Fisionomia e estrutura de uma floresta estacional decídua no planalto da Ibiapaba, Ceará, Brasil (original) (raw)
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Revista Brasileira de Botânica, 2007
Spatial variation in the structure and floristic composition of "restinga" vegetation in southeastern Brazil). We examined large-scale spatial variation of structural parameters and floristic composition in open Clusia scrub, a vegetation type of the Brazilian "restingas" (sandy coastal plain vegetation). This vegetation is organized in islands separated by sandy stretches with sparse herbaceous vegetation. We located 12 sample areas on three consecutive beach ridges, lying parallel to the coastline and at different distances from the ocean, in close proximity to two lagoons (Cabiúnas and Comprida). Each sample area was divided into three strips. We used the line intercept method to sample all woody plants ³ 50 cm tall. We used nested ANOVA to verify structural variation between different sampling scales. TWINSPAN analysis was performed to examine the variation in floristic composition between areas. The overall diversity index was 3.07. Six species are repeatedly dominant throughout the entire sampling area. There was homogeneity in relation to diversity and species richness between beach ridges but not within beach ridges. Floristic composition and structural parameters did not vary in relation to distance from the sea but floristic composition did vary as a function of proximity to Cabiúnas or Comprida lagoon. Differences in plant cover between sample areas may be related to the paleoformation of this sandy coastal plain.
The physiognomy and structure of the tree component of a montane forest fragment located in an area at 900 m altitude (8º11'144" -8º12'27" S and 36º23'730" -36º24'638" W), with 948 mm of annual rainfall, and deep soil were studied. All alive or dead standing plants with diameter at breast height > 5 cm, within 50 contiguous plots, 10 x 20 m each, had their trunk diameter, total plant height and canopy projection area measured. The species were classified in relation to their leaf size, deciduousness, and lamina composition. A total of 61 species were sampled plus one unidentified taxon. Plant density, basal area and average and maximum height and diameters were 1,553 plant ha-1, 39 m2 ha-1, 10.3 and 30 m, 14.2 and 105 cm, respectively. About 75% of all alive plants had between 1.4 and 3 m high. The distribution of basal and canopy areas according to height class indicated two ranges of plant concentrations: 7-13 and 19-22 m. The forest fragment represents a transition between humid and dry montane forests. Most of the species are evergreen with simple microphyllous leaves (Casearia sylvestris Sw., Guapira nitida (Schmidt) Lundell, Marlierea clausseniana (O. Berg) Kiaersk., Ocotea aff. elegans Mez, Plinia sp.), they occurred in the canopy of the forest, together with notophyllous species (Amaioua cf. guianensis Aubl. and Roupala paulensis Sleumer) and mesophyllous (Fabaceae sp. and Inga marginata Willd.). The emergent trees are mostly deciduous and compound leaf species, such as Copaifera trapezifolia Hayne and Eriotheca crenulaticalyx A. Robyns.
Revista Brasileira de Botânica, 2008
-(Dynamics of the shrub-tree component of an alluvial gallery forest on the Poços de Caldas Plateau, MG State, Brazil). The dynamics of the shrub-tree component was investigated in an alluvial gallery forest in Poços de Caldas, Minas Gerais, from 1998 to 2005. The main objective of this study was to verify if the rates of the dynamics of the alluvial gallery forests are less than other tropical riparian forest formations. Seasonal flooding was also studied to see if it generates a spatial variation in the dynamics of going from the stream side towards the forest border. The sample consisted of 101, 10×10-meter plots that were distributed in five blocks extending approximately 8 km along the Antas River's forest. Each block was divided into three sectors (stream side, forest interior, and forest edge). Compared with other tropical forests, especially the riparian ones, this forest showed lower rates in terms of structural alterations. The forest edge is more dynamic, mainly due to the greater amount of sunlight, which supplies an adequate environment for species with a short life cycle. Key words-anthropic impacts, seasonal flooding, self-thinning, water saturation RESUMO-(Dinâmica do componente arbustivo-arbóreo de uma floresta de galeria aluvial no planalto de Poços de Caldas, MG, Brasil). A dinâmica do componente arbustivo-arbóreo foi investigada em uma floresta de galeria aluvial em Poços de Caldas, Minas Gerais, entre 1998 e 2005. Os objetivos principais foram: investigar se as taxas de dinâmica das florestas de galeria aluviais são inferiores a outras formações florestais ripárias tropicais e, se as inundações periódicas geram variação espacial na dinâmica no sentido Rio-Borda. A amostragem foi composta de 101 parcelas de 10 × 10 m, distribuídas em 5 blocos ao longo de, aproximadamente, 8 km da floresta do Rio das Antas. Cada bloco foi dividido em 3 setores (Rio, Interior e Borda). Comparativamente a outras florestas tropicais ripárias, a floresta em estudo apresentou taxas de dinâmica mais lentas. A Borda foi mais dinâmica que os outros setores, provavelmente devido à maior incidência luminosa, propiciando ambiente adequado às espécies de ciclo de vida curto. Palavras-chave-autodesbaste, impactos antrópicos, inundação periódica, saturação hídrica
Biota Neotropica, 2011
O objetivo desse estudo foi determinar a composição florística e a estrutura da vegetação lenhosa (incluindo monocotiledôneas e lianas) em cerrado rupestre na zona de transição Cerrado-Floresta Amazônica, no Parque do Bacaba, em Nova Xavantina, MT (14º 41' S e 52º 20' W) e compará-las com outros estudos de cerrado sentido restrito. Foram demarcadas aleatoriamente 10 parcelas de 20 × 50 m, nas quais foram medidos os indivíduos vivos e mortos em pé com diâmetro mínimo a 30 cm do solo (DAS) > 3 cm. O cerrado rupestre apresentou alta densidade (3.766 indivíduos vivos), riqueza florística (85 espécies, 67 gêneros e 34 famílias) e área basal (15,72 m²ha-1), e ainda elevado valor do índice de diversidade de espécies de Shannon-Wiener (H' = 3,47) e equabilidade de Pielou (J = 0,78) em relação às áreas comparadas. As espécies com maior valor de importância foram Erythroxylum suberosum, Qualea parviflora, Anacardium occidentale, Kielmeyera rubriflora e Vatairea macrocarpa. A ma...
