Studying Non-Linear Phenomena of Tumour Cell Populations under Chemotherapeutic Drug Influence (original) (raw)

Dynamic of some mathematical model of cancer cells with chemotherapy

isara solutions, 2023

Mathematical models of cancer cells with chemotherapy are essential tools in cancer research and treatment optimization. These models help researchers and clinicians understand the dynamics of tumor growth, the effects of chemotherapy, and how to develop more effective treatment strategies. Here, I'll provide a simplified overview of a basic mathematical model of cancer cell dynamics with chemotherapy.

A mathematical model to study the effects of drugs administration on tumor growth dynamics

Mathematical Biosciences, 2006

A mathematical model for describing the cancer growth dynamics in response to anticancer agents administration in xenograft models is discussed. The model consists of a system of ordinary differential equations involving five parameters (three for describing the untreated growth and two for describing the drug action). Tumor growth in untreated animals is modelled by an exponential growth followed by a linear growth. In treated animals, tumor growth rate is decreased by an additional factor proportional to both drug concentration and proliferating cells. The mathematical analysis conducted in this paper highlights several interesting properties of this tumor growth model. It suggests also effective strategies to design in vivo experiments in animals with potential saving of time and resources. For example, the drug concentration threshold for the tumor eradication, the delay between drug administration and tumor regression, and a time index that measures the efficacy of a treatment are derived and discussed. The model has already been employed in several drug discovery projects. Its application on a data set coming from one of these projects is discussed in this paper.

A mathematical model of chemotherapy response to tumour growth


A simple mathematical model, developed to simulate the chemotherapy response to tumour growth with stabilized vascularization, is presented as a system of three differential equations associated with the normal cells, cancer cells and chemotherapy agent. Cancer cells and normal cells compete by available resources. The response to chemotherapy killing action on both normal and cancer cells obey Michaelis-Menten saturation function on the chemotherapy agent. Our aim is to investigate the efficiency of the chemotherapy in order to eliminate the cancer cells. For that, we analyse the local stability of the equilibria and the global stability of the cure equilibrium for which there is no cancer cells. We show that there is a region of parameter space that the chemotherapy may eliminate the tumour for any initial conditions. Based on numerical simulations, we present the bifurcation diagram in terms of the infusion rate and the killing action on cancer cells, that exhibit, for which infusion conditions, the system evolves to the cure state.

Modelling Physiological and Pharmacological Control on Cell Proliferation to Optimise Cancer Treatments

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 2009

This review aims at presenting a synoptic, if not exhaustive, point of view on some of the problems encountered by biologists and physicians who deal with natural cell proliferation and disruptions of its physiological control in cancer disease. It also aims at suggesting how mathematicians are naturally challenged by these questions and how they might help, not only biologists to deal theoretically with biological complexity, but also physicians to optimise therapeutics, on which last point the focus will be set here. To this purpose, mathematical modelling should represent proliferating cell population dynamics with natural built-in control targets (which implies modelling the cell division cycle), together with the distribution of drugs in the organism and their molecular actions on different targets at the cell level on proliferation, i.e., molecular pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics of antiproliferative drugs. This should make possible optimal control of drug delivery with constraints to be determined according to the main pharmacological issues encountered in the clinic: unwanted toxic side-effects, occurrence of drug resistance. Mathematical modelling should also take into account physiological determinants of cell and tissue proliferation, such as intervention of the immune system, circadian control on cell cycle checkpoint proteins, and activity of intracellular drug processing enzymes together with individual variations in the activities of these proteins (genetic polymorphism). Taking these points into account will add to the rich scenery of normal or disrupted cell and tissue regulations, and their corrections by drugs, a natural environmental, whole body physiological, frame. It is necessary indeed to consider such a framework if one wants to eventually be actually helpful to clinicians who routinely treat by combinations of drugs living Humans with their complex whole body regulations, often dependent on genotypic variations, and not isolated cells or tissues.

Modelling cell population growth with applications to cancer therapy in human tumour cell lines

Progress in biophysics and molecular biology

In this paper we present an overview of the work undertaken to model a population of cells and the effects of cancer therapy. We began with a theoretical one compartment size structured cell population model and investigated its asymptotic steady size distributions (SSDs) (On a cell growth model for plankton, MMB JIMA 21 (2004) 49). However these size distributions are not similar to the DNA (size) distributions obtained experimentally via the flow cytometric analysis of human tumour cell lines (data obtained from the Auckland Cancer Society Research Centre, New Zealand). In our one compartment model, size was a generic term, but in order to obtain realistic steady size distributions we chose size to be DNA content and devised a multi-compartment mathematical model for the cell division cycle where each compartment corresponds to a distinct phase of the cell cycle (J. Math. Biol. 47 (2003) 295). We then incorporated another compartment describing the possible induction of apoptosis ...

