The statistics of low-level counting using the new generation of Packard liquid scintillation counters (original) (raw)
Related papers
Radiation Measurements, 2017
This paper presents a low-level liquid scintillation counting spectrometer with five identical counting units that allow simultaneous measurements to be performed. The counting chambers are enclosed in high purity copper and lead shielding which significantly decreases the background count rate. Each of the five counting chambers is equipped with a high stability software-controllable power supply, and each counting module contains a signal analyzer that measures the pulse height, pulse shape and the time between subsequent pulses, returning all the data as a time-stamped sequence which enables the identification of pulse pairs. Such pulse pairs, arising from the decay of 214Bi/214Po, provides a sensitive tool for 222Rn contamination determination in low-level 14C measurements. This enables radiocarbon dating or bio-component determination to be performed directly after liquid scintillator production without the risk of 222Rn interfering with the measurement of 14C.
Time-Resolved Liquid Scintillation Counting
A comparison is made between standard, two-tube coincidence liquid scintillation counting and the newly developed technique of time resolved-LSC (TR-LSC). In conventional LSC, coincidence requirements are fulfilled only by the fluorescence from excited primary singlets. Any delayed component that results from triplet-triplet annihilation is ignored by the circuit. TR-LSC, however, makes use of slow decaying pulse components. Certain scintillators, such as calcium fluoride, and scintillating glasses have much longer fluorescence decay times. Others are characterized by a prompt scintillation pulse followed by after pulses. These different pulse characteristics are analyzed by TR-LSC and used as discrimination criteria to validate scintillation counts. TR-LSC recognizes and discriminates background in low-level LS counting. It uses the long pulse duration due to the interaction of cosmic rays with the glass of the photomultiplier tubes, the scintillation vials,and any other material surrounding the sample. This results in a two to fourfold improvement of the figure of merit (E2IB) as compared to conventional LSC. The issues of cocktail composition and quench correction are addressed. TR-LSC can also be used in dedicated liquid scintillation counters. The long pulse duration is used as a criterion to accept counts while discriminating pulses from thermionic emission. This allows single photomultiplier detection with efficiencies and backgrounds comparable to twotube coincidence counting. The effect of cocktail and sample composition on performance will be correlated with lifetime data.
Liquid scintillation counters calibration stability over long timescales
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
Liquid scintillation spectrometry is widely used for the analysis of alpha and beta emitting radionuclides. Robust calibration of liquid scintillation (LS) spectrometers is fundamental to accurate LS measurement but at the same time is time consuming and costly, particularly if a wide range of radionuclides are analysed by the laboratory. The frequency of the calibration varies in different laboratories and is based on many practical and operational factors. This work summarizes the observations regarding variations in 1220 Quantulus spectrometers efficiency calibrations performed annually using various radionuclides: 3 H 63 Ni, 55 Fe, 36 Cl, 45 Ca, 147 Pm, 241 Pu, 99 Tc for a period of 9 years and discusses the implication to calibration frequency.
Liquid Scintillation Counting Technique
3 INCDIE ICPE- CA, 313 Splaiul Unirii, 030138, Bucharest, Romania The method applied to the evaluation of radiation activities implies sample preparation, liquid scintillation cocktail choosing, quench standard curve constructing and implementation, and results verification. We have constructed the quench curve using interpolation method by polynomial spline functions of three degree. In order to evaluate the measurement efficiencies of tritium activity in simulated liquid scintillation cocktail waste samples quench curve have been used. The results have emphasized that the interpolation method is a very accurate analysis method, and it may be applied to the quantification of radioactivity, using a scintillation liquid cocktail compatible with chemical composition of the analyzed sample. One of the spectral analysis methods in Packard's Tri- Carb liquid scintillation analyzers is to measure quench by the transformed Spectral Index of the External standard - tSIE. The measured v...
