Sánchez, E. & Sacristán, A.I. (2003). Influential Aspects of Dynamic Geometry Activities In the Construction of Proofs (original) (raw)

Influential Aspects of Dynamic Geometry Activities in the Construction of Proofs

International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, 2005

We present results from a study which investigated the influence of dynamic geometrybased activities in the development of proving skills (in geometry) in high-school students (15-16 years of age). After a 12-week course on Cabri and the writing of conjectures and proofs, students were asked to write and prove conjectures based on their observations in six Cabri-based activities. We analyzed the written data in the light of Balacheff's work (1987, 1999). Although progress is shown on the level of the development of knowledge, in that the objects and their relationships become more meaningful, there are still many difficulties in decontextualizing the activities and in the development of a functional language, necessary for the passage from pragmatic to intellectual tools.

Proofs produced by secondary school students learning geometry in a dynamic computer environment

Educational Studies in Mathematics, 2000

As a key objective, secondary school mathematics teachers seek to improve the proof skills of students. In this paper we present an analytic framework to describe and analyze students' answers to proof problems. We employ this framework to investigate ways in which dynamic geometry software can be used to improve students' understanding of the nature of mathematical proof and to improve their proof skills. We present the results of two case studies where secondary school students worked with Cabri-Géomètre to solve geometry problems structured in a teaching unit. The teaching unit had the aims of: i) Teaching geometric concepts and properties, and ii) helping students to improve their conception of the nature of mathematical proof and to improve their proof skills. By applying the framework defined here, we analyze students' answers to proof problems, observe the types of justifications produced, and verify the usefulness of learning in dynamic geometry computer environments to improve students' proof skills.


This paper analyses a case study of a pair of students working together, who were asked to produce conjectures and to validate them within the dynamic geometry environment Cabri. Our aim is to scrutinize the students' reasoning, how the gap from perception to theory is filled, how Cabri influences the reasoning. We have singled out a sequence of phases in which the students pass from exploration to increasing degrees of formal reasoning. Our study reveals, among other things, that Cabri fosters the flexible use of methods close to analysis and synthesis.

[10]. Danh Nam Nguyen (2012). The development of the proving process within a dynamic geometry environment. European Researcher, ISSN 2219-8229, vol.32 (10-2), pp.1731-1744.

In this paper we classify student's proving level and design an interactive help system (IHS) corresponding with these levels in order to investigate the development of the proving process within a dynamic geometry environment. This help system was also used to provide tertiary students with a strategy for proving and to improve their proving levels. The open-ended questions and explorative tasks in the IHS make a contribution to support students' learning of proving, especially during the processes of realizing invariants, formulating conjectures, producing arguments, and writing proofs. This research wants to react on the well-known students' difficulties in writing a formal proof. The hypothesis of this work is that these difficulties are based on the lack of students' understanding the relationship between argumentation and proof. Therefore, we used Toulmin model to analyze student's argumentation structure and examine the role of abduction in writing a deductive proof. Furthermore, this paper also provides mathematics teachers with three basic conditions for understanding the development of the proving process and teaching strategies for assisting their students in constructing formal proofs.

The Interplay of Teacher and Student Actions in the Teaching and Learning of Geometric Proof

Educational Studies in Mathematics, 2005

Proof and reasoning are fundamental aspects of mathematics. Yet, how to help students develop the skills they need to engage in this type of higher-order thinking remains elusive. In order to contribute to the dialogue on this subject, we share results from a classroom-based interpretive study of teaching and learning proof in geometry. The goal of this research was to identify factors that may be related to the development of proof understanding. In this paper, we identify and interpret students' actions, teacher's actions, and social aspects that are evident in a classroom in which students discuss mathematical conjectures, justification processes and student-generated proofs. We conclude that pedagogical choices made by the teacher, as manifested in the teacher's actions, are key to the type of classroom environment that is established and, hence, to students' opportunities to hone their proof and reasoning skills. More specifically, the teacher's choice to pose open-ended tasks (tasks which are not limited to one specific solution or solution strategy), engage in dialogue that places responsibility for reasoning on the students, analyze student arguments, and coach students as they reason, creates an environment in which participating students make conjectures, provide justifications, and build chains of reasoning. In this environment, students who actively participate in the classroom discourse are supported as they engage in proof development activities. By examining connections between teacher and student actions within a social context, we offer a first step in linking teachers' practice to students' understanding of proof.

