Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Virus 1 as a Common Grapevine Pathogen (original) (raw)

Grapevine Leafroll Disease and Associated Viruses: A Unique Pathosystem

Annual Review of Phytopathology, 2015

Grapevine leafroll is the most complex and intriguing viral disease of grapevine (Vitis spp.). Several monopartite closteroviruses (family Closteroviridae) from grapevines have been molecularly characterized, yet their role in disease etiology is not completely resolved. Hence, these viruses are currently designated under the umbrella term of Grapevine leafrollassociated viruses (GLRaVs). This review examines our current understanding of the genetically divergent GLRaVs and highlights the emerging picture of several unique aspects of the leafroll disease pathosystem. A systems biology approach using contemporary technologies in molecular biology, -omics, and cell biology aids in exploring the comparative molecular biology of GLRaVs and deciphering the complex network of host-virus-vector interactions to bridge the gap between genomics and phenomics of leafroll disease. In addition, grapevine-infecting closteroviruses have a great potential as designer viruses to pursue functional genomics and for the rational design of novel disease intervention strategies in this agriculturally important perennial fruit crop. 613 Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 2015.53:613-634. Downloaded from Access provided by Washington State University on 08/07/15. For personal use only.

Molecular characterization and taxonomy of grapevine leafroll-associated virus 7

Archives of Virology, 2012

The complete nucleotide sequence of an Albanian isolate of grapevine leafroll-associated virus 7 (GLRaV-7-Alb) was determined. The viral genome consists of 16,404 nucleotides and has nine open reading frames (ORFs) that potentially encode proteins, most of which are typical for members of the family Closteroviridae. Only the 25-kDa (ORF8) and 27-kDa (ORF9) proteins had no apparent similarity to other viral proteins in the sequence databases. The genome structure of GLRaV-7-Alb closely resembles that of little cherry virus 1 and cordyline virus 1. In phylogenetic trees constructed with HSP70h sequences, these three viruses cluster together in a clade next to that comprising members of the genus Crinivirus, to which they are more closely related than to the clostero-and ampeloviruses. The molecular properties of these three viruses differ sufficiently from those of members of the three extant genera of the family Closteroviridae to warrant their classification in a novel genus.

Analysis of the Molecular Variability of Grapevine Leafroll-associated Virus 1 Reveals the Presence of Two Distinct Virus Groups and their Mixed Occurrence in Grapevines

Virus Genes, 2005

Genetic diversity of eight Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 1 (GLRaV-1) isolates recovered from grapevines in three distinct locations in the Czech Republic and Slovakia was characterised by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis and by sequencing of cloned 540 bp fragment of the heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) gene. Comparison and phylogenetic analysis of obtained and previously available sequence data revealed the existence of two groups of GLRaV-l isolates, tentatively named A and E (genetic divergence between A and E group reached 13.9%). An RT-PCR detection method followed by simple restriction analysis was developed, showing the potential to differentiate GLRaV-1 isolates of these groups. Interestingly, a mixed infection of two GLRaV-1 groups in the same plant was frequently detected together with a high intra-group variability in some isolates.

Identification and characterisation of grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 genomic and subgenomic RNAs

ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 (GLRaV-3) is the type strain for the genus Ampelovirus, family Closteroviridae. There has been only one report that claimed the complete nucleotide sequence of GLRaV-3 (isolate NY-1, AF037268). Here we report the complete sequence of the South African GLRaV-3, isolate GP18 (EU259806) and show a significantly extended 5’ end. We used RLM-RACE to determine the 5’ end of GP18 and found the 5’ UTR to be 737 nt compared to 158 nt in the NY-1 sequence. This extended UTR was found in all other South African isolates of GLRaV-3 that were tested. In two collaborative studies the existence of the extended 5’ UTR was confirmed and further investigated. In the first study (Coetzee et al., 2010), metagenomic data generated by next generation sequencing (Illumina Genome Analyzer II) was analysed for GLRaV-3 specific sequences. Sequences similar to the GP18 isolate confirmed the sequence of the extended 5’ UTR. In the second study (Jooste et ...

Genome organization, serology and phylogeny of Grapevine leafroll-associated viruses 4 and 6: Taxonomic implications

Virus Research

Complete nucleotide sequences of the type isolate of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 4 (GLRaV-4) and of an isolate of GLRaV-6 from cv 'Estellat' (GLRaV-6Est) were generated and compared mutually and with related viruses. The genome organization of both viruses resembled that of members of Subgroup I in the genus Ampelovirus (fam. Closteroviridae). The availability of these sequences, along with previously existing data on related GLRaVs, allowed critical review of the taxonomy and nomenclature of these viruses. In phylogenetic analyses, GLRaV-4 and -6Est consistently grouped with GLRaV-5, -9, and -Pr forming a poorly resolved sub-cluster ("GLRaV-4 group") within the genus Ampelovirus. In-depth study showed that genetic distances between these viruses do not exceed the intra-species diversity observed in other closteroviruses. In Western blots, partially purified preparations of GLRaVs -4, -5, -6 and -9 reacted only with homologous monoclonal antibodies, but were all recognized by polyclonal antisera to GLRaV-5 and GLRaV-9. Serological relatedness among these viruses was further confirmed in DAS-ELISA. In immunoelectron microscopy, GLRaV-6 particles appeared uniformly decorated with homologous monoclonal antibodies, whereas GLRaV-2, used as a control, showed "bipolar" morphology of the virion. Results of this study challenge taxonomy and nomenclature of several GLRaVs suggesting that they are divergent isolates of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 4 and not, as has been assumed, distinct species (definitive and/or putative) in the genus Ampelovirus.

Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 1 Occurs as Genetically Diverse Populations

Phytopathology®, 2011

The genetic diversity of 34 isolates of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 1 (GLRaV-1) from different wine, table, and ornamental grape cultivars in California, New York, and Washington States in the United States was investigated. Segments of the heat-shock protein 70 homolog (HSP70h) gene, coat protein (CP) gene, coat protein duplicate 2 (CPd2) gene, and open reading frame 9 (p24) were amplified by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction, cloned, and sequenced. A pairwise comparison of nucleotide sequences revealed intra- and interisolate sequence diversity, with CPd2 and HSP70h being the most and the least divergent, respectively, among the four genomic regions studied. The normalized values for the ratio of nonsynonymous substitutions per nonsynonymous site to synonymous substitutions per synonymous site indicated different purifying selection pressures acting on each of the four genomic regions, with the CP and CPd2 being subjected to the strongest and weakest function...

Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 1

Grapevine Viruses: Molecular Biology, Diagnostics and Management, 2017

Grapevine leafroll disease (GLD) is one of the most important grapevine viral diseases affecting grapevines worldwide. The impact on vine health, crop yield, and quality is difficult to assess due to a high number of variables, but significant economic losses are consistently reported over the lifespan of a vineyard if intervention strategies are not implemented. Several viruses from the family Closteroviridae are associated with GLD. However, Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 (GLRaV-3), the type species for the genus Ampelovirus, is regarded as the most important causative agent. Here we provide a general overview on various aspects of GLRaV-3, with an emphasis on the latest advances in the characterization of the genome. The full genome of several isolates have recently been sequenced and annotated, revealing the existence of several genetic variants. The classification of these variants, based on their genome sequence, will be discussed and a guideline is presented to facilitate future comparative studies. The characterization of sgRNAs produced during the infection cycle of GLRaV-3 has given some insight into the replication strategy and the putative functionality of the ORFs. The latest nucleotide sequence based molecular diagnostic techniques were shown to be more sensitive than conventional serological assays and although ELISA is not as sensitive it remains valuable for high-throughput screening and complementary to molecular diagnostics.The application of next-generation sequencing is proving to be a valuable tool to study the complexity of viral infection as well as plant pathogen interaction. Next-generation sequencing data can provide information regarding disease complexes, variants of viral species, and abundance of particular viruses. This information can be used to develop more accurate diagnostic assays. Reliable virus screening in support of robust grapevine certification programs remains the cornerstone of GLD management.

Probing into the Effects of Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Viruses on the Physiology, Fruit Quality and Gene Expression of Grapes

Viruses, 2021

Grapevine leafroll is one of the most widespread and highly destructive grapevine diseases that is responsible for great economic losses to the grape and wine industries throughout the world. Six distinct viruses have been implicated in this disease complex. They belong to three genera, all in the family Closteroviridae. For the sake of convenience, these viruses are named as grapevine leafroll-associated viruses (GLRaV-1, -2, -3, -4, -7, and -13). However, their etiological role in the disease has yet to be established. Furthermore, how infections with each GLRaV induce the characteristic disease symptoms remains unresolved. Here, we first provide a brief overview on each of these GLRaVs with a focus on genome structure, expression strategies and gene functions, where available. We then provide a review on the effects of GLRaV infection on the physiology, fruit quality, fruit chemical composition, and gene expression of grapevine based on the limited information so far reported in ...

Use of Degenerate Primers for Partial Sequencing and RT-PCR-Based Assays of Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Viruses 4 and 5

Phytopathology®, 1998

Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) was purified from grapevines infected with grapevine leafroll-associated viruses 4 (GLRaV-4) and 5 (GLRaV-5), two putative closteroviruses. Reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was performed on this dsRNA using degenerate oligonucleotides designed to amplify an approximately 550- to 650-nucleotide fragment from the heat shock protein 70 homolog (HSP70) of the known closteroviruses. RT-PCR products of the appropriate molecular weight were gel-isolated and cloned into the plasmid vector pGEM-T. Clones of RT-PCR products generated by using these primers on dsRNA isolated from a plant infected with GLRaV-4 were sequenced. This sequence was used to develop an immunocapture RT-PCR (IC-RT-PCR) detection protocol capable of detecting GLRaV-4. Similar clones were made from dsRNA isolated from a plant infected with GLRaV-5. These clones were also sequenced. The two sequences were compared, and RT-PCR primers were developed that were able to ampl...