Экзегетика книг Царств в православном богослужении [Exegesis of the Books of Samuel and Kings in Orthodox worship]


Немного откорректированный вариант моей магистерской диссертации, посвящённой использованию образов и сюжетов книг Царств в православной гимнографии. К сожалению, не ко всем песнопениям был выполнен перевод на русский язык. Данная работа ставит вопрос о необходимости систематического исследования богословских идей церковной гимнографии, в т.ч. литургической экзегезы - толкования Священного Писания в богослужебных песнопениях // Revised version of my Master's of Theology dissertation on the use of images and subjects of the Books of Samuel and Kings in Orthodox hymnography. This work raises the question of the need for a systematic study of the theological ideas of Church hymnography, including liturgical exegesis - the interpretation of Holy Scripture in liturgical hymns

Єдинороги нашого Середньовіччя. Писарі земських судів Руського та Подільського воєводств у 1434–1500 роках / Unicorns of our Middle Ages. Scribes of the Land Courts of Ruthenian and Podolian Voivodeships in 1434–1500

Київська Академія, випуск 21, 2024

The article analyzes the quantitative composition, qualifications, regions of origin, and work experience of scribes in the land courts of the Ruthenian and Podolian Voivodeships from 1434 to 1500. The Ruthenian Voivodeship included the land courts of Lviv, Przemyśl, Halych, and Sanok, while the Podolian Voivodeship encompassed the Kamyanets land courts. A unique feature of the Ruthenian Voivodeship was the visiting sessions of the Przemyśl land court in Przeworsk and, presumably, of the Lviv land court in Zhydachiv. This study revises, supplements, and clarifies the existing list of land scribes in these voivodeships, drawing on newly discovered data and a re-examination of all available references to these officials. The article focuses on the earliest references to the scribes’ appointments in both voivodeships, their experience in governance or as scribes in other institutions, their educational background, regions of origin, and the frequency of references to their governance. Notably, given the shortage of qualified personnel, individuals from the Catholic Church, who often had the requisite knowledge of Latin, were recruited to fulfill governmental roles, thus combining zemstvo governance with their pastoral duties. A particularly remarkable figure is Mykolay from Pyashchytsi, a Kamyanets zemstvo scribe, who concurrently served as a personal scribe to the Starosta and as the Vogt of the Ruthenian community in Kamyanets. In the late Middle Ages, the skill of writing was rare in the Ruthenian territories of the Kingdom of Poland. Those who could draft Latin documents for courts where proceedings occurred in both Ruthenian and Polish were highly valuable.

Тhe Cult and Iconography of St. Eustathios of Thessalonike in the Middle Ages (in Serbian with an English summary)

Свети Евстатије, архиепископ солунски, био је један од најобразовaнијих људи XII века. Таквим су га сматрали већ његови савременици. Учени Никита Хонијат, византијски историчар и богослов, описује га као мудрог и речитог човека, који је по беседништву и целокупном образовању далеко превазилазио друге људе, и у својој домовини и ван ње. 1 Евтимије Малакес, митрополит Неопатре, назива га у надгробном говору "храмом Муза, другом Академијом, Стоом и Перипатосом". 2 Наведена похвале Евстатијевих интелектуалних врлина потврдили су током последњих деценија истраживачи његовог обимног списатељског дела. 3 Посебно су цењени Евстатијеви коментари класичних писаца, пре свега Хомера, 4 као и његово историографско дело о норманском освајању Солуна, које је преведено на неколико модерних језика. 5 Свети Евстатије је био и веома плодан црквени писац. Написао је бројна хомилитска, хагиографска и 1


Научни састанак слависта у Вукове дана, 51/1, 2022

Предмет овог рада су називи животиња у Српском рјечнику (1852) као лексикографске одреднице. Занима нас Вуков лексикографски приступ овим лексемама као и то да издвојимо оне зоолошке одреднице које садрже елементе лингвокултуролошких информација, које пружају различите етнолошке, социолошке и културно-историјске конотације о животу српског народа у 19. веку. Основно питање је зашто само неке зоолошке одреднице у речнику садрже лингвокултуролошке податке и да ли се, с тим у вези, може рећи да су одређене животиње из перспективе његовог састављача имале посебан статус у народној култури. The subject of this paper are the animal names in Vuk’s Srpski rječnik (1852) as lexicographic determinants. We are interested in Vuk’s lexicographic approach to these lexemes, as well as to especially emphasize those zoological lexems that contains elements of linguo-cultural information which provide different ethnological, sociological and cultural-historical connotations about the life of the Serbian people in the 19th century. The basic question is why only some zoological lexems in the dictionary contain linguo-cultural data and whether, in this regard, it can be said that certain animals from the perspective of its compiler had a special status in folk culture.


