Becchi-Rouet-Stora gauge identities for gravity (original) (raw)

New commutation relations for quantum gravity

arXiv: General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology, 2016

A new set of fundamental commutation relations for quantum gravity is presented. The basic variables are the eight components of the unimodular part of the spatial dreibein and eight SU(3) generators which correspond to Klauder's momentric variables. The commutation relations are not canonical, but they have well defined group theoretical meanings. All fundamental entities are dimensionless; and quantum wave functionals are preferentially selected to be in the dreibein representation.

Gravity as the square of gauge theory

Physical Review D, 2010

We explore consequences of the recently discovered duality between color and kinematics, which states that kinematic numerators in a diagrammatic expansion of gauge-theory amplitudes can be arranged to satisfy Jacobi-like identities in one-to-one correspondence to the associated color factors. Using on-shell recursion relations, we give a field-theory proof showing that the duality implies that diagrammatic numerators in gravity are just the product of two corresponding gaugetheory numerators, as previously conjectured. These squaring relations express gravity amplitudes in terms of gauge-theory ingredients, and are a recasting of the Kawai, Lewellen and Tye relations. Assuming that numerators of loop amplitudes can be arranged to satisfy the duality, our tree-level proof immediately carries over to loop level via the unitarity method. We then present a Yang-Mills Lagrangian whose diagrams through five points manifestly satisfy the duality between color and kinematics. The existence of such Lagrangians suggests that the duality also extends to loop amplitudes, as confirmed at two and three loops in a concurrent paper. By "squaring" the novel Yang-Mills Lagrangian we immediately obtain its gravity counterpart. We outline the general structure of these Lagrangians for higher points. We also write down various new representations of gauge-theory and gravity amplitudes that follow from the duality between color and kinematics.

Gauge theory of quantum gravity


The gravity is classically formulated as the geometric curvature of the space-time in general relativity which is completely different from the other well-known physical forces. Since seeking a quantum framework for the gravity is a great challenge in physics. Here we present an alternative construction of quantum gravity in which the quantum gravitational degrees of freedom are described by the non-Abelian gauge fields characterizing topological non-triviality of the space-time. The quantum dynamics of the space-time thus corresponds to the superposition of the distinct topological states. Its unitary time evolution is described by the path integral approach. This result will also be suggested to solve some major problems in physics of the black holes.

A Gauge-theoretical Treatment of the Gravitational Field: Classical


In the geometrodynamical setting of general relativity one is concerned mainly with Riemannian metrics over a manifold M . We show that for the space M := Riem(M), we have a natural principal fiber bundle (PFB) structure Diff(M) →֒ M π → M/Diff(M), first hinted at in [1]. This construction makes the gravitational field amenable to exactly the same gauge-theoretic treatment given in [2], where it is used to separate rotational and vibrational degrees of freedom of n-particle systems, both classically and quantum mechanically. Furthermore, we show how the gauge connection in this PFB setting can be seen as a realization of Mach’s Principle of Relative Motion, in accordance with Barbour’s et al work on timeless gravitational theories [3] using best-matching. We show Barbour’s reconstruction of GR is obtained by requiring the connection to be the one induced by the deWitt metric in M. As a simple application of the gauge theory, we put the ADM lagrangian in a Kaluza-Klein context, in wh...

New symmetries for the gravitational S-matrix

Journal of High Energy Physics, 2015

In [15] we proposed a generalization of the BMS group G which is a semidirect product of supertranslations and smooth diffeomorphisms of the conformal sphere. Although an extension of BMS, G is a symmetry group of asymptotically flat space times. By taking G as a candidate symmetry group of the quantum gravity S-matrix, we argued that the Ward identities associated to the generators of Diff(S 2) were equivalent to the Cachazo-Strominger subleading soft graviton theorem. Our argument however was based on a proposed definition of the Diff(S 2) charges which we could not derive from first principles as G does not have a well defined action on the radiative phase space of gravity. Here we fill this gap and provide a first principles derivation of the Diff(S 2) charges. The result of this paper, in conjunction with the results of [4, 15] prove that the leading and subleading soft theorems are equivalent to the Ward identities associated to G.

