Precipitation and temperature regime impacts on maize yields in Eastern Croatia (original) (raw)

2009, Research Journal of …

In the decade period 1998-2007 maize harvested area in Croatia was, depending on year, from 288380 ha to 407272 ha while annual yield variation was in range from 3.93 t/ha to 6.92 t/ha. The region eastern Croatia represents 22 % of the state territory, it participating in maize harvested area near to 50 % and maize yield in this region is near to 20% higher compared to the state level. Mean air-temperature in Osijek for May-August period (the decade 1998-2007) was 20.7 o C or for 1.5 o C higher compared to 30-year (1961-1990) mean. At the same time, precipitation was for 9% higher. Depending on year, precipitation in May-Aug. period were in range from 104 mm to 567 mm and air-temperatures from 19.1 o C to 22.5 o C or from -61% to +110% (precipitation) and from -2 % to +17% (air-temperature) deviation from 30year means. The growing seasons 2000, 2003 and 2007 were less favourable for maize because of drought and the higher air-temperatures. For example, in the period May-August precipitation in Osijek were for 61 % (2000), 39 % (2003) and 40 % (2007) lower (2003) in comparison with 30-year mean. At the same time, air-temperatures were for 2.3 o C, (2000 and 2007) and for 3.2 o C (2003) higher. Under these conditions, maize yields in the region were lower for 28% (2000), 25% (2003) and 18% (2007) compared to the decade mean (6.01 t/ha). Sažetak: U dekadi 1998.-2007. požnjeveno je u Hrvatskoj, ovisno o godini, od 288380 ha do 407272 ha kukuruza, a prosječni prinosi bili u rasponu od 3,93 do 6,92 t/ha. Regija istočna Hrvatska čini 22% državnog teritorija, njen udjel u žetvenim površinama kukuruza je blizu 50%, a prinosi su blizu 20% veći od državnog prosjeka. Srednje temperature zraka u Osijeku za svibanjkolovoz u razdoblju 1998-2007 bile su 20.7 o C ili za 1.5 o C toplije od prosjeka (1961-1990). Istovremeno, oborina je bilo za 9% više. Ovisno o godini, oborine u analiziranom razdoblju bile su u rasponu od 104 mm do 567 mm, a srednje temperature zraka od 19.1 o C do 22.5 o C, odnosno odstupanje od prosjeka od -61% do +110% (oborine) i od -2 % do +17% (temp.). Godine 2000., 2003. i 2007 bile su manje povoljne za uzgoj kukuruza zbog suše i visokih temperatura. Tako je u Osijeku (svibanj-kolovoz) bilo oborina manje za 61% (2000.), 39% (2003.) i 40% (2007.) od prosjeka, a temperature zraka bile su za 2.3 o C, (2000. i 2007.) i za 3.2 o C (2003.) više. U takvim uvjetima su u istočnoj Hrvatskoj ostvareni niži prinosi kukuruza za 28% (2000.), 25% (2003.) i 18 % (2007.) prema dekadnom prosjeku (6.01 t/ha).