Electrographic response of the heart to myocardial ischemia (original) (raw)
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Circulation, 1983
The spatial distribution of abnormal repolarization potentials caused by regional myocardial ischemia was determined in 45 dogs. Ameroid constrictors were placed around the left circumflex artery in 10, the left anterior descending artery in 10, and the right coronary artery in 10. Ten dogs without constrictors served as controls. Electrocardiographic events were determined from body surface isopotential distributions, which were computed from potentials sensed by 84 torso electrodes. In control dogs, pacing to heart rates of 230 to 250 beats/min increased the intensity of positive and negative surface extrema during the ST segment without altering their spatial features. Two weeks after placement of the ameroid constrictors, tachycardia induced abnormal negative potentials during the ST segment. Localization of these ischemic forces varied with the placement of the constrictor in a manner consistent with the affected perfusion territories. However, much of the torso surface was involved by all lesions, and only small zones of ST segment depression unique to specific lesions could be identified. In five additional dogs a constrictor was placed on the right coronary artery 3 months after implantation of a device on the circumflex vessel. ST segment pattems during pacing in dogs with two lesions were consistent with the sum of the two individual lesions. Thus, the regional nature of myocardial ischemia is detectable in the body surface isopotential distributions, but the degree of spatial overlap may limit the value of such techniques in extending the usesfulness of clinical exercisestress electrocardiography.
Journal of Electrocardiology, 1984
The effects of tachycardia on the QRS complex in the absence and in the presence of coronary arterial constriction are of possible clinical significance. To study the spatial and temporal distributions of these effects, a canine model simulating progressive coronary occlusion was studied. Tachycardia was induced by atrial pacing, coronary narrowing was produced by implantation of an ameroid constrictor about the left circumflex coronary artery and electrocardiographic effects were studied by isopotentiai mapping techniques at rates of up to 250 beats per minute, one to three weeks after constrictor implant. In five dogs. pacing without coronary constriction demonstrated the spatial and temporal dependence of QRS changes; tachycardia-induced changes varied from one torso site to another at any instant, and from one moment to another at any one torso location. Patterns in ten dogs with constrictors were dependent upon time after ameroid placement. Resting QRS and S-T segment distributions remained unchanged. One week after surgery, QRS and S-T segment patterns during pacing were as in controls. Two weeks after surgery, QRS patterns were as in controls but flat S-T segment depression resulted at high rates. After three weeks, QRS patterns during pacing were abnormal and S-T segment depression was observed. At each of the later times, the QRS response was similiar at rates which did and which did not cause S-T depression. Thus, the effects of tachycardia on excitation and recovery forces in the presence of restricted coronary flow are independent of one another. This suggests that the two responses to ischemia may be due to different basic mechanisms and, hence, that their detection may reflect different myocardial abnormalities. Changes in the QRS complex during exerciseinduced tachycardia are of uncertain diagnostic significance and of undefined origins. Whereas some have concluded that reduction of QRS amplitude is diagnostic of normality and that augmentation is indicative of disease 1, others
Circulation, 1987
Previous studies have documented a quantitative relation between alterations in transmural myocardial blood flow and body surface electrocardiographic distributions during rapid atrial pacing after chronic occlusion of the left circumflex coronary artery (LCx). Because other studies have described functional differences between the left anterior descending (LAD) and the LCx perfusion beds, we tested the hypothesis that these two territories exhibit quantitative differences in their responses to demand-dependent myocardial ischemia. To do so, 25 sedated dogs were studied 3 weeks after implantation of an ameroid constrictor around the proximal LCx (15 dogs, group I) or the LAD (group II). Oxygen demand was increased by rapid atrial pacing at rates of 90 to 210 beats/min, myocardial blood flow was measured by serial injections of radiolabeled microspheres, and the electrocardiographic consequences were evaluated by isopotential body surface mapping. Endocardial flows and the endocardial/epicardial flow ratio fell to significantly lower levels during atrial pacing in the ischemic LAD bed than in the LCx perfusion zone. Electrocardiographic patterns indicative of subendocardial ischemia also developed with lesser abnormalities in endocardial/epicardial ratios as determined by logistic regression models, in the LAD than in the LCx bed. Thus the LAD bed is more susceptible to ischemia than the LCx region because of differences in collateral blood flow patterns. In addition, the intensity of the surface electrocardiographic potentials during ischemia was significantly greater, as measured by linear regression, after LAD than after LCx obstruction. These data thus demonstrate significant differences between the two cardiac regions as electrocardiographic potential sources during ischemia.
