On the associated graded ring of a semigroup ring (original) (raw)

On the Associated Graded ring of Semigroup Algebras

arXiv (Cornell University), 2022

In this paper we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the Cohen-Macaulayness of the associated graded ring of a simplicial affine semigroups using Gröbner basis. We generalize the concept of homogeneous numerical semigroup for the simplicial affine semigroup and show that the Betti numbers of the corresponding semigroup ring matches with the Betti numbers of the associated graded ring. We also define the nice extension for simplicial affine semigroups, motivated by the notion of a nice extension of the numerical semigroups.

Coefficient rings of numerical semigroup algebras

Semigroup Forum, 2021

Numerical semigroup rings are investigated from the relative viewpoint. It is known that algebraic properties such as singularities of a numerical semigroup ring are properties of a flat numerical semigroup algebra. In this paper, we show that arithmetic and set-theoretic properties of a numerical semigroup ring are properties of an equi-gcd numerical semigroup algebra.

When the associated graded ring of a semigroup ring is Complete Intersection


Let (R, m) be the semigroup ring associated to a numerical semigroup S. In this paper we study the property of its associated graded ring G(m) to be Complete Intersection. In particular, we introduce and characterise beta-rectangular and gamma-rectangular Ap\'ery sets, which will be the fundamental concepts of the paper and will provide, respectively, a sufficient condition and a characterisation for G(m) to be Complete Intersection. Then we use these notions to give four equivalent conditions for G(m) in order to be Complete Intersection.

Quasi-socle ideals in Gorenstein numerical semigroup rings

Journal of Algebra, 2008

Quasi-socle ideals, that is the ideals I of the form I = Q : m q in Gorenstein numerical semigroup rings over fields are explored, where Q is a parameter ideal, and m is the maximal ideal in the base local ring, and q ≥ 1 is an integer. The problems of when I is integral over Q and of when the associated graded ring G(I) = n≥0 I n /I n+1 of I is Cohen-Macaulay are studied. The problems are rather wild; examples are given. If J is an equimultiple Cohen-Macaulay ideal of reduction number one, the associated

Chain conditions and semigroup graded rings

Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, 1988

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On the defining equations of the tangent cone of a numerical semigroup ring

Journal of Algebra, 2014

Let a = a 1 < · · · < a r be a sequence of positive integers, and let H a denote the semigroup generated by a 1 , . . . , a r . For an integer k ≥ 0 we denote by a + k the shifted sequence a 1 + k, . . . , a r + k. Fix a field K. We show that for all k ≫ 0 the tangent cone of the semigroup ring K[H a+k ] is Cohen-Macaulay and that it has the same Betti numbers as K[H a+k ] itself.

The weak Lefschetz property of graded Gorenstein algebras associated to the Apéry set of a numerical semigroup

Hue University Journal of Science: Natural Science, 2022

It has been conjectured that all graded Artinian Gorenstein algebras of codimension three have the weak Lefschetz property over a field of characteristic zero. In this paper, we study the weak Lefschetz property of associated graded algebras A of the Apéry set of M-pure symmetric numerical semigroups generated by four natural numbers. These algebras are graded Artinian Gorenstein algebras of codimension three.

Semigroup-graded rings with finite support

Glasgow Mathematical Journal, 1996

Let S be a semigroup and let be an S-graded ring. Rs = 0 for all but finitely many elements s ∈ S1, then R is said to have finite support. In this paper we concern ourselves with the question of whether a graded ring R with finite support inherits a given ring theoretic property from the homogeneous subrings Re corresponding to idempotent semigroup elements e.

Associated graded rings of one-dimensional


Lance Bryant noticed in his thesis [3], that there was a flaw in our paper [2]. It can be fixed by adding a condition, called the BF condition in [3]. We discuss some equivalent conditions, and show that they are fulfilled for some classes of rings, in particular for our motivating example of semigroup rings. Furthermore we discuss the connection to a similar result, stated in more generality, by Cortadella-Zarzuela in [4]. Finally we use our result to conclude when a semigroup ring in embedding dimension at most three has an associated graded which is a complete intersection. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 13A30 If x ∈ R is an element of smallest positive value, i.e. v(x) = e, then xR is a minimal reduction of the maximal ideal, i.e. m n+1 = xm n , for n >> 0. Conversely each minimal reduction of the maximal ideal is a principal ideal generated by an element x of value e. The smallest integer n such that m n+1 = xm n is called the reduction number and we denote it by r. Observe that, if v(x) = e, then Ap e (S) = S \(e+S) = v(R)\v(xR), therefore w j / ∈ v(xR), for j = 0,. .. , e − 1. Consider the m-adic filtration m ⊃ m 2 ⊃ m 3 ⊃. .. . If a ∈ R, we set ord(a) := max{i | a ∈ m i }. If s ∈ S, we consider the semigroup filtration v(m) ⊃ v(m 2) ⊃. .. and set vord(s) := max{i | s ∈ v(m i)}. If a ∈ m i , then v(a) ∈ v(m i) and so ord(a) ≤ vord(v(a)). According to [3], we say that the m-adic filtration is essentially divisible with respect to the minimal reduction xR if, whenever u ∈ v(xR), then there is an a ∈ xR with v(a) = u and ord(a) = vord(u). The m-adic filtration is essentially divisible if there exists a minimal reduction xR such that it is essentially divisible with respect to xR. We fix for all the paper the following notation. Set, for j = 0,. .. , e − 1, b j = max{i|w j ∈ v(m i)}, and let c j = max{i|w j ∈ v(m i + xR)}. Note that the numbers b j 's do not depend on the minimal reduction xR, on the contrary the c j 's depend on xR. Lemma 1.1 If I and J are ideals of R, then v(I +J) = v(I)∪v(J) is equivalent to v(I ∩ J) = v(I) ∩ v(J).