Activation of cat SII cortex by flutter stimulation of contralateral vs. ipsilateral forepaws (original) (raw)
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Response of SII cortex to ipsilateral, contralateral and bilateral flutter stimulation in the cat
BMC neuroscience, 2005
A distinctive property of SII is that it is the first cortical stage of the somatosensory projection pathway that integrates information arising from both sides of the body. However, there is very little known about how inputs across the body mid-line are processed within SII. Optical intrinsic signal imaging was used to evaluate the response of primary somatosensory cortex (SI and SII in the same hemisphere) to 25 Hz sinusoidal vertical skin displacement stimulation ("skin flutter") applied contralaterally, ipsilaterally, and bilaterally to the central pads of the forepaws. A localized increase in absorbance in both SI and SII was evoked by both contralateral and bilateral flutter stimulation. Ipsilateral flutter stimulation evoked a localized increase in absorbance in SII, but not in SI. The SII region that responded with an increase in absorbance to ipsilateral stimulation was posterior to the region in which absorbance increased maximally in response to stimulation of ...
Response of SI cortex to ipsilateral, contralateral and bilateral flutter stimulation in the cat
BMC Neuroscience, 2005
Background: While SII cortex is considered to be the first cortical stage of the pathway that integrates tactile information arising from both sides of the body, SI cortex is generally not considered as a region in which neuronal response is modulated by simultaneous stimulation of bilateral (and mirror-image) skin sites. Results: Optical intrinsic signal imaging was used to evaluate the response of SI and SII in the same hemisphere to 25 Hz sinusoidal vertical skin displacement stimulation ("skin flutter") applied contralaterally, ipsilaterally, and bilaterally (simultaneously) to the central pads of the forepaws. A localized increase in absorbance in both SI and SII occurred in response to both contralateral and bilateral flutter stimulation. Ipsilateral flutter stimulation evoked a localized increase in absorbance in SII, but little or no change in SI absorbance. In the forepaw representational region of SI, however, bilateral stimulation of the central pads evoked a response substantially smaller (approximately 30-35% smaller) than the response to flutter stimulation of the contralateral central pad. The finding that the response of SI cortex to bilateral central pad flutter stimulation is substantially smaller than the response evoked by a contralateral flutter stimulus, together with the recently published observation that a region located posteriorly in SII responds with a substantially larger response to a bilateral flutter stimulus than the response evoked from the contralateral central pad, lead us to propose that the SI activity evoked by contralateral skin stimulation is suppressed/inhibited (via corticocortical connections between SII and SI in the same hemisphere) by the activity a simultaneous ipsilateral skin stimulus evokes in posterior SII.
Characteristics of the human contra- versus ipsilateral SII cortex
Clinical Neurophysiology, 2000
Objectives: In order to study the interaction between left-and right-sided stimuli on the activation of cortical somatosensory areas, we recorded somatosensory evoked magnetic ®elds (SEFs) from 8 healthy subjects with a 122 channel whole-scalp SQUID gradiometer.
Ipsilateral Input Modifies the Primary Somatosensory Cortex Response to Contralateral Skin Flutter
The Journal of Neuroscience, 2006
We recorded the optical intrinsic signal response of squirrel monkey primary somatosensory cortex (SI) to 25 Hz vibrotactile (“flutter”) stimulation applied independently to the thenar eminence on each hand and also to bilateral (simultaneous) stimulation of both thenars. The following observations were obtained in every subject (n= 5). (1) Ipsilateral stimulation was accompanied by an increase in absorbance within the SI hand region substantially smaller than the absorbance increase evoked by contralateral stimulation. (2) The absorbance increase evoked by simultaneous bilateral stimulation was smaller (by ∼30%) than that evoked by contralateral stimulation. (3) The spatiointensive pattern of the SI response to bilateral flutter was distinctly different than the pattern that accompanied contralateral flutter stimulation: with contralateral flutter, the center of the responding region of SI underwent a large increase in absorbance, whereas absorbance decreased in the surrounding reg...
