Diet composition of the five deep sea fish from the Aegean Sea Ege Denizi’nde dağılım gösteren beş derin deniz balığının diyet kompozisyonu (original) (raw)

Diet composition of the five deep sea fish from the Aegean Sea

The diets of five deep sea fish: Argentina sphyraena, Glossanodon leioglossus, Chlorophthalmus agassizi, Hoplostethus mediterraneus and Capros aper from the Aegean Sea were examined in the specimens caught as bycatch and discarded by commercial trawl fisheries during 2003 spring. Stomach contents were analyzed to determine their diet composition, which indicates that the trophic status of these species can be assigned primarily to the carnivore guild. Two major prey groups were found in the diet composition of all five predators: Crustaceans (like copepods and isopods), and Chaetognathans (Sagitta spp.).


SUMMARY Stomach contents of 28 juvenile swordfish specimens from the middle Aegean Sea of Turkey were analyzed. Major prey categories in stomachs were 88.7% teleosts, %10.7 cephalopods and %7.4 crustaceans. A total of 336 prey items of which 298 fish, 36 cephalopods and 2 crustaceans were identified. Anchovy was the most frequent (%F=70.4), abundant prey (%N=66.7) and the highest index of relative importance (IRI= 7237.1) whereas, sardine had the highest percentage by weight (%W=41.1). Other fish species were Cepola macrophthalma, Merluccius merluccius, Scomber japonicus and Sardinella aurita. The secondary food preference group was cephalopoda, especially Loligo vulgaris. This squid species was the third option in terms of index of relative importance (IRI=67.7). Crustaceans were low values for all indices. RÉSUMÉ Les contenus stomacaux de 28 spécimens de juvéniles d'espadon provenant du centre de la mer Égée de la Turquie ont été analysés. Les principales catégories de proies présentes dans les estomacs étaient les téléostéens (88,7%), les céphalopodes (10,7%) et les crustacés (7,4%). 336 restes de proie ont été identifiés, à savoir 298 poissons, 36 céphalopodes et 2 crustacés. L'anchois était la proie la plus fréquente (%F=70,4) et la plus abondante (%N=66,7). Cette espèce présentait l'indice d'importance relative le plus élevé (IRI= 7237,1) alors que la sardine affichait le pourcentage le plus élevé en poids (%W=41,1). Les autres espèces de poissons étaient Cepola macrophthalma, Merluccius merluccius, Scomber japonicus et Sardinella aurita. Le groupe de préférence alimentaire secondaire était composé de céphalopodes, et plus particulièrement de Loligo vulgaris. Cette espèce de calmar se situait en troisième position en termes d'indice d'importance relative (IRI=67,7). Les crustacés présentaient de faibles valeurs pour tous les indices. RESUMEN Se analizaron los contenidos estomacales de 28 ejemplares de pez espada juvenil del mar Egeo central de Turquía. Las principales categorías de presas en los estómagos correspondían a teleósteos (88,7%), cefalópodos (10,7%) y crustáceos (7,4%). Se identificaron en total 336 presas, de las que 298 eran peces, 36 cefalópodos y 2 crustáceos. La anchoa era la presa más frecuente (%F=70,4) y abundante (%N=66,7) y con el mayor índice de importancia relativa (IRI=7237,1) mientras que la sardina representaba el mayor porcentaje en peso (%W=41,1). Otras especies de peces presentes eran Cepola macrophthalma, Merluccius merluccius, Scomber japonicus y Sardinella aurita. El segundo grupo de preferencia alimentaria eran los cefalópodos, especialmente Loligo vulgaris. Esta especie de calamar era la tercera opción en términos de índice de importancia relativa (IRI=67,7). Los crustáceos tenían los valores más bajos para todos los índices.

Diet composition and overlap for 43 fishes in the North Aegean Sea, Greece

Acta Adriatica, 2017

This study presents the diet composition of 43 of some of the most abundant fish species from the North Aegean Sea, Greece. According to the diet analysis and fractional trophic level previously reported in the literature, 20 of the studied species were omnivores with a preference for animals and the other half were carnivores (15 with preference for fish and Cephalopoda, and seven with preference for fish and Decapoda), whereas Parablennius gattorugine was the only recorded omnivore with a preference for plant material. Finally, according to the results of Schoener’s index, diet overlap between species was recorded in a small number of cases (33 out of the 903 pairs examined). Yet, competition among diet-overlapping species may be minimised by either morphological differentiations and/or habitat segregation.

