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International Journal of Information Studies & Libraries, 2022
The aim of the present study is to explore the awareness and use of ICT-based library and information services among the agricultural science students of Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya (UBKV), Pundibari, Cooch Behar (West Bengal), India. An online questionnaire-based survey has been carried out to collect the data from the students of Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya (UBKV), Pundibari, Cooch Behar of the state of West Bengal, India. The online questionnaire was shared among 200 respondents, of whom 159 have responded, which gives a response rate of 79.50%. The findings show that all the respondents were aware of and using the Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)/Web-OPAC services. Around 91.82 per cent of the respondents were aware of the use of e-journals and 86.80 per cent were aware of the use of e-books for their academic and research purposes. About 76.73 per cent of the respondents were aware of the use of the Consortium for Electronic Resources in Agriculture (CeRA), Krishikosh repository, Agricat union catalogue, and so on, and the e-resources packages and related services. The findings also reveal some of the problems encountered by the respondents. On the basis of the feedback from the respondents, some valuable suggestions have also been given by the researchers.
An effort had been done to find out the information needs of the persons engaged in the agricultural activities i.e. agricultural farmers. Today, each and every person needs a different type of information in his daily life, to make the easiest way. Developing society generates large amounts of information by using different methods and media and this in term get consumed by the society. Information is one of the basic resources that is needed and utilized by human being for their development and prosperity. Several work and efforts are needed for imparting information support for agricultural development with the application of emerging information and communication technologies for information oriented and socioeconomic empowerment of the rural farmers' community.
Agricultural Development in India in view of Information technology
The job of Information Technology to develop agricultural research, education and extension to improve quality of life in rural area is well established. IT can assist an average Indian farmer to get applicable information regarding agro-inputs, crop production technologies, agro processing, market support, agro-finance and management of farm agri-business. The agricultural extension mechanism is becoming dependent on IT to provide proper and location specific technologies for the farmers to furnish timely and proficient advice to the farmers IT can be a best mean not only to develop agricultural extension but also to expand agriculture research and education system. IT in agricultural research management for textual and non textual documentations and deciding prioritization of research areas needs to be reinforced. The crop forecasting, input management, command area management, watershed management, land and water resources development , drinking water potential mapping precision management, natural disaster management, fishery management , hill area development and post harvest management are the key areas, where Information Technology can play its imperative impact. Scope of rural Internet: Enormous benefits await rural communities and agricultural organizations when communication improves between the non-governmental organizations, government services, private sector entities and educational institutes that support rural and agricultural development. By sharing information about their activities in the fields of agriculture, rural development, forestry, fisheries, health, nutrition, and education, these agencies can better serve rural people and farmers. They can make use of "lessons learned," determine and use "best practices," and coordinate information about particular regions or successful development approaches. At the same time, rural communities and agricultural organizations can benefit equally from improved vertical channels of communication that enable rural extension agencies and farmers to communicate with decision-makers and others concerned with development. An integrated approach to the expansion of Internet services will promote often-neglected horizontal communication between agencies linked to rural and agricultural development. At the same time, an integrated approach will provide the tools to enable rural people and farmers to enter directly into new vertical communication relationships with external agencies. Improving horizontal communication can improve the quality and relevance of information resources and physical resources available to rural people. Improving vertical communication between rural people, farmers and decision-makers can improve the quality of decisions that affect rural communities and agricultural organizations. An integrated approach provides for vertical communication by establishing rural Internet access sites, and by enhancing horizontal communication between such entities as agricultural development organizations, agricultural input and equipment suppliers, government extension services, rural development organizations, health care agencies, and agricultural research and documentation centres.
Web-Based Agricultural Community Information Services in India
The article investigates Web-based information and online portals which provide relevant and accurate information for agricultural community in India. In this paper an attempt is being made here to highlight the web-based Agricultural information services. Emphasis has been given on the needs of agricultural community information services and their specific purposes. It also discusses the availability of resources and infrastructure for disseminating agricultural information in rural area. Point out the skill and knowledge which is required to access the information. Problems have been identifying that have to face at accessing information by agriculture community.
