The Syntax of Turkish Pre-Stressing Suffixes (original) (raw)

The phonological word and stress assignment in Turkish

Phonology, 2001

It is generally believed that Turkish stress is always word-final. Closer examination, however, reveals several types of exceptions to this pattern involving both roots and affixes. This paper proposes a unified analysis of regular and irregular stress in Turkish that crucially depends on our definition of the Phonological Word. In addition, we discuss stress in constituents beyond the word, and provide evidence for the Clitic Group as well as the Phonological Phrase. Finally, we also briefly discuss vowel harmony and a set of syllabification phenomena, and show how the latter, in particular, provide independent support for the proposal we advance here.

Compound stress in Turkish is phrase stress

Proceedings of ICTL 16 at METU, D. Zeyrek et al. (eds.), 2015

  1. a. hünkarbeğendi-niz-dén pot roast lamb with eggplant puree-POSS2PL-ABL b. Kandílli Cadde-sin-den-dir Kandilli Street-SI-ABL-EVID (Slightly changed from Inkelas & Orgun 1998) A comparison between and shows that this behavior is not specific to compounds. (a) examples show regular final word stress which is transferrable, indicating that compounds of this sort are not treated any differently than words. (b)

On the Process of Prefixization and Prefixoids in Turkish

Dil Araştırmaları, 2024

EN: Prefixoids are the left-most elements attaching to roots or stems, which emerge from lexemes, and behave like derivational or inflectional affixes tending to slightly grammaticalize to a limited extent, showing an increase in productivity. In Turkish, certain adjectival constituents of the ADJ+N type compounds like ana 'lit. mother=PFmain, PFprimary' as in anafikir 'gist', baş 'lit. head=PFmain' as in başkent 'capitol', or ön 'lit. front=PFpre-' as in ön(-)basım 'pre-edition' show this tendency and are used productively to name concepts by behaving like prefixoids in spontaneous naming needs to fill the lexical gaps. Thus, though Turkish does not have an established prefixation mechanism typologically, these elements give rise to a blurry and controversial territory between compounding and prefixation. In the present study, such adjectival constituents will be investigated within the continuum between compounding and affixation, and it will be advocated that these constituents are at the very beginning of a morphologization/grammaticalization process. TR: Önekimsiler, sözcükbirimlerden ortaya çıkarak kök ya da gövdelere eklenip en sola bitişen öğelerdir ve türetkenlikte bir artış göstererek sınırlı ölçüde kısmen dilbilgiselleşme eğiliminde olan türetim ya da çekim ekleri gibi davranırlar. Türkçede, anafikir, başkent, ön(-)basım gibi SIFAT+AD tipi bileşiklerin bazı sıfat bileşenleri bu eğilimi gösterir ve bu bileşenle sözlüksel boşlukları doldurmak için anlık adlandırma ihtiyaçlarında önekler gibi davranır, ayrıca kavramları adlandırmak için türetken bir şekilde kullanılır. Dolayısıyla Türkçe tipolojik olarak yerleşik bir önekleme mekanizmasına sahip olmasa da bu unsurlar birleştirme ve önekleme arasında bulanık ve tartışmalı bir alan ortaya çıkarmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, bu tür sıfat bileşenleri birleşme ve ekleşme arasındaki süreklilik içinde incelenecek ve bu bileşenlerin bir biçimbilgiselleşme/dilbilgiselleşme sürecinin en başında olduğu savunulacaktır.

On the lexical stress patterns of Ilami Kurdish

Acta Scientiarum. Language and Culture

This paper aims to investigate the stress patterns of Ilami Kurdish, a southern variety of Kurdish language, based on the criteria proposed by Kager (1995) and also Hayes (1995) regarding the stress patterns of human languages, including 'boundedness', 'quantity sensitivity', 'word headedness', 'foot headedness' and 'directionality'. After analyzing Ilami Kurdish data and specifying the stress patterns of this dialect of Kurdish, we adopt Optimality Theory framework, which is a modern perspective towards phonology, to show how the optimal candidates are in conformity with the universal phonological constraints in Ilami dialect. All in all, it can be said that Ilami is a right-bounded quantity-sensitive variety as far as monomorphemic words are considered.The next part of the research is devoted to the study of the stress pattern of compound words in Ilami Kurdish. In order to evaluate the stress pattern of these constructions, we use PRAAT software program to analyze the data collected from native speakers of Ilami. Concerning the stress pattern of compounds, it was observed that this is always the rightmost syllable of the final morpheme that bears the strong stress, regardless of the length of word and the number of morphemes. Actually, this tendency always violates the main-left (C) universal constraint according to which a clitic group (c) is left-headed.

Turkish Sentence Stress

One of the suprasegmental elements of a language, stress is one of the basic elements necessary for the correct communication and understanding of a message. According to CoĢkun (2010: 204), besides leading to differences in the meanings of words, it makes words and phrases the speaker wants to emphasize and wants the listener to pay a special attention to marked; while it contributes to the correct construction of a message that is relayed by the speakers, it helps the listener to understand the message correctly. Though each word and phrase has its separate stress, in a sentence, stress is only on one word. While it is widely held belief that in Turkish, stress in on the word preceding the verb, the place of the stress may change depending on the emotional state of the speaker and the message to be relayed. The purpose of the current study is to elicit the stress system in Turkish by analyzing speech samples taken from different television programs in terms of their stress patterns. Within the context of the current study employing the descriptive method speeches from different television programs were recorded by means of Adobe Audition 1.0 voice program, and these recordings were analyzed in terms of the basic frequency through Praat 3.8.47 voice analysis program.

Turkish Grammar-1.pdf

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