Source of Electrocardiographic ST Changes in Subendocardial Ischemia
Circulation Research, 1998
To clarify the source of electrocardiographic ST depression associated with ischemia, a sheep model of subendocardial ischemia was developed in which simultaneous epicardial and endocardial ST potentials were mapped, and a computer model using the bidomain technique was developed to explain the results. To produce ischemia in different territories of the myocardium in the same animal, the left anterior descending coronary artery and left circumflex coronary artery were partially constricted in sequence. Results from 36 sheep and the computer simulation are reported. The distributions of epicardial potentials from either ischemic source were very similar (rϭ0.77Ϯ0.14, PϽ0.0001), with both showing ST depression on the free wall of the left ventricle and no association between the ST depression and the ischemic region. However, endocardial potentials showed that ST elevation was directly associated with the region of reduced blood flow. Insulating the heart from the surrounding tissue with plastic increased the magnitude of epicardial ST potentials, which was consistent with an intramyocardial source. Increasing the percent stenosis of a coronary artery increased epicardial ST depression at the lateral boundary and resulted in ST elevation starting from the ischemic center as ischemia became transmural. Computer simulation using the bidomain model reproduced the epicardial ST patterns and suggested that the ST depression was generated at the lateral boundary between ischemic and normal territories. ST depression on the epicardium reflected the position of this lateral boundary. The boundaries of ischemic territories are shared, and only those appearing on the free wall contribute to external ST potential fields. These effects explain why body surface ST depression does not localize cardiac ischemia in humans. (Circ Res. 1998;82;957-970.) Key Words: ST depression Ⅲ potential mapping Ⅲ bidomain model Ⅲ subendocardial ischemia Ⅲ
Electrophysiological and Anatomic Heterogeneity in Evolving Canine Myocardial Infarction
Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, 2000
HORVATH, G., tT AL.: Eiectrophysioiogicai and Anatomic Heterogeneity in Evolving Canine Myocardial Infarction. Although the heterogeneity of eiectrophysioiogicai properties is increased after myocardial infarction, the degree of this heterogeneity has not been well quantitated and its relationship to the histological changes that occur after infarction has not been carefully examined. The purpose of the present study was to test the hypothesis that alterations in eiectrophysioiogicai properties in healing canine infarction are related to particular histological changes. Experimental infarction was produced by left anterior descending coronary ligation. Six dogs were used as controls, six were studied 5 days following, and six were studied 8 weeks following infarction. Pacing thresholds, effective refractory periods, and activation-recovery times were determined at 112 sites on the anterior left ventricle using a multiple electrode plaque. Conduction velocity, conduction-heterogeneity index-a measure of conduction disturbanceand histology of tbe epimyocardium underlying the plaque were assessed. The effective refractory periods and activation-recovery times were greater in both infarction groups, most prominently in the suhacute group. In subacute infarction, significant postrepolarization refractoriness was present. In healed infarction, conduction velocity was decreased and the conduction-heterogeneity index was increased compared to controls and subacute infarction. Dispersion of excitability and repolarization was associated with more extensive local scarring. Dispersion of myocardial fiber angles was associated with the conductionheterogeneity index. Some but not all of the eiectrophysioiogicai changes noted in the animals with infarction were also seen in sham operated animals. Thus, heterogeneity in repolarization and refractoriness is greatest in the subacute phase of myocardial infarction and is associated with the extent of local cell death. In contrast, disturbances in conduction are greatest in healed infarction and associated with disarray of myocardial fibers.
Electrophysiological characterization of murine myocardial ischemia and infarction
Basic Research in Cardiology, 2001
˾ Abstract Background Genetically altered mice will provide important insights into a wide variety of processes in cardiovascular physiology underlying myocardial infarction (MI). Comprehensive and accurate analyses of cardiac function in murine models require implementation of the most appropriate techniques and experimental protocols. Objective In this study we present in vivo, whole-animal techniques and experimental protocols for detailed electrophysiological characterization in a mouse model of myocardial ischemia and infarction. Methods FVB mice underwent open-chest surgery for ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery or shamoperation. By means of echocardiographic imaging, electrocardiography, intracardiac electrophysiology study, and conscious telemetric ECG recording for heart rate variability (HRV) analysis, we evaluated ischemic and postinfarct cardiovascular morphology and function in mice. Results Coronary artery ligation resulted in antero-apical infarction of the left ventricular wall. MI mice showed decreased cardiac function by echocardiography, infarcttypical pattern on ECG, and increased arrhythmia vulnerability during electrophysiological study. Electrophysiological properties were determined comprehensively, but were not altered significantly as a consequence of MI. Autonomic nervous system function, measured by indices of HRV, did not appear altered in mice during ischemia or infarction. Conclusions Cardiac conduction, refractoriness, and heart rate variability appear to remain preserved in a murine model of myocardial ischemia and infarction. Myocardial infarction may increase vulnerability to inducible ventricular tachycardia and atrial fibrillation, similarly to EPS findings in humans. These data may be of value as a reference for comparison with mutant murine models necessitating ischemia or scar to elicit an identifiable phenotype. The limitations of directly extrapolating murine cardiac electrophysiology data to conditions in humans need to be considered.
