Pengaruh Globalisasi terhadap Keamanan Manusia: Dampak Benih Rekayasa Genetika terhadap Ketidaktahanan Pangan (original) (raw)
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Genetically modified food (GMO food) or in English genetically modified food which in Indonesian is popular as genetically modified food (GM food), is a biologically engineered food produced from organisms that have undergone changes that are inserted into their DNA using the method genetical manipulation. GE food is unavoidable, due to the narrowing of land and the increasingly dense population of people. Currently Worldometers notes that the world's population in 2019 reached 7.7 billion people, where the world food and agriculture organization (FAO) stated that the world must increase food production by 70% by 2050 to meet the food needs of the world community which is estimated to number 9 .1 billion at the time, meaning that fertile and very large land would be needed for agriculture to achieve this. So that GE foods, which have been initiated since 1994, must continue to be developed. This paper will focus on discussions related to legal products in the country, health and...
Quo Vadis Pangan Produk Rekayasa Genetik DI Indonesia?
Agro Bali: Agricultural Journal, 2019
Secara obyektif, Indonesia dihadapkan pada tantangan penyediaan pangan berkualitas yang mencukupi kebutuhan seluruh masyarakat di tengah-tengah semakin menyusutnya lahan pertanian produktif, merosotnya daya dukung lahan, keterbatasan air irigasi, dan kondisi iklim tidak menentu. Kebutuhan pangan dikhawatirkan tidak mampu dipenuhi dengan hanya mengandalkan sistem produksi konvensional. Kemajuan dibidang bioteknologi telah memberikan ruang bagi pemulia tanaman melakukan transfer gen dari makhluk hidup berkerabat jauh, seperti dari bakteri ke tanaman. Pada tataran produksi, penerapan bioteknologi mampu menghasilkan tanaman jenis-jenis baru yang lebih unggul, seperti hasil lebih tinggi, lebih efisien menggunakan nutrisi, tahan terhadap cekaman lingkungan tertentu, memiliki kandungan protein lebih tinggi, dan lebih tahan simpan. Namun pada tataran pemanfaatan produk masih menimbulkan pro dan kontra. Pengembangan tanaman transgenik merupakan alternatif solusi terhadap kekhawatiran kerawan...
Perspektif, 2018
Globalisasi membuat batasan dan hambatan-hambatan atas pergerakan arus barang menjadi semakin tipis. Barang dari suatu negara dapat dengan mudahnya dipindahkan atau dikirim ke negara lain untuk diperdagangkan termasuk tumbuhan. Penyebaran Organisme Pengganggu Tumbuhan Karantina (OPTK) banyak timbul akibat kegiatan ekspor impor tumbuhan maupun perpindahan tumbuhan dari satu area ke area lain di dalam negeri. Indonesia memiliki sistem karantina tumbuhan sebagai pencegahan tersebarnya OPTK di dalam wilayah Indonesia. Tindakan karantina dilakukan di tempat pemasukan dan/atau pengeluaran. Tindakan karantina yang dilakukan di tempat pemasukan dan/atau pengeluaran memiliki resiko penyebaran OPTK yang besar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan mekanisme hukum yang lebih tepat dalam upaya pencegahan penyebaran OPTK di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan. Kesimpulan yang didapat adalah bahwa Indonesia membutuhkan regulasi baru yang mengatur bahwa tindakan karantina hanya dapat dilakukan di luar tempat pemasukan dan/atau pengeluaran. Hal ini dilakukan sebagai pencegahan penyebaran OPTK baik di tempat pemasukan maupun di tempat pengeluaran. Globalization makes boundaries and barrier to the movement of goods flow being less. Goods from one state can be easily transferred or sent to other state for trade, including plants. The spread of plant pest organisms (OPTK) arises due to plant export and import activities as well as the movement of plants from one area to another in the country. Indonesia has a plant quarantine system to prevent the spread of OPTK within Indonesia. Quarantine actions are carried out at the place of entry and/or exit point which have a high risk of spreading OPTK. The purpose of this study is to find a more appropriate legal mechanism in the effort to prevent the spread of OPTK in Indonesia. The research method used in this study is a normative research method using a statute approach. The conclusion obtained is that Indonesia require a new regulation that regulate that quarantine actions can only be carried out outside of entry and/or exit point. This is done as a prevention of the spread of OPTK both at the entry and exit point.
Food safety requirement must be fulfilled by food producers in all food chain in order to ensure the product safety when arrives to consumers. The government is responsible for protecting public by setting rules and oversight in whole food supply chain. Enforcement of food safety regulations and intensive oversight by government in the production and distribution of food needs to be applied in an integrated manner without any discrimination, either food types or business scale of food producers. Continuous efforts should be made to raise public awareness of the importance of food safety as well as strengthen the national food safety management system.
Teknologi Peternakan dan Veteriner Mendukung Diversifikasi Sumber Protein Asal Ternak, 2017
In Indonesia there has been a reduction in agricultural land and grazing due to land conversion and climate change impact. On the other hand the demand for feed, especially grains and oilcake continues to increase. The use of genetic engineering technology is needed to meet the feed requirements, but there are pros and cons to the utilization of these genetic engineering products. Utilization of plant genetically modified products has grown rapidly in the world in the last 20 years. Indonesia has taken advantage of genetically engineered product technology, but a careful principle is required in adopting and utilizing this technology to avoid negative impacts. Legal umbrella is required in the utilization of this technology to protect the community. The Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture on the Assessment of Genetically Engineered Product of Feed Safety has been published in August 2016. The Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture consists of six chapters, 13 articles and four appendices. Furthermore, the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture is detailed in the Decree of the Head of the Indonesia Agency for Agricultural Research and Development on Technical Guidelines of Procedures and Mechanism of Assessment of Genetically Engineered Product on Feed Safety in November 2016. In this paper Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture and Director General of IAARD Decree will be described in the framework of socialization, so that people well inform.
Genderang Keamanan Pangan: Kepentingan Siapa?
Trobos, No. 106 Juli 2008 Tahun VIII
Era ekonomi global saat ini memerlukan industri pangan agro yang kompetitif dan juga berlaku bagi industri pangan asal unggas di Indonesia. Ini bergantung bukan hanya kepada kapasitas industri menurunkan biaya produksi, tetapi juga kemampuan menyuplai produk berkualitas tinggi guna memenuhi meningkatnya permintaan konsumen akan kualitas yang lebih baik.
Komersialisasi Produk Rekayasa Genetika di Indonesia
Kemajuan bioteknologi, pada masa ini telah jauh berkembang pesat dan mengalami peningkatan spektakuler dalam hal perbaikan mutu serta kualitas pangan/pakan ataupun memproduksi suatu produk baik hewan maupun mikroba yang memiliki nilai lebih dari sebelumnya. Teknologi rekayasa genetika telah menjadi primadona dari ilmu bioteknologi terkini saat ini. Apakah teknologi baru ini dapat mengatasi persoalan krisis pangan yang menjadi isu terpenting dunia? Pertanyaan yang mengandung harapan besar bagi sebagian besar penduduk dunia menjadi pekerjaan utama bagi para peneliti untuk dapat mewujudkannya.