Effects of high-frequency skin stimulation on SI cortex: Mechanisms and functional implications
Somatosensory & Motor Research, 2005
Optical intrinsic signal (OIS) imaging methods were used to record the responses of contralateral SI cortex to 25 Hz (''flutter'') and also to 200 Hz (''vibration'') stimulation of the skin. Anesthetized cats and squirrel monkeys were subjects. Separate series of experiments were carried out to evaluate the contralateral SI response to continuous, multisecond 25 Hz vs. 200 Hz stimulation (a) at multiple skin sites arranged along the proximal-distal axis of the fore-or hindlimb (Series I); (b) in the presence and absence of a ring placed in firm contact with the skin surrounding the stimulus site (Series II); (c) before and after topical application of local anesthetic to the stimulus site (Series III); and, finally, (c) to continuous 25 Hz or 200 Hz stimulation applied independently, and also concomitantly (''complex waveform stimulation'') to the same skin site (Series IV). The principal findings are: (a) the relationship between the SI optical responses to 25 Hz vs. 200 Hz stimulation of a skin site varies systematically with position of the stimulus site on the limb-at a distal site both 25 Hz and 200 Hz stimulation evoke a well-maintained increase in absorbance, and as the stimulus site is shifted proximally on the limb the response to 200 Hz, but not the response to 25 Hz stimulation, converts to a frank decrease in absorbance; (b) placement of a ring about a skin site at which in the absence of a ring 200 Hz stimulation evoked a decrease in SI absorbance converts the response to 200 Hz to one consistent with increased SI RA neuronal activation (i.e., with the ring in place 200 Hz stimulation evokes a change in SI absorbance approximating the response to 25 Hz stimulation); (c) topical local anesthetic preferentially and reversibly decreases the magnitude of the absorbance increase associated with 25 Hz flutter stimulation; and (d) complex waveform stimulation consistently is associated with a smaller increase in absorbance than obtained with same-site 25 Hz stimulation. Collectively, the findings are consistent with the idea that the Pacinian (PC) afferent activity which unavoidably accompanies cutaneous flutter stimulation triggers CNS mechanisms that ''funnel'' (sharpen) the spatially distributed contralateral SI response to the flutter stimulus. Viewed in this context, the fact that a flutter stimulus unavoidably co-activates RA and PC afferents appears functionally beneficial because the CNS mechanisms activated by PC afferent drive modify the SI response to skin flutter in a manner predicted to enable more accurate perceptual localization than would be possible if the flutter stimulus only activated RA afferents.
Neuroimage, 1999
We studied the interaction between responses to contra-and ipsilateral stimuli in the human second somatosensory cortex SII by recording somatosensory evoked magnetic fields (SEFs) from 8 healthy subjects with a 122-channel whole-scalp SQUID magnetometer. Right (R) and left (L) median nerves were electrically stimulated at the wrists at intensities exceeding the motor threshold. In each stimulus sequence, the four equiprobable pairs (L-L, R-R, L-R, R-L) were presented in a random order once every 2 s, with a 300-ms interstimulus interval within the pair. The responses were modelled with a four-dipole model, with current dipoles located in the SI and SII cortices of both hemispheres. The SII responses peaked around 85-120 ms and responses to the 1st (2nd) stimulus on the pair were on average 2 (12) ms earlier and about 3 (2.5) times stronger for contralateral than ipsilateral stimuli. Independently of the condition, the 2nd response always peaked later than the 1st; the mean delay was 16 ms. The responses to the 2nd stimulus depended only slightly on the type of the 1st: the latency increased more and the amplitude decreased less after different than identical 1st stimuli. These results suggest that neuronal activations due to contra-and ipsilateral stimuli overlap strongly in the human SII cortex. 1999
Journal of Comparative Neurology, 2004
Experiments were carried out on the second somatic sensory area (SII) of cats to study (1) the laminar distribution of axon terminals from the ipsilateral first somatic sensory cortex (SI); and (2) the topographical relations between their terminal field and the callosal neurons projecting to the contralateral homotopic cortex. To label simultaneously in SII both ipsilateral cortical afferents and callosal cells, cats were given iontophoretic injections of Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) in the forepaw zone of ipsilateral SI, and pressure injections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in the same zone of contralateral SII. The possibility that ipsilateral cortical axon terminals synape callosal neurons was investigated with the electron microscope by combining lesion-induced degeneration with retrograde HRP labelling.Fibers and terminations immunolabelled with PHA-L from ipsilateral SI were distributed in SII in a typical patchy pattern and were mostly concentrated in supragranular layers. Labelled fibers formed a very dense plexus in layer III and ramified densely also in layers I and II. Labelled axon terminals were both en passant and