Classifying Semi-Free Hamiltonian S1-Manifolds (original) (raw)
Related papers
On certain symplectic circle actions
Journal of Symplectic Geometry, 2005
In this work we use localization formulas in equivariant cohomology to show that some symplectic actions on 6-dimensional manifolds with a finite fixed point set must be Hamiltonian. Moreover, we show that their fixed point data (number of fixed points and their isotropy weights) is the same as in S 2 × S 2 × S 2 equipped with a diagonal circle action, and we compute their cohomology rings.
International Mathematics Research Notices, 2006
SWIAT GAL AND JAREK KȨ DRA A. We define a class of symplectic fibrations called symplectic configurations. They are a natural generalization of Hamiltonian fibrations in the sense that they admit a closed symplectic connection two-form. Their geometric and topological properties are investigated. We are mainly concentrated on integral symplectic manifolds. We construct the classifying space B of symplectic integral configurations. The properties of the classifying map B → BSymp(M, ω) are examined. The universal symplectic bundle over B has a natural connection whose holonomy group is the enlarged Hamiltonian group recently defined by McDuff. The space B is identified with the classifying space of a certain extension of the symplectomorphism group. C 1. Motivation 1 2. Preliminaries and statements of results 3 3. The topology of symplectic configurations 7 4. The geometry of symplectic configurations 12 5. Group cohomology and the group of McDuff 16 6. The cohomology ring of symplectic configurations 21 References 24
Hamiltonian structures on multisymplectic manifolds
After a brief review of some basic notions of multisymplectic geometry and a discussion of some examples, special attention is paid to the concepts of Hamiltonian multivector field and Hamiltonian form on a multisymplectic manifold. In particular, it is shown that the space of equivalence classes of Hamiltonian forms, modulo closed forms, can be equipped with a graded Lie algebra structure. Next, it is demonstrated that the tangent bundle of a multisymplectic manifold is also multisymplectic, and that a locally Hamiltonian vector field is determined by a Lagrangian section of this "tangent multisymplectic structure".
Symplectic Singularities and Solvable Hamiltonian Mappings
Demonstratio Mathematica, 2015
We study singularities of smooth mappings F̄ of ℝ2n into symplectic space (ℝ2n , ω̇) by their isotropic liftings to the corresponding symplectic tangent bundle (Tℝ2n,w). Using the notion of local solvability of lifting as a generalized Hamiltonian system, we introduce new symplectic invariants and explain their geometric meaning. We prove that a basic local algebra of singularity is a space of generating functions of solvable isotropic mappings over F̄ endowed with a natural Poisson structure. The global properties of this Poisson algebra of the singularity among the space of all generating functions of isotropic liftings are investigated. The solvability criterion of generalized Hamiltonian systems is a strong method for various geometric and algebraic investigations in a symplectic space. We illustrate this by explicit classification of solvable systems in codimension one.
On Symplectic Reduction in Classical Mechanics
Philosophy of Physics, 2007
This Chapter expounds the modern theory of symplectic reduction in finitedimensional Hamiltonian mechanics. This theory generalizes the well-known connection between continuous symmetries and conserved quantities, i.e. Noether's theorem. It also illustrates one of mechanics' grand themes: exploiting a symmetry so as to reduce the number of variables needed to treat a problem. The exposition emphasises how the theory provides insights about the rotation group and the rigid body. The theory's device of quotienting a state space also casts light on philosophical issues about whether two apparently distinct but utterly indiscernible possibilities should be ruled to be one and the same. These issues are illustrated using "relationist" mechanics.
Induced Riemannian Structure on a Reduced Symplectic Manifold
arXiv: Differential Geometry, 2020
In this paper we determine conditions of existence of an induced Riemannian structure on the symplectic quotient of a symplectic and Riemannian manifold following the action of a Lie group acting upon it in a hamiltonian way with equivariant momentum mapping.
The reduced spaces of a symplectic Lie group action
Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry, 2006
There exist three main approaches to reduction associated to canonical Lie group actions on a symplectic manifold, namely, foliation reduction, introduced by Cartan, Marsden-Weinstein reduction, and optimal reduction, introduced by the authors. When the action is free, proper, and admits a momentum map these three approaches coincide. The goal of this paper is to study the general case of a symplectic action that does not admit a momentum map and one needs to use its natural generalization, a cylinder valued momentum map introduced by Condevaux, Dazord, and Molino . In this case it will be shown that the three reduced spaces mentioned above do not coincide, in general. More specifically, the Marsden-Weinstein reduced spaces are not symplectic but Poisson and their symplectic leaves are given by the optimal reduced spaces. Foliation reduction produces a symplectic reduced space whose Poisson quotient by a certain Lie group associated to the group of symmetries of the problem equals the Marsden-Weinstein reduced space. We illustrate these constructions with concrete examples, special emphasis being given to the reduction of a magnetic cotangent bundle of a Lie group in the situation when the magnetic term ensures the non-existence of the momentum map for the lifted action. The precise relation of the cylinder valued momentum map with group valued momentum maps for Abelian Lie groups is also given.
On symplectomorphisms and Hamiltonian flows
Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2022
We propose the construction of a sequence of time one flows of autonomous Hamiltonian vector fields, converging to a fixed near the identity C 1 symplectic diffeomorphism ψ. This convergence is proved to be uniformly exponentially fast, in a non analytic symplectic topology framework.