Teaching proof in a dynamic geometry environment: what mediation?


This paper aims to discuss two issues. First we intend to analyse if and how dynamic geometry software prove to be a communication space for students and how they support students towards proving. Second, we reflect about the use of videotapes as source of information both for Mathematics Education research and for the teaching practice. In particular we approach the question: how do videotapes help in the construction of a shared experience in the classroom? Resumé Ce travail se propose de réfléchir sur deux thèmes. En premier lieu nous voulons analyser si et comment l'emploi d'un logiciel en géométrie dynamique peut se proposer comme un espace de communication pour les étudiants et comment cela peut les aider dans l'activité de démonstration. En deuxième lieu nous réfléchissons sur l'emploi des vidéo-enregistrements en qualité de source d'information soit dans la recherche, soit dans la pratique didactique. En particulier on considère la question suivante : dans quelle façon les vidéo-enregistrements peuvent nous aider dans la construction d'une expérience partagée en classe.


Geometry students, while moving from junior high-school to Lyceum, gradually cease to deal with practical topics and have to confront with other topics of theoretical nature. Worldwide research has shown that Lyceum students have great difficulty in writing formal proofs in geometry, particularly when traditional teaching methods are employed in the teaching of geometry. In this paper, we focus on the findings of a research project, which is part of a wider research that aims at investigating the ability of 15 years-old novice geometry students to write formal proofs. In particular, we use data from a random sample of schools in Athens from students attending the first year of Lyceum. Our research findings evidence that, while attempting to write formal geometry proofs, students who had employed a tool, called "Reasoning Control Matrix for the Proving Process" (RECOMPP) had significantly improved their ability in writing formal geometry proofs than those who had not employed this tool.

Improving Undergraduate Students’ Attitudes towards Geometric Proof through a Daily-Life Story using Dynamic Geometry Software


This work is a part of a larger study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of a suggested approach, which presents geometric problems through a daily-life story using dynamic geometry software for both school pupils and undergraduate students. The present paper aimed in particular to enable undergraduate students to feel the importance of geometry in daily life, to share in the process of formulating geometric statements and conjectures, to experience the geometric proof more than validating the correctness of geometric statements, and to start with a real-life situation going through seven steps to geometric proof. The content of the suggested approach was organized so that every activity is a prerequisite for entering the next one, either in the structure of geometric concepts or in the geometric-story context. Twelve undergraduate students from the Faculty of Education in Suez Canal University, Egypt participated in the study experiments and responded to three Likert-type que...

The mathematical nature of reasoning-and-proving opportunities in geometry textbooks

International calls have been made for reasoning-and-proving to permeate school mathematics. It is important that efforts to heed this call are grounded in an understanding of the opportunities to reason-and-prove that already exist, especially in secondary-level geometry where reasoning-and-proving opportunities are prevalent but not thoroughly studied. This analysis of six secondary-level geometry textbooks, like studies of other textbooks, characterizes the justifications given in the exposition and the reasoning-and-proving activities expected of students in the exercises. Furthermore, this study considers whether the mathematical statements included in the reasoning-and-proving opportunities are general or particular in nature. Findings include the fact that the majority of expository mathematical statements were general, whereas reasoning-and-proving exercises tended to involve particular mathematical statements. Although reasoning-and-proving opportunities were relatively numerous, it remained rare for the reasoning-and-proving process itself to be an explicit object of reflection. Relationships between these findings and the necessity principle of pedagogy are discussed.

Learning of proof by mathematically gifted students: an experiment with 3-dimensional geometry

12th International Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness Conference (MCG12), 2022

One of the main mathematical activities is proving. We present a teaching experiment aimed to improve mathematically gifted students' abilities of proving. It is based on the solution in a dynamic geometry environment of construction problems, in which equidistance plays a central role. The problems ask for transitions between 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional geometries, where the elaboration of analogies between properties in plane and space supports the construction of meanings in 3-dimensional geometry and provides students with elements to elaborate deductive proofs. As an example of mathematically gifted students' outcomes, we present the solution to a problem by a student.