single-stalked boutons. Counts of 8,303 PHA-L-labelled terminals of either type showed that 82.40% were in supragranular layers. The highest concentration was in layer III (43.99%), followed by layers II (30.22%) and I (8.09%). The remaining terminals were distributed among layers IV (6.96%), V (4.93%), and VI (5.68%). The same region of SII containing anterogradely labelled axons and terminals also contained numerous neurons retrogradely labelled with HRP from contralateral SII. Callosal projection neurons were pyramidal, dwelt mainly in layer III, and were distributed tangentially in periodic patches. Patches of anterograde and retrograde labelling either interdigitated or overlapped both areally and laminarly. In the zones of overlap, numerous PHA-L-labelled axon terminals were seen in close apposition to HRP-labelled pyramidal cell dendrites. Combined HRP-electron microscopic degeneration experiments showed that in SII axon terminals from ipsilateral SI form asymmetric synapses with HRP-labelled dendrites and dendriticc spines pertaining to callosal projection neurons.These results are discussed in relation to the layering and function of the SI to SII projection, and to the evidence that SII neurons projecting to the homotopic area of the contralateral hemisphere have direct access to the sensory information transmitted from ipsilateral SI. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Integration of neural responses originating from different regions of the cortical somatosensory map
Brain Research, 2004
The neural pathways responsible for detecting peripheral tactile stimuli are well known; however, the interactions between different somatosensory regions have been less well investigated. This study demonstrates how the contralateral sensory response of rat barrel cortex to whisker stimulation is affected by stimulation of contralateral forepaw and ipsilateral whisker and forepaw. The barrel cortex in the right hemisphere was located using optical imaging. A 16-channel multielectrode was used to measure field potentials evoked by contralateral electrical stimulation of the whisker pad. A standard response in the right barrel cortex to single pulse electrical stimulation of the contralateral whisker pad was modulated by applying conditioning stimulation to one of three other regions of the body (the ipsilateral whisker pad, the ipsilateral or contralateral forepaws). In conditions where the standard contralateral whisker stimulus preceded the conditioning pulse, the size of response was identical to when it was stimulated alone. However, when the ipsilateral whisker and contralateral forepaw conditioning stimuli preceded the contralateral whisker pad stimulation, up to a 35% reduction in the contralateral whisker response was observed. These results confirm and extend previous studies [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 97 (2000) 11026-11031; J. Neurosci. 21 (2001) 5251-5261], which show bilateral integration of neural activity within the rat somatosensory system. Furthermore, the longer latency of the inhibition following stimulation of the contralateral forepaw suggests the possible involvement of extracortical circuitry. D
Optical imaging of intrinsic signals in somatosensory cortex
Behavioural Brain Research, 2002
The methods of optical intrinsic signal (OIS) imaging and microelectrode mapping of single neuron receptive fields (RFs) were used in combination (in the same squirrel monkey or cat) to characterize the spatial and temporal attributes of the response of contralateral SI cortex to cutaneous flutter stimulation. A change in the location of the stimulated skin site was accompanied by a shift in the locus of the SI optical response. The spatial ordering of the optical responses to independent stimulation of each site in an array of skin sites was consistent with the features of SI topographical organization described in published RF mapping studies. While the single neuron RF mapping observations and the optical response obtained at a given time after onset of flutter stimulation always were positively correlated, the degree of correlation improved progressively with time after stimulus onset (the longest stimulus duration used was 10 s). Analysis of the temporal development of the optical response to cutaneous flutter stimulation revealed that not only does absorbance increase to attain a maximum in the SI region which receives its main input from the stimulated skin site, but at the same time absorbance declines to below-background values in an extensive region of surrounding cortex. The results are interpreted to indicate that the pattern of SI activity evoked by a cutaneous flutter stimulus exhibits increasing spatial contrast (becomes progressively more distinguishable from the activity of surrounding cortex) over periods of continuous stimulation at least as long as 10 s. This time-dependent 'funneling' of the SI spatial activity pattern is proposed to underlie the prominent enhancement of human spatial discriminative capacity which occurs (e.g. Physiol. Behav. 5 (1970) 1431) when oscillatory tactile stimuli are used. # (M. Tommerdahl). Behavioural Brain Research 135 (2002) 83 Á/91 0166-4328/02/$ -see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 1 6 6 -4 3 2 8 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 1 5 9 -6