Kharkiv, 2015 Saienko Volodymyr. The relationship of psychophysiological characteristics karate qualifications in light weight category with the effective implementation of kick leg techniques in upper level of the opponent (original) (raw)

Саєнко В. Г. Взаємозв’язок психофізіологічних характеристик каратистів високої кваліфікації з ефективністю реалізації ударних прийомів ногою у верхній рівень супротивника / В. Г. Саєнко // Слобожанський науково-спортивний вісник. – Харків : ХДАФК, 2015. – № 2(46). – С. 166 – 172. The relationship of psychophysiological characteristics karate qualifications in light weight category with the effective implementation of kick leg techniques in upper level of the opponent Abstract. Purpose: set the density of the relationship of psycho-physiological characteristics of karate qualifications in light weight category with the efficiency of the implementation of kick leg techniques in the upper level of the opponent. Material and Methods: The study involved thirty highly skilled karatekas in light weight category. Conducted pedagogical and psychophysiological testing, carried out an analysis of competitive actions, carried out a special analysis of scientific and methodical literature, applied the methods of mathematical statistics. Results: The degree of correlation between the obtained numerical results of psycho-physiological characteristics and indicators of the effectiveness different types of gradient kicking karate qualifications in light weight category in upper level of the opponent. Conclusions: karatekas of high qualifications in light weight category, the higher the strength of neural processes in the processing of information in the imposed rhythm, the more reliable in a competitive match under implementation methods kick leg them with maximum power and speed-up in upper level of the opponent, and at the higher they characteristic of functional mobility of nervous processes in the processing of information in the imposed rhythm, the greater the likelihood of fighters attacking moves fast. Introduction. Various impact techniques apply in the majority of sports views of karate according to rules of competitions in wrestles by fighters. Its performance influences the efficiency a number of factors which are connected with genetic and physiologic characteristics of a karateka, his physical and psychological preparedness for a concrete fight, a conceived tactical plan and so forth. Specificity of the competitive activity of the chosen type of karate forms a technical arsenal of a power or high-speed orientation at a sportsman. The objective of this research is a type of kyokushinkai karate which personifies competitive fights with techniques which are carried out with the maximum force for the achievement of knockout effect. However, near power characteristics of karatekas, high-speed carrying out of impact techniques in a fight by the rules of kyokushinkai karate has also the importance for the achievement of a victory. Especially actual it is for karatekas of high qualification of easy weight category where rivals have approximately equal indicators of versatile preparedness, but have no such muscular to a corset as a heavyweight. Therefore, despite of that power kicks have to be priority, their performance has to be carried out with acceleration. The definition of psychophysiological characteristics which influence the speed of performance of concrete impact techniques of karatekas, can promote the increase of efficiency of their general technical realization in a responsible fight. Oriental martial arts and improving systems took root into the process of physical training and sports activity of modern youth densely [16; 18]. The confirmation of a positive effect concerning the improvement of psychological and psychophysiological characteristics from a regular visit of such training classes by students is directed in works [2; 7; 15]. Problems of diagnosing and correction of similar characteristics at sportsmen of high qualification of different specialization are opened by scientists in sources [1; 4; 8; 19]. In turn, the fundamental subsoil of rather psychophysiological preparation of a wrestler [3] includes only the general bases without specifics of the chosen type of single combats and the regulated rules of competitive fights. Specialists in karate provide [10; 17; 20] data on optimization of the training process and the achievement of a victory in fights on karate. However to the analysis of psychophysiological characteristics of karatekas is still not paid attention. In the previous works we studied separate psychological and psychophysiological characteristics of sportsmen who specialize on kyokushinkai karate [10–14]. In this research the definition of interrelation of psychophysiological characteristics of karatekas of high qualification of easy weight category with the efficiency of realization of impact techniques by a foot is carried out to the top level of an opponent. The objective of the research: to establish the density of interrelation of psychophysiological characteristics of karatekas of high qualification of easy weight category with the efficiency of realization of impact techniques