Feeding and ecomorphology of three clupeoids in the N Aegean Sea

Mediterranean Marine Science, 2013

The present study examines the feeding habits of anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and round sardinella (Sardinella aurita). The results are combined with previously published information on feeding-related morphological features (i.e. mouth area, intestine length and tail area) in order to explore morphological affinities between species and the effect of ecomorphology on their co-existence. These species were mainly zooplanktivorous and no dietary differences were found with sex and season. Anchovy preyed mainly on Crustacea larvae, whereas sardine and round sardinella on Copepoda. In the majority of cases (>90%), the individual fractional trophic level of all species ranged between 3.0 and 3.5, classifying them as omnivores with preference to animals. The feeding-related morphological features differed between anchovy and the two other species, whereas only intestine length differed between sardine and round sardinella. The fact that round sardinel...


We estimated trophic levels (TROPHs) for 76 species from the north Aegean Sea using diet composition, and compared the estimated TROPHs with those reported in FishBase (TROPH FB ). For 41 and 14 out of the 76 species, there is no such information from the Aegean and the Mediterranean Seas, respectively. North Aegean TROPHs were linearly related to TROPH FB (TROPH = 1.24+0.65TROPH FB , R 2 = 0.54, p<0.01).

Diet of Silver scabbardfish Lepidopus caudatus (Euphrasen, 1788) in the Northern Aegean Sea

CBM - Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 2019

This study is based on the results of an extensive research carried out on silver scabbardfish Lepidopus caudatus from 2003 to 2005 in the Northern Aegean Sea (NAS). Data were collected from both commercial fisheries and research bottom trawl surveys. 264 specimens of silver scabbardfish, caught between 200 and 600 m depth, were processed for diet analysis. The silver scabbardfish diet covers different trophic levels, including euphausiids, decapods, fish and cephalopods. Overall, euphausiids were found to be the most important prey. Ontogenetically, the L.caudatus diet gradually changed from crustaceans, consumed by the smaller individuals to fish and cephalopods. During the sampling period, radical changes in the diet composition were observed: from euphausiids to fish between 2003 and 2004 and from fish to decapoda, euphausiids and cephalopods between 2004 and 2005. During 2004, feeding on high trophic level preys was attributed to lack of euphausiids. It was suggested that eupha...

Lionfish Diet Composition at Three Study Sites in the Aegean Sea: An Invasive Generalist?


The diet of the lionfish (Pterois miles), an invasive species in the Aegean Sea, was examined by collecting stomach content data from fish collected in three study sites in the Aegean Sea (southern Crete, Kastellorizo, and Nysiros islands). Prey composition in terms of numerical abundance and frequency of occurrence was used to compare lionfish’s diet between these sites. Lionfish largely preyed upon teleosts (4% to 83% numerical abundance and 16% to 58% frequency of occurrence, depending on the site) and decapods (12% to 95% numerical abundance and 11% to 81% frequency of occurrence). The most important teleost families in lionfish’s diet were Gobiidae, Labridae, and Scorpaenidae, while decapods and especially the family Scyllaridae and the genus Plesionika were the dominant decapod prey items. The lionfish was found to be an especially successful generalist across the study sites, an opportunistic, predatory species overall, and at the same time, at a local level, it seems to be a...

Feeding of the round sardinella Sardinella aurita Valenciennes, 1847 (Osteichthyes: Clupeidae) in the Turkish Aegean Sea


The feeding of round sardinella, Sardinella aurita, was investigated in the Izmir Bay, central Aegean Sea of Turkey, during October 2010 September 2011. Examined of the 434 stomach contents, 39 (9.0%) had emty. Most empty stomach were encountered during autumn (19.1%), followed by (8.0%) summer, winter (2.2%) and spring (2.0%). A total number of 14266 prey items and forty eight species were identified, belonging to six major groups: Polychaeta, Crustacea, Mollusca, Chaetognatha, Tunicate and Teleostei. Finally crustaceans (particularly copepods) were the most important food item in terms of index of relative importance. At least 31 copepod species were identified, where Calanoida, Oithona nana, Oncaea media and Oithona plumifera appeared all year round with %IRI ≥ 10.