How to explain the non-zero mass of electromagnetic radiation consisting of zero-mass photons (original) (raw)

A Phenomenological Model for Photon Mass Generation

A phenomenological model is presented here arguing that photon mass is an induced effect rendered in the form of vacuum potential arising from vacuum natural modes. An elementary vacuum potential is defined as a function of vacuum zero-point fields, which yields an expression for effective photon mass generation. A Lagrangian is constructed for this model which incorporates photons with effective mass in vacuo. It is suggested that photons may acquire or present an effective mass while interactions with vacuum or other fields but they do not have an intrinsic rest mass. The photon mass emerges as a dynamical variable which depends on the coupling strength of electromagnetic fields to the vacuum natural modes and on the value of vector potential. Keywords: photon mass, Maxwell-Proca equations, vacuum potentials, Higgs potential PACS numbers: 11., 11.15.-q, 12.10.Dm


TJPRC, 2014

The following approach is concerned with the development of an intuition regarding the massive nature of photon, From Einstein’s SRT we know that every particle that travels at the speed of light must accordingly be massless. We have assumed that the frequency () of the radiation is a function of the wavelength ( ), i.e.  =( . At first, we expand  ( as a Laurent series and strive to search for an expression for the mass of a photon. Our non-conventional approach may succour to the understanding of the nature of the universe, during the hot epoch or Planck epoch and its infancy. And in the second fold we consider the three massive photon states to consistent with the frequency dependence dispersive relation.

Electromagnetic and gravitational radiation from massless particles

Gravitation, Astrophysics, and Cosmology, 2016

We demonstrate that full description of both electromagnetic and gravitational radiation from massless particles lies outside the scope of classical theory. Synchrotron radiation from the hypothetical massless charge in quantum electrodynamics in external magnetic field has finite total power while the corresponding classical formula diverges in the massless limit. We argue that in both cases classical theory describes correctly only the low-frequency part of the spectra, while the total power diverges because of absence of the UV frequency cutoff. Failure of description of gravitational radiation from massless particles by classical General Relativity may be considered as another appeal for quantization of gravity apart from the problem of singularities.

Are Photons Massless or Massive?

Journal of Modern Physics, 2014

Theory of Relativity (STR) and our palatable experience, holds that photons are massless particles and that, every particle that travels at the speed of light must-accordingly, be massless. Amongst other important but now resolved problems in physics, this assumption led to the Neutrino Mass Problem-namely, "Do neutrinos have mass?" Neutrinos appear very strongly to travel at the speed of light and according to the afore-stated, they must be massless. Massless neutrinos have a problem in that one is unable to explain the phenomenon of neutrino oscillations because this requires massive neutrinos. Experiments appear to strongly suggest that indeed, neutrinos most certainly are massive particles. While this solves the problem of neutrino oscillation, it directly leads to another problem, namely that of "How can a massive particle travel at the speed of light? Is not this speed a preserve and prerogative of only massless particles?" We argue herein that in principle, it is possible for massive particles to travel at the speed of light. In presenting the present letter, our hope is that this may aid or contribute significantly in solving the said problem of "How can massive particles travel at the speed of light?"

A New Theory of the Essence and Mass of Photon

Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology

Many properties of a single photon, such as density, rest mass, and orbital angular momentum, are still unknown. In a previous study, the photon was presented as a superfluid prolate spheroid structure, with a long-axis radius, short-axis radius, and volume, embodied with two spins-transversal and longitudinal-which are responsible for the three-dimensional helical trajectory of the electromagnetic wave. In this study, the rest mass, density, and energy of photon are mathematically derived, and the relationship between the radius of photon and its frequency is demonstrated. In addition, the difference between the Compton and de Broglie wavelengths is clarified. The calculated density, volume, and rest mass of photon agree with previous experimental results. The photon's simultaneous longitudinal and transversal spins are moving forces of longitudinal and transversal trajectories, which are the origin of the three-dimensional helix shape of the electromagnetic field. A new mechanism for the photon movement is proposed, and the reason for the zero mass moving photon is revealed; a traveling photon in space exhibits zero mass because its boundaries demonstrate zero relative velocity with the surrounding vacuum. The orbital angular momentum of photon is described using similar macroscopic rotation concepts and applying hydrodynamics laws. A rotating photon is endowed with an angular velocity vector whose magnitude measures the speed with which the radius of the principal axis sweeps an angle, and whose direction indicates the principal axis of rotation and is given by the right-hand rule. The deviation angle is calculated using trigonometric functions, and the origin of the Lorenz factor is revealed.