Remarkable aspects and and unsolved problems in quantum gravity theory

Academia Letters, 2022

The search of a theory of quantum gravity (QG) which is consistent both with the principles of quantum mechanics as well as with the postulates of the classical Einstein theory of General Relativity (GR) has represented until recently one of the most challenging, long-standing debated and hard-to-solve conceptual problems of mathematical and theoretical physics alike. In fact, a basic crucial issue is about the possibility of achieving in the context of either classical or quantum relativistic theories, and in particular for a quantum theory of gravity, a truly coordinate-(i.e., frame-) independent representation, realized by 4-tensor notation of physical laws. This means that the latter theory must satisfy both the principles of general covariance and of manifest covariance with respect to the group of local point transformations (LPT-group), i.e., coordinate diffeomorphisms mutually mapping in each other different GR frames. These principles lie at the foundation of all relativistic theories and of the related physical laws. In fact, although the choice of special coordinate systems is always legitimate for all physical systems either discrete or continuous, including in particular classical and quantum gravity, the intrinsic objective nature of physical laws makes them frame-independent. For the same reason, since LPTs preserve the differential-manifold structure of space-time, these principles represent also a cornerstone of the standard formulation of GR, namely the Einstein field equations and the corresponding classical treatment of the gravitational field. The same principles should apply as well to the very foundations of quantum field theory

Canonical transformation path to gauge theories of gravity

Physical Review D, 2017

In this paper, the generic part of the gauge theory of gravity is derived, based merely on the action principle and on the general principle of relativity. We apply the canonical transformation framework to formulate geometrodynamics as a gauge theory. The starting point of our paper is constituted by the general De Donder-Weyl Hamiltonian of a system of scalar and vector fields, which is supposed to be form-invariant under (global) Lorentz transformations. Following the reasoning of gauge theories, the corresponding locally form-invariant system is worked out by means of canonical transformations. The canonical transformation approach ensures by construction that the form of the action functional is maintained. We thus encounter amended Hamiltonian systems which are form-invariant under arbitrary spacetime transformations. This amended system complies with the general principle of relativity and describes both, the dynamics of the given physical system's fields and their coupling to those quantities which describe the dynamics of the spacetime geometry. In this way, it is unambiguously determined how spin-0 and spin-1 fields couple to the dynamics of spacetime. A term that describes the dynamics of the "free" gauge fields must finally be added to the amended Hamiltonian, as common to all gauge theories, to allow for a dynamic spacetime geometry. The choice of this "dynamics" Hamiltonian is outside of the scope of gauge theory as presented in this paper. It accounts for the remaining indefiniteness of any gauge theory of gravity and must be chosen "by hand" on the basis of physical reasoning. The final Hamiltonian of the gauge theory of gravity is shown to be at least quadratic in the conjugate momenta of the gauge fields-this is beyond the Einstein-Hilbert theory of general relativity.

Quantum gravity: an introduction to some recent results

Reviews of Modern Physics, 1989

This article presents a general overview of the problems involved in the application of the quantum principle to a theory of gravitation. The ultraviolet divergences that appear in any perturbative computation are reviewed in some detail, and it is argued that it is unlikely that any theory based on local quantum fields could be consistent. This leads in a natural way to a supersymmetric theory of extended objects as the next candidate theory to study. An elementary introduction to superstrings closes the review, and some speculations about the most promising avenues of research are offered. CONTENTS Gravitational Fields III. Einstein Gravity as a Gauge Theory. Perturbative Results at One and Two Loops A. Gravity as a gauge theory B. The method of the background field C. The one-loop computation of 't Hooft and Veltman D. The two-loop computation of Goro6'and Sagnotti IV. Ultraviolet Divergences in a Quantum Field Theory of Gravity V. Canonical Formalism: The Wheeler-De%'itt Equation VI. The Semiclassical Approximation: Schrodinger s Equation VII. Some Specific Boundary Conditions. Toy Models in Quantum Cosmology A. The de Sitter model of Hartle and Hawking B. The effect of conformally invariant scalars in the toy model C. A cosmological model of Banks VIII. Quantum Gravity in the General Framework of Superstring Theories A. Gravity from strings B. Modular invariance C. Gravity in the long-wavelength limit D.