Involvement of a High-Mobility-Group Protein in the Transcriptional Activity of Herpes Simplex Virus Latency-Active Promoter 2 (original) (raw)

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Identification and characterisation of herpes simplex virus genes required for encapsidation of DNA Cover Page

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High mobility group proteins 1 and 2 stimulate binding of a specific transcription factor to the adenovirus major late promoter Cover Page

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Decreased expression of the high-mobility group protein T160 by antisense RNA impairs the growth of mouse fibroblasts Cover Page

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Promoter Complex in the Central Part of the Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus Long Terminal Repeat Cover Page

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Antisense and ribozyme constructs in transgenic animals Cover Page

Enhanced gene expression by the poly(dT-dG).poly(dC-dA) sequence

Molecular and cellular biology, 1984

The sequence poly(dT-dG).poly(dC-dA) (TG-element) is a ubiquitous component of eucaryotic genomes and has the potential to adopt a left-handed DNA conformation (Z-DNA). In this report, we have tested the hypothesis that the TG-element can modulate gene expression. Human genomic DNA fragments (1 to 1.5 kilobases) containing a (dT-dG)n.(dC-dA)n tract (30, 40, or 50 base pairs) or chemically synthesized (dT-dG)n.(dC-dA)n fragments (50 to 130 base pairs) were inserted in the pSV2-cat (simian virus 40 enhancer plus) or pA10-cat (enhancer minus) expression vector plasmid. These constructs were transfected into CV-1 cells or HeLa cells, and their transcription was monitored by assaying chloramphenicol acetyltransferase activity. The results showed that pSV2-cat with the TG-element and pA10-cat with the TG-element synthesized more chloramphenicol acetyltransferase activity (2 to 10 times, depending on the location of the TG-element) than did parental pSV2-cat and pA10-cat DNAs, respectively...

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Enhanced gene expression by the poly(dT-dG).poly(dC-dA) sequence Cover Page

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Expression of an enzymatically active murine retroviral reverse transcriptase in human cells Cover Page

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Mutations of the RNase H C Helix of the Moloney Murine Leukemia Virus Reverse Transcriptase Reveal Defects in Polypurine Tract Recognition Cover Page

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Antisense and Antigene Properties of Peptide Nucleic Acids Cover Page

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Probing the sequence and structure of in vitro synthesized antisense and target RNAs from the replication control system of plasmid pMV158 Cover Page