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Technological Alliance Motivation, Formation and Performance: The case of Korean High-Tech SMEs
This paper explores the motivations of firms to form technological alliances by testing the comparative effects of social networks and absorptive capacity on partner selection, governance and alliance performance. Our results show that absorptive capacity has a greater impact on technological alliance partner selection than social networks. Moreover, while absorptive capacity had a significant impact on technological alliance performance neither absorptive capacity nor social networks were found to significantly affect the choice of technological alliance governance structure. From this, we posit the primary motivation for forming technological alliances among Korean high-tech SMEs is to increase firm absorptive capacity.
Strategic Alliance Formation Motives and Strategic Alliance Performance
The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of alliance formation motives (AFM) on strategic alliance performance (SAP). An interaction effect of organizational culture on the relationship between alliance formation motives and alliance performance outcomes are proposed. Design/ methodology/ approach: The conceptual model was developed based on a survey of 324 alliance managers in GCC. The research hypotheses were empirically tested using Structural equitation modeling (SEM) technique. The major findings of the present study are summarized as follows: Organizational culture acts as a pure moderator between alliance formation motives and alliance performance outcomes and plays a prominent role on the success of strategic alliance performance outcomes. Risk sharing, technology transfer and Market & Economics Development have a significant positive relationship with strategic alliance performance outcomes. This research provides multiple insights for managers. As the analysis on the moderating role of organizational culture has highlighted the fact that it is difficult to achieve alliance success and goals without clear and adequate investigation of organizational culture, therefore, alliances managers should not ignore the vital influence of organizational culture on the strategic alliance performance, which will help in achieving a high degree of value creation, and play a crucial role in the technology transfer. The paper significantly enriches strategic alliance literature and bridges the gap in the firm alliance formation motives and strategic alliance performance by suggesting cultural effects on the relationship between alliance formation motives and alliance performance.
Relationship between Transaction Costs and Strategic Alliances in the High-Tech Industry
In order to improve efficiency, the study focuses on the deconstruction of the relationship between transaction costs and strategic alliances, and sorts out the characteristics of different transaction costs and the corresponding solutions. This study analyzes the correlation between transaction costs and strategic alliances by sampling 50 suppliers that collaborate with a target company. The analysis results indicate that transaction costs vary with asset specificity, risk uncertainty, and transaction frequency. High asset specificity and risk uncertainty lead to high transaction costs, whereas increasing transaction frequency prompts suppliers to invest additional ex-ante transaction resources to reduce subsequent losses incurred by the transaction. High transaction frequency also fosters a tight partnership and improves synergistic quality. Overall, this study verifies the strong correlation between the strength of strategic alliances and transaction costs. Enterprises must reduce or control the loss of transaction costs from different levels.
Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR), 2019
Strategy scholars have proposed that capacity for managing alliance can be a source of superior performance. This study focuses on the role of this capacity, and investigates how alliance management capability of entrepreneurial firms affects the relationship between a firm’s allying and its performance. Because the capability is inherently unobservable, we take alliance experience and average duration of each alliance as proxy variables for measuring alliance management capability. An analysis of multiple allies of entrepreneurial ventures in Korean photovoltaic industry indicate that capacity for managing varying allies, and alliance type positively moderate the relation between alliance and its innovation outcomes.
Strategic Alliance Success Factors: A Literature Review on Alliance Lifecycle
Objectives. The research aims to investigate how firms can achieve alliance success. In global markets, the alliance failure rate is very high. This study will try to understand why, facing with such a high failure rate, more and more firms decide to enter or form strategic alliances. It appears necessary to identify key factors and show how firms can successfully manage them in each phase of alliance lifecycle. Methodology. For this study, a qualitative approach was adopted, in order to explore and understand the research problem. The issues of alliance success factors is investigated through the analysis of the existing literature, focusing in particular on the last two decades. Findings. By reviewing several theoretical perspectives, we identified alliance success factors and showed what kind of relevance they have in each phase of alliance lifecycle. It was found that strategic alliances develop through three phases. Alliance success lies on successful management of key factors, involved in each phase. Research Limits. Research deals with the issues of alliance success factors at the level of a single alliance and not at the level of an alliance portfolio. Further research should extend the analysis perspective. Managerial Implications. Firms involved in a strategic alliance should consider several critical aspects. For the entire alliance lifecycle, they have to look for a high degree of fit with their own partners. Another important aspect is related to the risk of opportunistic behavior, which could be reduced through the choice of an appropriate governance form and the development of social capital.