ICT Applications in Agriculture University Libraries of Western India: A Study
An attempt has been made to study and represent the status of Library automation in Agricultural university libraries in Western India with the help of data collection tool i.e. questionnaire. Develop a model of consortia of E-resources among agricultural university libraries in India. Also given some suggestions to improve the ICT applications in providing better information services to their users with the help of ICT tools. ______________________________________________________________________________________ I. INTRODUCTION India primarily is an agrarian country and provides livelihood to about three-fourth of the population and contributes half of the national income. The food gain production has reached to 250 million tons in 2011-12 from 50.8 million tons in 1950-51 during the last sixty years [1]. India's agriculture production has been growing at the rate of 3 percent per annum [2]. India is the fourth largest food grain producer country in the world and offer vast potential for future increase in production. The effectiveness of research and development programs depend upon the quality and quantum of work done by its researchers, who, have to be helped by technical, administrative supporting agencies. One of such is Library and Information Centers (LICs) which plays a vital role in information communication and in keeping the scientist abreast with latest development in their field of study. Agricultural University's Research and Development (R & D) in agricultural sectors was encouraged. Various Committees and Commissions viz. University Education Commission chaired by Dr. S. Radhakrishnan (1948), the first Joint Indo-American Team on Agricultural Research and Education under Dr.
Journal of Krishi Vigyan, 2021
The role of ICT in Agriculture is of paramount importance and facilitates transfer of agricultural information. Agriculture helps in empowering the rural people by providing better access to improved agricultural technologies, effective production strategies, markets, banking and financial services etc. This article explores the role of ICT in agricultural sector. The study was conducted on southern Rajasthan covering two districts i.e. Banswara and Dungarpur. The districts were selected on the basis of the availability of maximum facilities and infrastructures to promote ICT use. The empirical data were collected personally from 160 farmers through a pre-tested structured interview schedule and analyzed using standard methodology. The study revealed direct role of ICT in providing latest technological information about agriculture and allied fields. Live shows to get the first hand agricultural information, agricultural news for quick solution of farmers' problem, scientific package of practices of crops helped in timely decision making on matters related to agriculture and plant protection measures were the major roles of ICT as perceived by the farmers of Banswara and Dungarpur districts. The findings also indicated that there was no significant perceived difference in direct role of ICT tools in transfer of agricultural technology between the farmers of Banswara and Dungarpur districts.
Present world belongs to the era of information explosion. With the information edge on hand, the world is getting much competitive. Students are required to develop rigorous digital skills to suit themselves to the multi-faceted world. It is no coincidence that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools form the bulwark of this new age digital literacy. ICTs have been establishing themselves for so long as the futuristic tools of teaching and learning. In addition, ICT has become a polynary and systematic concept in the field of education. Thankfully, agricultural education is not left behind and it is getting more and more realized that agricultural information professionals must support agriculture by managing and improving access to a proliferating and increasingly complex array of information. This paper is limited to the usage and effects of ICT tools in the classroom teaching-cum-learning setup of agricultural education. Research studies show that for massive deployment of ICTs, the student community needs to be exposed to various courses of computer usage and application software. Besides, bottlenecks that hinder widespread ICT deployment have also been identified amongst agricultural community. Apart from the poor or inadequate availability of interactive multimedia, self-learning modules and online class courses in agricultural domain, it has been ascertained that poor signal strength of wifi also pose as barrier in inhibiting the adaptability of ICT tools in countries like India. The study suggests that the students should foster information awareness, build their knowledge about ICT, develop competence in ICT, and the teaching faculty should determine methods for how to use ICT to achieve information literacy in agriculture.
Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 2016
The benefits of the green revolution greatly improved agricultural productivity. However, there is a demonstrable need for a new revolution that will bring lower prices for consumers (through reduced waste and more-efficient supply chain management), contribute to agriculture, and incentivize farmers (for example, through higher income) to increase their production. ICT is one of these solutions, and has recently unleashed incredible potential to improve agriculture in developing countries like India. Information and communication have always mattered in agriculture. Ever since people have grown crops, raised livestock, and caught fish, they have sought information from one another. Thus the important contribution made by ICT provides the necessary basis and justification for the present research study on "Use of Information and Communication Technology by farmers to