Neotropical Biology and Conservation, 2014
Seasonally dry tropical forests (SDTFs) have high tree species richness and endemism, whose dynamics and succession depend on natural regeneration (NR). To test whether NR is influenced by the mature stratum and environmental variables, we compared structural and floristic patterns of mature trees [Mt (DBH ≥ 5 cm)] with the NR of a SDTF on limestone outcrops in Central Brazil. Additionally, we tested for effects of environmental variables on species abundance in these different strata. Within NR categories [JuvA (total height < 100 cm) and JuvB (total height ≥ 100 cm and DBH < 5 cm)], we recorded 597 individuals in 69 angiosperm species. Within NR and Mt we recorded 110 species distributed in 33 families, and 54 were common to both (~50% of total richness). Shannon diversity was 3.83, 3.13 and 3.33 for Mt, JuvA and JuvB, respectively. Besides the high number of exclusive species recorded in Mt (23), JuvA (18) and JuvB (24), comparisons indicated high floristic similarity (51%) between strata. Mt, JuvA and JuvB were influenced by different environmental variables, indicating that species requirements change along the establishment process. This highlights the importance of environmental variability for maintaining tree species diversity in SDTFs, and the importance of this remnant for the conservation of SDTFs in Central Brazil.
Acta Amazonica, 2018
Planting of forest species of timber interest helps to reduce the deforestation pressure on the Amazon forest, promotes sustainable development of the producing region and generates ecological benefits. The objective of this work was to evaluate the survival rate and growth of four native (Swietenia macrophylla, Parkia decussata, Dipteryx odorata and Jacaranda copaia) and one exotic (Acacia mangium) species in monospecific plantations (spacing of 2 x 2 m) established on areas previously used for grazing, in Itacoatiara, State of Amazonas, Brazil. When the trees were four years old, we collected biometric data [height at 1.30 m (DBH, cm), crown projection area (CPA, m 2), total height (H t , m), commercial cylinder volume (V cyl , m 3 ha-1)], and qualitative data from visual diagnosis [survival rate (S, %), nutritional status (NS, G = good, D = deficient, %), and phytosanitary status (PS, S = satisfactory, N = non-satisfactory, %)]. Three plots of 128 m 2 , with 32 plants each, were evaluated for each species. Jacaranda copaia, followed by Dipteryx odorata and Parkia decussata, were the recommended species for planting in areas with edaphoclimatic conditions similar to those of the present work, due to their better performance according to most of the variables. Desempenho silvicultural de cinco espécies florestais na Amazônia central brasileira RESUMO Plantios de espécies florestais de interesse madeireiro contribuem para diminuir a pressão sobre a floresta amazônica, proporcionam o desenvolvimento sustentável na região e geram benefícios ecológicos. Este estudo objetivou avaliar a sobrevivência e o crescimento de quatro espécies nativas (Swietenia macrophylla, Parkia decussata, Dipteryx odorata e Jacaranda copaia) e uma exótica (Acacia mangium), em plantios monoespecíficos (espaçamento de 2 x 2 m) estabelecidos em áreas anteriormente ocupadas por pastagem, em Itacoatiara, Amazonas. Aos quatro anos de idade, foram obtidos dados biométricos [diâmetro à altura de 1,30 m do solo (DBH, cm), área de projeção de copa (CPA, m 2), altura total (H t , m), volume comercial do cilindro (V cyl , m 3 ha-1)], e dados qualitativos obtidos por diagnose visual [taxa de sobrevivência (S; %), estado nutricional (NS, G: bom; D: deficiente; %) e estado fitossanitário (PS, S: satisfatório; NS: não-satisfatório; %). Para cada espécie considerou-se três parcelas de 128 m 2 , cada uma com 32 plantas. Jacaranda copaia, seguida de Dipteryx odorata e Parkia decussata, foram as espécies mais recomendadas para o plantio em áreas com condições edafoclimáticas semelhantes às do presente trabalho, devido ao seu melhor desempenho para a maioria das variáveis.