This paper offers new Slavic еtymologies for a few SCr. words which have hitherto been considered Grecisms: 1. Maritime ichthyonyms androga, jandroga „Pleuronectes flesus“ are related to a number of similar freshwater ones, jandruga, jandrčič, etc. and then interpreted as continuations of Psl. rudr-Qga, rather than loans from Gk. ouranoskopos . 2. The provincial verb badati „to walk quickly making small steps“ is related to the domestic one badati „to prick“, and not to Gk. badizo. 3. Freshwater ichthyonym koravica is much more likely to be a derivative of SCr. kora „crust, skin“ than a loan from Gk. karavos, karavis.


Український нумізматичний щорічник, 2017

The process of formation and development of the inter-state relations of the Ukrainian medieval lands with the state of the Teutonic Order in Prussia is represented mainly in written sources of the second half of the XIII – beginning of the XVI century, and particularly in documents. However, these relations should have left a mark not only in written sources. The relations, even if they were occasional, leave a sufficient number of numismatic sources in the cultural layers of settlements. In this case they are the Teutonic coins which were lost by their owners in their time. The purpose of the article is to study and introduce into scientific circulation the corpus of numismatic sources which reflect the relations of the Ukrainian medieval lands with the State of the Teutonic Order in Prussia. The main numismatic sources are the coin findings with the coins and materials and tools for coin mining. Coin findings allow enhancing the existing concepts of money circulation and trade relations as well as sometimes these findings change the established stereotypes. Let us turn to the problem of coins of the State of the Crusaders – the State of the Teutonic Order in Prussia, and the monetary circulation in the medieval Ukraine. The coins of the Teutonic Order are found in Ukraine as one of a kind as well as in money and material hoards. This problem has been studied in the scientific literature. The first information about such findings appeared in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, particularly in the works of K. Strashkevych, in the materials of the Archaeological Congresses. The Ukrainian Soviet historiography ignored the presence of the Teutonic coins in the monetary circulation of Ukrainian medieval lands, as well as the findings of these coins in Ukraine. Recent decades have brought the processes of rethinking of the historical past. The study of the problems of the history of the state of the Teutonic Order in Prussia, including the relations of this state with the rulers and the population of medieval Ukraine, was also no exception. In modern Ukrainian historiography, some aspects of the problem of finding the coins of the State of the Teutonic Order in Prussia on the territory of Ukraine are reflected in the works of H. Ivakin, A. Pozikhovskyi and R. Shust, S. Demydko, O. Pohorilets and S. Stopenchuk, A. Shestopal, R. Savvov, V. Orlyk and others. In addition to the works mentioned above, the information about coin findings of the State of the Teutonic Order in Prussia in Ukraine can be found in various sources: archival documents, museum collections, confirmations of ethnographers and materials of forum for treasure hunters. The investigation of coin findings of the State of the Teutonic Order in Prussia on the territory of modern Ukraine makes it possible to conclude about the relations (mostly economic) of its medieval lands with the Teutonic Order and the presence of the Order coins in circulation in Ukrainian territories in the XIV-XV centuries. The problem we encountered requires further scientific development. First of all, a detailed study of the numismatic collections of the National Museum of History of Ukraine, regional and district local history museums, reports of the Institute of Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, published documents of the XIVXV centuries, funds of the Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in the cities of Kyiv and Lviv, as well as Torun city archives, Gdansk, Kaliningrad (Königsberg) and others. Thus, for further comprehensive study of the relations of the Ukrainian medieval lands with the state of the Teutonic Order in Prussia, it is necessary to use various sources including numismatic ones. And the topography of the findings of coins undoubtedly holds a significant place.


Українська мова, 2019

The article is devoted to the consideration of the means of expressing the elements of the sens structure of the gramma books of Lawrentij Zizanij (1596) and Meletij Smotrytsky (1619). In elucidating scientific text generation resources of that time, the author uses findings and achievements obtained by modern functional stylistic, textlinguistic and communicative functional studies in the field of scientific text that center upon its meangful structure. She also demonstrates the notion of scientific text informativeness as manifested by technical words, or terminologye, distinguished by means of glosses, etymological and hypo/hyperonymic definitions. Also, she traces the formation of means of explication of obligatory categoris of Old Ukrainian scientific text, such as marcers of prospection and retrcerospection, text segmentation etc. as well as showing processes of development of standard language, codification, and individuation in scientific text production field. The author argues that, with respect to the explication of difference between new and previous knowledge, designation of methods, and coherence, the texts she analizes are a fuzzy set. She proposes a typology of scientific texts based on the opposition between nuclear and peripheral text types correlated with religious / profane discourse. The gramma texbook of Lawrentij Zyzanij has an incomplete meangful structure, tends to scholastic tracts with collapsed subtexts of old knowledge and limited markers of intertextuality. Renaissance trends should be associated with the expression of subtexts of authorization, methodological, and the glorification of cognition. Much more textualization is used in Meletij Smotrytsky's grammar; here are the elements of the subtext of the new knowledge (personal contribution); instead of a dialogical presentation, the author applies other, more promising methodical methods of porting, segmenting material and addressing.