Inertial mass and the quantum vacuum fields

Annalen der Physik, 2001

Even when the Higgs particle is finally detected, it will continue to be a legitimate question to ask whether the inertia of matter as a reaction force opposing acceleration is an intrinsic or extrinsic property of matter. General relativity specifies which geodesic path a free particle will follow, but geometrodynamics has no mechanism for generating a reaction force for deviation from geodesic motion. We discuss a different approach involving the electromagnetic zero-point field (ZPF) of the quantum vacuum. It has been found that certain asymmetries arise in the ZPF as perceived from an accelerating reference frame. In such a frame the Poynting vector and momentum flux of the ZPF become non-zero. Scattering of this quantum radiation by the quarks and electrons in matter can result in an acceleration-dependent reaction force. Both the ordinary and the relativistic forms of Newton's second law, the equation of motion, can be derived from the electrodynamics of such ZPF-particle interactions. Conjectural arguments are given why this interaction should take place in a resonance at the Compton frequency, and how this could simultaneously provide a physical basis for the de Broglie wavelength of a moving particle. This affords a suggestive perspective on a deep connection between electrodynamics, the origin of inertia and the quantum wave nature of matter.

Photon Mass

The atomic structure is presented on the basis of the theory of vortex gravitation. The feasibility and calculation of the values of the density and mass of electromagnetic particles are proposed. A calculation is made, which proves that the photon must have mass. In the calculations, some physical characteristics of electromagnetic particles that are accepted by modern physics are refuted.

The Photons, Contrary to What is Believed, Have a Mass and Density and They Obey the Law of Stefan-boltzmann

In this work we demonstrate that photons, contrary to what is believed, have a mass directly proportional to their frequency. This mass is justified by the combination of 32 constants of physics that I have managed to achieve. The attribution of a mass to the photon is descended from equations, which validates and also demonstrates that it is necessary to define physical concepts such as force and momentum and can justify the increase in mass which is suffered by the particles that are accelerated. However, a photon possesses not only a mass but also has a wavelength that corresponds to length of its radius. If a photon has a mass and radius, it also possesses a density which gives it a spatial dimension. This spatial dimension is a factor that affects the passage of a photon through a narrow and that may explain the behavior of laser beans and future photonic circuits. From what previously reported, we understand that the most energetic photons, having a mass greater than that possessed by the less energetic photons, are denser than the latter and then take up less space. We observe, in the end, that each photon which is formed by energy and matter, also has an energy density. This density corresponds to what Stefan and Boltzmann have attributed to the bodies blacks. This result is extremely important because it shows that the black body radiation is composed of photons that have a spatial dimension.

Relativistic properties for hybrid systems of particles containing photons and massive particles

EPL, 2008

ABSTRACT The use of relativistic frame invariants is very well established, especially when it comes to the energy-momentum. Most traditional treatments use this particular invariant in order to calculate the "equivalent mass" of a system or, the "mass added to a system". In the following paper we will take a significant departure by avoiding the notion of mass altogether and by using frame-variant quantities like total energy E and momentum p in order to characterize relativistic systems of particles. The systems under evaluations are a most general hybrid made up of both massive particles and photons. We will show the effects of adding photons to a system of massive particles. The new approach is extremely important in applications like particle accelerators where we can only work with directly measurable quantities, the energy E and the momentum p. In paragraph 4 we will demonstrate also how the new approach allows us to calculate the effect of injecting electromagnetic energy in the form of photons in a particle condensate, a very important application for plasma physics.

Confinement and Dynamical Masses in Massless


Quantum electrodynamics in three spacetime dimensions, with one massless fermion species, is studied using a non-perturbative variational approach. Quantization of the theory follows Dirac's Hamiltonian procedure, with a gauge invariant factorization of the physical degrees of freedom. Due to pair condensation in the vacuum state, the symmetry of parity is spontaneously broken. As a consequence, fermionic quasi-particles propagating in the condensate can be identified and are seen to possess a confining dynamical mass, while the propagating physical electromagnetic mode also acquires a non-vanishing dynamical mass. The issues of gauge invariance and confinement of the constituent fermions are carefully discussed.