The dynamics of cell proliferation

Medical Hypotheses, 2004

The article provides a mathematical description based on the theory of differential equations, for the proliferation of malignant cells (cancer). A model is developed which enables us to describe and predict the dynamics of cell proliferation much better than by using ordinary curve fitting procedures. By using differential equations the ability to foresee the dynamics of cell proliferation is in general much better than by using polynomial extrapolations. Complex time relations can be revealed. The mass of each living cell and the number of living cells are described as functions of time, accounting for each living cell's age since cell-birth. The linkage between micro-dynamics and the population dynamics is furnished by coupling the mass increase of each living cell up against the mitosis rate. A comparison is made by in vitro experiments with cancer cells exposed to digitoxin, a new promising anti-cancer drug. Theoretical results for the total number of cells (living or dead) is found to be in good agreement with experiments for the cell line considered, assuming different concentrations of digitoxin. It is shown that for the chosen cell line, the proliferation is halted by an increased time from birth to mitosis of the cells. The delay is probably connected with changes in the Ca concentration inside the cell. The enhanced time between the birth and mitosis of a cell leads effectively to smaller mitosis rates and thereby smaller proliferation rates. This mechanism is different from the earlier results on digitoxin for different cell lines where an increased rate of apoptosis was reported. But we find it reasonable that cell lines can react differently to digitoxin. A development from enhanced time between birth and mitosis to apoptosis can be furnished, dependent of the sensitivity of the cell lines. This mechanism is in general very different from the mechanism appealed to by standard chemotherapy and radiotherapy where the death ratios of the cells are mainly affected. Thus the analysis supports the view that a quite different mechanism is invoked when using digitoxin. This is important, since by appealing to different types of mechanism in parallel during cancer treatment, more selectivity in the targeting of benign versus malignant cells can be invoked. This increases the probability of successful treatment. The critical digitoxin level concentration, i.e. the concentration level where the number of living cells is not increasing, is approximately 50 ng/ml for the cell line we investigated in this article. Therapeutic plasma concentration of digitoxin when treating cardiac congestion is about 15-33 ng/ml, but individual tolerances are

A mathematical model for analysis of the cell cycle in cell lines derived from human tumors

Journal of Mathematical Biology, 2003

The growth of human cancers is characterised by long and variable cell cycle times that are controlled by stochastic events prior to DNA replication and cell division. Treatment with radiotherapy or chemotherapy induces a complex chain of events involving reversible cell cycle arrest and cell death. In this paper we have developed a mathematical model that has the potential to describe the growth of human tumour cells and their responses to therapy. We have used the model to predict the response of cells to mitotic arrest, and have compared the results to experimental data using a human melanoma cell line exposed to the anticancer drug paclitaxel. Cells were analysed for DNA content at multiple time points by flow cytometry. An excellent correspondence was obtained between predicted and experimental data. We discuss possible extensions to the model to describe the behaviour of cell populations in vivo.

A Stochastic Model for Cancer Cell Growth Under Chemotherapy

When a malignant cell is once formed in human body then it will grow as a tumor by proliferation of cells. To control the cancer cell growth chemotherapy is one of the medically adopted methods which is prescribed on cyclic basis. When an anti cancer drug is induced to the body, both normal and mutant cells are killed. Life threatening hazards may develop due to either long time administration or short time drug administration leads to either the loss of white blood cells or growth of tumor size respectively. In order to avoid life threatening hazards due to chemotherapy, one has to adopt optimal drug doses. It is well known that the process of cell growth and eradication are random. Keeping this in mind a stochastic model was developed to study the cancer cell growth under chemotherapy as well as under recovery state. The laplace transformation of the tumor size distribution under transient conditions is derived. The equilibrium probabilities of tumor size both in chemotherapy and recovery states were derived. The probability of extinction of the tumor, the average and variance of number of cancer cells in the tumor were derived. These models are useful for obtaining the optimal drug spells with minimum risk.

Dynamical Behavior of a Cancer Growth Model with Chemotherapy and Boosting of the Immune System


In this study, we set up and analyze a cancer growth model that integrates a chemotherapy drug with the impact of vitamins in boosting and strengthening the immune system. The aim of this study is to determine the minimal amount of treatment required to eliminate cancer, which will help to reduce harm to patients. It is assumed that vitamins come from organic foods and beverages. The chemotherapy drug is added to delay and eliminate tumor cell growth and division. To that end, we suggest the tumor-immune model, composed of the interaction of tumor and immune cells, which is composed of two ordinary differential equations. The model’s fundamental mathematical properties, such as positivity, boundedness, and equilibrium existence, are examined. The equilibrium points’ asymptotic stability is analyzed using linear stability. Then, global stability and persistence are investigated using the Lyapunov strategy. The occurrence of bifurcations of the model, such as of trans-critical or Hopf...