AJP: Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 2003
Our objective was to create an animal preparation displaying long-term electrical alterations after chronic regional energetic stress without myocardial scarring. An Ameroid (AM) constrictor was implanted around the left circumflex coronary artery (LCx) 2 wk before chronic rapid ventricular pacing (CRP) was initiated at 240 beats/min for 4 wk (CRP-AM). Comparisons were made with healthy canines and canines with either AM or CRP. Unipolar electrograms were recorded from 191 sites in the LCx territory in open-chest, anesthetized animals during sinus rhythm and while pacing at 120–150 beats/min, with bouts of transient rapid pacing (TRP; 240/min). In CRP-AM and AM, ST segment elevation was identified at central sites and ST depression at peripheral sites, both increasing with TRP. In CRP-AM and CRP, the maximum negative slope of unipolar activation complexes was significantly depressed and activation-recovery intervals prolonged. Areas of inexcitability as well as irregular isocontour ...
Journal of Electrocardiology, 2006
The electrocardiographic ST segment may change when heart rate (HR) increases. We aimed to analyze vectorcardiographic ST relation and myocardial conditions during controlled HR increases in anesthetized pigs. The relative parameters ST change vector magnitude and ST change vector angle were calculated at paced HRs ranging from 85 to 175 beats per minute. ST change vector magnitude increased from baseline 6.3 F 1.3 to 26.0 F 3.1 lV ( P b .01; range, 4-50 lV) at HR 175 beats per minute with similar changes in ST change vector angle, whereas the absolute parameter ST vector magnitude demonstrated a heterogeneous pattern without any systematic relation to HR changes. Microdialysis results from left ventricular wall, with analysis of glucose, lactate, and pyruvate, showed no sign of ischemia during pacing. Potassium concentrations did not change during pacing. We conclude that significant HR-related ST vector changes can occur in the absence of myocardial ischemia. D
Heart Rhythm, 2014
BACKGROUND Acute myocardial ischemia in opposite regions may attenuate ST-segment changes, but whether this effect is expressed differently in extracardiac compared to direct intramyocardial recordings is not well known. OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study was to characterize STsegment changes induced by opposite ischemic regions in intact and isolated perfused pig hearts. METHODS Left anterior descending (LAD) and right coronary arteries (RCA) were occluded in 7 closed chest pigs and in 5 isolated pig hearts. ST-segment changes were analyzed in 12-lead ECG and in local extracellular electrograms. RESULTS Isolated LAD or RCA occlusion induced maximal STsegment elevation in leads V 4 (0.84 Ϯ 0.30 mV, P ¼ .003) and III (0.16 Ϯ 0.11 mV, P ¼ .04), respectively. RCA occlusion also induced reciprocal ST-segment depression maximal in lead V 4 (-0.40 Ϯ 0.16 mV, P ¼ .005). Simultaneous LAD and RCA occlusion reduced ST-segment elevation by about 60% and blunted reciprocal ST-segment changes. Reperfusion of 1 of the 2 occluded arteries induced immediate regional reversion of ST-segment elevation with concurrent beat-to-beat re-elevation in the opposite ischemic region and reappearance of reciprocal ST-segment changes. In the isolated heart, single LAD or RCA ligature induced regional transmural ST-segment elevation that was maximal in endocardial electrograms with no appreciable reciprocal ST-segment depression. Simultaneous LAD and RCA ligature reduced ST-segment elevation by about 30% with no appreciable re-elevation after 1-vessel selective reperfusion. CONCLUSION Acute myocardial ischemia in opposite ventricular regions attenuated ST-segment elevation and blunted reciprocal depression in conventional ECG leads but not in direct local myocardial electrograms.
The role of heart rate in myocardial ischemia from restricted coronary perfusion
Journal of Electrocardiology, 2001
Despite many years of study, certain aspects of myocardial ischemia remain incompletely understood. One observation that motivated this study is that acute, complete occlusion produces elevations but never depression of the ST-segment potentials in electrocardiographic leads over the ischemic zone. Limited flow, on the other hand, leads to ST-segment depression, both in in situ experiments and during clinical stress tests. The prevailing biophysical theory of ischemia suggests that complete occlusion should produce at least transient ST-segment depression, a finding we have neither observed in our own studies nor uncovered in the literature. Our goal with these experiments was to understand the difference between complete occlusion and reduced coronary flow, specifically the behavior at the transition between the two. We have carried out experiments using isolated dog hearts with a cannulated left anterior descending artery suspended in a human shaped electrolytic tank. To create a range of ischemic conditions, we changed coronary flow rates both suddenly and in controlled sequences and varied the heart rate of the isolated heart. The main finding was that in the isolated heart preparation, epicardial ST-segment depression over the ischemic zone arose only under conditions of combined restricted flow and elevated heart rate. Reduced coronary flow alone never produced ST-segment depression. These findings suggest that heart rate and probably metabolic work create the conditions necessary for subendocardial ischemia that reduced flow alone cannot provoke. They furthermore suggest that the degree of ST-segment depression for a given restriction in coronary flow may depend on heart rate, which supports the notion of rate correction for clinical stress ECG testing.