Time-domain based evaluation of detection efficiency in liquid scintillation counting
Scientific Reports, 2021
This work explores the distribution of time intervals between signals from the photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) of a liquid scintillation counting (LSC) system when a scintillation burst caused by an ionizing particle is detected. This distribution is termed the cross-correlation distribution and it is shown that it contains information about the probability to detect a scintillation event. A theoretical model that describes the cross-correlation distribution is derived. The model can be used to estimate the mean number of detected photons in a LSC measurement, which allows the calculation of the detection efficiency. The theoretical findings are validated by Monte Carlo simulations and by experiments with low-energy beta-emitting and electron-capture radionuclides ($$^3\hbox {H}3H,3 H ,3H,^{14}\hbox {C}14C,14 C ,14C,^{63}\hbox {Ni}63Niand63 Ni and63Niand^{55}\hbox {Fe}$$ 55 Fe ), with dedicated LSC systems and several commercial LSC cocktails. The results show that some of the parameters of the ...
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment - NUCL INSTRUM METH PHYS RES A, 2006
Zero discrimination level setting of liquid scintillation systems for counting of all single photoelectron pulses is required by both triple-to-double coincidence ratio (TDCR) and CIEMAT/NIST methods. However, this requirement may not be able to be met in some circumstances. The influence of rejection of a fraction of the single photoelectron peak has been studied both theoretically and experimentally on 3H, 63Ni, 14C and 90Sr/90Y for both the TDCR and CIEMAT/NIST methods. A modified formula for calculation of efficiency is given in consideration of the rejected fraction of the single photoelectron peak.
The IFIN-HH triple coincidence liquid scintillation counter
Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2006
The paper summarizes the IFIN-HH triple coincidence liquid scintillation counter used for the implementation of the TDCR method. The electronic unit was recently extended to record the three individual double coincidence ratios to take into account the differences in the quantum efficiencies of the three-photomultiplier tubes. Some details of the electronic system and the data processing are given.
Statistics of the LS-detector in the case of low counting efficiency
Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2004
In the case of high-quenched 3 H and 63 Ni sources a distinct incompatibility of theoretical and experimental detection efficiency in the triple liquid scintillation (LS) detector was observed (Appl. Radiat. Isot. 52 . The authors concluded, that the Poisson distribution does not properly describe the detection process, when less than one photoelectron is expected in one of the photomultipliers. Application of other distributions of photoelectrons, e.g. binomial, does not solve the observable problem of incompatibility. Measurements of a set of 55 Fe sources have been performed with phototubes defocusing and grey filters for decreasing the counting efficiency of the TDCR detector. Differences between counting results of the 55 Fe source and the light emitting diode (LED), simulating the scintillation source, excited by a pulse generator have been observed. Various distributions (Poisson, binomial and Polya) were used for the determination of the theoretical counting efficiency in both cases. The Poisson law gave a good result in the case of the LED but the Polya law had to be applied in the case of 55 Fe. The results were independent of the scintillator volume. It seems that the validity of the Polya law in the case of LS-sources is related to the scintillator itself. Measurements of the 3 H solution confirmed that conclusion. r
Study on quench effects in liquid scintillation counting during tritium measurements
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2014
Quench effects can cause a serious reduction in counting efficiency for a given sample/cocktail mixture in liquid scintillation counting (LSC) experiments. This paper presents a simple experiment performed in order to test the influence of quenching on the LSC efficiency of 3 H. The aim of this study was to investigate the behavior of several quench agents with different quench strengths (nitromethane, nitric acid, acetone, dimethyl-sulfoxide) added in different amounts to tritiated water in order to obtain standard sets for quench calibration curves. The OptiPhase HiSafe 2 and OptiPhase HiSafe 3 scintillation cocktails were used in this study in order to compare their quench resistance. Measurements were performed using a lowlevel LS counter (Wallac, Quantulus 1220).
Brazilian Journal of Radiation Sciences
The preliminary measurements using a Triple to Double Coincidence Ratio (TDCR) Liquid Scintillator Counter System developed by the Nuclear Metrology Laboratory (LMN) at IPEN, is presented. The TDCR system makes use of three photomultipliers positioned at 120° relative angle, operating in coincidence. For this preliminarymeasurement, 14C was selected to be standardized; 14C was chosen due to be a pure beta emitter with low end-point energy of 156 keV, which is suitable to be measured by the TDCR system. This solution was previously calibrated by the efficiency tracing technique using a 4p(PC)b-g coincidence system, employing 60Co as a tracer. The activity of the 14C solution by efficiency tracing technique was determined by using the extrapolation technique, changing the beta efficiency by pulse height discrimination. In order to determine the final activity, a Monte Carlo simulation was used to generate the extrapolation curve. The Software Coincidence System (SCS) developed by the ...