Will Training between Religion and Psychology in the Early 20th Century (original) (raw)
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Temas em Psicologia
This historical study analyzes the mode of appropriation of experimental psychology by two authors of the Society of Jesus-J. Fröbes and J. Lindworsky-in the fi rst decades of the twentieth century. The two researchers wrote several works about psychological science, its objects and methods. Some of these texts are textbooks, aimed at the diffusion of the area, including in the context of the Society. Through an analysis of these texts, a clear opening for new methods of knowledge provided by experimental science can be seen, as well as effort to preserve and emphasize the importance of concepts from traditional philosophical psychology. Thus, the two Jesuit authors sought to verify the relevance of aspects of traditional doctrines through new experimental methods and to highlight the relevance to experimental psychology, psychic processes especially signifi cant from the point of view of the Jesuit anthropology. They therefore sought to reconcile ancient and modern aspects, as a mode of appropriation present in the intellectual universe of the Society of Jesus since its founding.
J Hist Behav Sci, 1983
This encyclopedia is one of the major publication efforts in psychology, comparable on the German scene only with the weighty Handbuch der Psychologie. It may be divided into three equal parts. The first part comprises a single albeit large volume, and represents an historical introduction to the remaining fourteen volumes of the encyclopedia. The seven volumes constituting the second part (vols. 2-8) are centered around major figures of twentieth-century psychology: . The single volumes are not monographs devoted to the individuals named on the title pages, but rather accounts of the developments (die Folgen in the fields first symbolized by the selected seven "great men" and in the neighboring areas. The last seven volumes (vols. 9-15) deal primarily with the applications of psychology in medicine (vols. 9 and lo), education (vols. 11 and 12), work (vol. 13), crime (vol. 14), and religion, literature, and art (vol. 15).
Apropriações da psicologia experimental por dois autores jesuítas nas primeiras décadas do século XX
Temas em Psicologia
This historical study analyzes the mode of appropriation of experimental psychology by two authors of the Society of Jesus-J. Fröbes and J. Lindworsky-in the fi rst decades of the twentieth century. The two researchers wrote several works about psychological science, its objects and methods. Some of these texts are textbooks, aimed at the diffusion of the area, including in the context of the Society. Through an analysis of these texts, a clear opening for new methods of knowledge provided by experimental science can be seen, as well as effort to preserve and emphasize the importance of concepts from traditional philosophical psychology. Thus, the two Jesuit authors sought to verify the relevance of aspects of traditional doctrines through new experimental methods and to highlight the relevance to experimental psychology, psychic processes especially signifi cant from the point of view of the Jesuit anthropology. They therefore sought to reconcile ancient and modern aspects, as a mode of appropriation present in the intellectual universe of the Society of Jesus since its founding.
What is Psychology? By Georges Canguilhem (trans. David Peña-Guzmán)
Translation of Georges Canguilhem's “Qu’est-ce que la psychologie?” (Source: Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, Vol. 63, No. 1 [January-March, 1958], 12-25). Georges Canguilhem’s “Qu’est-ce que la psychologie?” was first delivered at the Collège Philosophique on December 18, 1956. It was then published in Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale in 1958. Eight years later, in 1966, it appeared in the second volume of the Cahiers pour l’Analyse, which bore its title. This volume included a “Foreword” by Jean-Claude Milner, a “Supplement” (“Les graphes de Jacques Lacan, commentés par Jacques-Alain Miller”), and contributions by Robert Pagès, Alain Grosrichard, Chevalier de Merian, Serge Leclaire, and Thomas Herbert.
Augustine of Hippo: Father of Christian Psychology
It is a great honor and with deep joy that I address you at this inaugural conference on Christian psychology. From my perspective as a theologian, this is a long overdue event and I am quite excited at the prospects and possibilities it holds for us at this important transitional moment in Christian theological history. What I hope to convince you of by this talk today is that talking about Christian psychology is not by any stretch of the imagination a new undertaking; it is, rather, an act of coming home, of reclaiming ourselves fully as Christians in a deeper sense than has been encouraged for quite some time. Even though this conference and the society that it hopes to foster respond to modern pressures, Christian psychology is a thoroughly theological topic and has been for more than 1,500 years.
anales de psicología / annals of psychology
Título: El papel mediador del uso de la emoción en la asociación entre rasgos de personalidad y adicción al trabajo. Resumen: Este estudio examinó el papel mediador del componente de uso de la emoción (UoE), de la Escala de inteligencia emocional, en la relación entre extraversión (EX) y conciencia dentro de los Cinco Grandes factores de personalidad, y las dimensiones de trabajar en exceso (WE) y trabajar compulsivamente de la Escala holandesa de adicción al trabajo. Junto con este objetivo, se recopilaron datos del personal sanitario, en su mayoría enfermeras, que trabajaba en hospitales privados que prestan servicios en Estambul. Los hallazgos indicaron que WE tuvo un efecto directo no significativo sobre EX (β = −0.358; p > .05), mientras que el efecto indirecto de WE sobre EX a través de UoE fue significativo (β = 0.147; p < .05). Este estudio revela que UoE actúa como un mediador completo en el efecto de WE sobre EX. Palabras clave: Rasgos de personalidad. Big Five. Adicción al trabajo. Trabajar en exceso. Trabajar compulsivamente. Uso de la emoción.
backgrounds, this paper looks at the human will through the lens of Christian spirituality and psychoanalytic theory. From spirituality, I offer a summary and analysis of the gnomic will (the human will as damaged by sin), in the work of the church fathers, especially Gregory of Nyssa and Maximos the Confessor. Each of these theologians argues, in their own way, that because of sin we are no longer attached simply to God, but also to created beings. As a result we have become "hesitant, wandering, suffering" beings. Both Gregory and Maximos, I think, could make his own Horney's observation that we have "lost the capacity to wish for anything wholeheartedly" because the will has become divided against itself. But because the human person is attached not simply to God, but to created reality, life is inevitably a competition for the limited goods which are also desired. I conclude by applying the anthropological analysis that makes up the substance of the article to the relationship between psychology and the Christian life. Situated within this analysis, I argue that we ought to seek not the integration of psychology and Christianity, but their reconciliation. In such reconciliation, modeled on the Christian understanding of the human person's reconciliation with Christ, both psychology and Christian spirituality maintain their own integrity. Further reconciliation allows us to see the relationship between psychology and Christian spirituality less in terms of methodology (which I argue is grounded in the gnomic will) and more in terms of vocation (that is, in response to a call from outside the person).