lymphocyte subsets. Most cells in Thy were RR T cells (93.30/o), whereas the predominant lymphocyte subpopulation in both LN and Spl consisted of SR T cells (56 and SO%, respectively), with RR T cells being much less frequent (14.6% LN ; 6.8% Spl). BML contained both RR and SR cells which stained with the T-cell reagent (7.8 and 7.1%). These percentages are probably overestimates, however, since this reagent stained some nonlymphoid cells in BML. RR B cells were most plentiful in BML (31.4%) and Spl (23.30/o), less common in LN (11.2'$), and ,rare in Thy (0.4%). SR B cells were equally numerous in Spl (16%), LN (15.40/o), and BML (15.3%). RR null cells were the most prevalent cell type in BML (37.7%), but were infrequent in other tissues (1.6% Thy, 2.1% LN, 2.1% Spl). SR null cells were rare in all tissues (0% Thy, 2% LN, 2.1% Spl, 0.7% BML). These experiments represent the first comprehensive investigation of the composition of the lymphomyeloid organs in terms of RR and SR T, B, and null cells. They conclusively demonstrate RR and SR lymphocytes in all three funotional categories (T, B, and null) and show characteristic tissue distributions of the six lymphocyte subsets.
Histology of the induction phase of the primary immune response in lymph nodes of germfree mice
Acta pathologica et microbiologica Scandinavica. Section A, Pathology, 1971
Half an hour, 4, 8, 1 6 , 24 hours and 6 days after the injection of chicken red blood cells (CKBC) into the hind foot pads of germfree mice their popliteal lymph nodes were studied in one-micron sections and in the electron microscope. The untreated germfree lymph node was characteiized by the absence of a sinus system and a poor cellularity. hfast cell degeneration, dilatation of small blood vessels, infiltration of the peripheral lymph node parenchyma with polymorphonurlear cells and formation and widening of a suhcapsulary sinus space were early signs of antigenic stimulation. Later, dilatation of high eridothelial venules filled up with leurocytes, lymphocyte infiltration and lymphocyte degeneration were prominent features of the induction phase. Six days after stimulation germinal centre activity had developed.
Development of T Lymphocytes in the Nasal-associated Lymphoid Tissue (NALT) from Growing Wistar Rats
Clinical and Developmental Immunology, 2004
The aim of the present report was to study the development of several T-lymphocyte subsets in the nasal-associated lymphoid tissue (NALT) of growing Wistar rats. CD5+ and CD4+ lymphocytes gradually increased with age. A predominance of CD8α+ over CD4+ T cells was found from 7 to 45 days but from 45 to 60 days of age T helper cells outnumbered the cytotoxic subpopulation. The majority of CD8+ T lymphocytes expressed the heterodimeric isoform. The most relevant findings by immunohistochemistry are: (1) the predominance of TCRγδ+ and CD8α+ cells at 7 days postpartum over all the other T-cell subpopulations; and (2) that TCRγβ+ outnumbered TCRαβ+ T cells from 7 to 45 days postpartum whereas αβ T cells predominated in 45- and 60-day-old rats. Besides, cytometric studies have shown that the percentages of TCRγ+, CD8+, as well as the population coexpressing both phenotypes (TCRγδ+CD8α+), were significantly higher in rats at 7 days postpartum when compared to 60 day-old rats. In the present...