Episodic Encoding Is More than the Sum of Its Parts: An fMRI Investigation of Multifeatural Contextual Encoding (original) (raw)
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Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 2018
Memory recall is facilitated when retrieval occurs in the original encoding context. This context dependency effect likely results from the automatic binding of central elements of an experience with contextual features (i.e., memory "contextualization") during encoding. However, despite a vast body of research investigating the neural correlates of explicit associative memory, the neural interactions during encoding that predict implicit context-dependent memory remain unknown. Twenty-six participants underwent fMRI during encoding of salient stimuli (faces), which were overlaid onto unique background images (contexts). To index subsequent context-dependent memory, face recognition was tested either in intact or rearranged contexts, after scanning. Enhanced face recognition in intact relative to rearranged contexts evidenced successful memory contextualization. Overall subsequent memory effects (brain activity predicting whether items were later remembered vs. forgotten) ...
Item, context and relational episodic encoding in humans
Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 2006
Recent functional imaging work supports the view that item and relational memory depend upon distinct encoding operations within the medial temporal lobe. Specifically, emerging findings demonstrate that the level of engagement of perirhinal cortex predicts later memory for individual items, whereas the level of hippocampal processing correlates with later relational memory, or recovery of additional episodic details. Furthermore, recent functional magnetic resonance imaging evidence in humans suggests that medial temporal lobe cortical input structures, the perirhinal and posterior parahippocampal cortices, differentially participate in the encoding of objects and their context, providing domainspecific input to the hippocampus. Taken together, these data help to construct a working model of how distinct medial temporal lobe structures participate in episodic memory formation with domain-general relational binding mechanisms supported by the hippocampus and provide emerging evidence for domain-specificity within the perirhinal and parahippocampal cortices.
Neuropsychologia, 2002
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to examine whether neural pathways used to encode pictures into memory were re-activated during retrieval of those memories. At encoding, subjects semantically classified common objects presented as pictures or words. At retrieval, subjects performed yes/no recognition memory judgments on words that had been encoded as pictures or as words. The retrieval test probed memory for the encoded item, but not memory for the modality of the encoded item (picture/word). Results revealed that a subset of the brain regions involved specifically in encoding of pictures were also engaged during recognition memory for the encoded pictures. Specifically, encoding of pictures relative to words engaged bilateral extrastriate visual cortex, namely fusiform, lingual, middle occipital, and inferior temporal gyri (Broadman area (BA) 18/19/37). Recognition memory judgments about words that were encoded as pictures relative to those that were encoded as words activated fusiform and inferior temporal gyri primarily in the left hemisphere. Thus, cortical areas originally involved in perception of a visual experience become part of the long-term memory trace for that experience. These findings suggest a neural basis for encoding specificity and transfer appropriate processing in human memory.
Neuropsychologia, 2009
The recent surge in event-related fMRI studies of episodic memory has generated a wealth of information about the neural correlates of encoding and retrieval processes. However, interpretation of individual studies is hampered by methodological differences, and by the fact that sample sizes are typically small. We submitted results from studies of episodic memory in healthy young adults, published between 1998 and 2007, to a voxel-wise quantitative meta-analysis using activation likelihood estimation [Laird, A. R., McMillan, K. M., Lancaster, J. L., Kochunov, P., Turkeltaub, P. E., & Pardo, J. V., et al. (2005). A comparison of label-based review and ALE meta-analysis in the stroop task. Human Brain Mapping, 25, 6-21]. We conducted separate meta-analyses for four contrasts of interest: episodic encoding success as measured in the subsequent-memory paradigm (subsequent Hit vs. Miss), episodic retrieval success (Hit vs. Correct Rejection), objective recollection (e.g., Source Hit vs. Item Hit), and subjective recollection (e.g., Remember vs. Know). Concordance maps revealed significant cross-study overlap for each contrast. In each case, the left hemisphere showed greater concordance than the right hemisphere. Both encoding and retrieval success were associated with activation in medial-temporal, prefrontal, and parietal regions. Left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) and medial-temporal regions were more strongly involved in encoding, whereas left superior parietal and dorsolateral and anterior PFC regions were more strongly involved in retrieval. Objective recollection was associated with activation in multiple PFC regions, as well as multiple posterior parietal and medial-temporal areas, but not hippocampus. Subjective recollection, in contrast, showed left hippocampal involvement. In summary, these results identify broadly consistent activation patterns associated with episodic encoding and retrieval, and subjective and objective recollection, but also subtle differences among these processes.
Neuropsychologia, 2008
It is well established that source memory retrieval -remembering relationships between a core item and some additional attribute of an event -engages prefrontal cortex (PFC) more than simple item memory. In event-related potentials (ERPs), this is manifest in a late-onset difference over PFC between studied items which mandate retrieval of a second attribute, and unstudied items which can be immediately rejected. Although some sorts of attribute conjunctions are easier to remember than others, the role of source retrieval difficulty on prefrontal activity has received little attention. We examined memory for conjunctions of object shape and color when color was an integral part of the depicted object, and when monochrome objects were surrounded by colored frames. Source accuracy was reliably worse when shape and color were spatially separated, but prefrontal activity did not vary across the object-color and frame-color conditions. The insensitivity of prefrontal ERPs to this perceptual manipulation of difficulty stands in contrast to their sensitivity to encoding task: deliberate voluntary effort to integrate objects and colors during encoding reduced prefrontal activity during retrieval, but perceptual organization of stimuli did not. The amplitudes of ERPs over parietal cortex were larger for frame-color than object-color stimuli during both study and test phases of the memory task. Individual variability in parietal ERPs was strongly correlated with memory accuracy, which we suggest reflects a contribution of visual working memory to long-term memory. We discuss multiple bottlenecks for source memory performance.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2008
Although the general role of the medial-temporal lobe (MTL) in episodic memory is well established, controversy surrounds the precise division of labor between distinct MTL subregions. The perirhinal cortex (PrC) has been hypothesized to support nonassociative item encoding that contributes to later familiarity, whereas the hippocampus supports associative encoding that selectively contributes to later recollection. However, because previous paradigms have predominantly used recollection of the item context as a measure of associative encoding, it remains unclear whether recollection of different kinds of episodic detail depends on the same or different MTL encoding operations. In our current functional magnetic resonance imaging study, we devised a subsequent memory paradigm that assessed successful item encoding in addition to the encoding of two distinct episodic details: an item–color and an item–context detail. Hippocampal encoding activation was selectively enhanced during tri...
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2008
& Considerable evidence suggests that attentional resources are necessary for the encoding of episodic memories, but the nature of the relationship between attention and neural correlates of encoding is unclear. Here we address this question using functional magnetic resonance imaging and a dividedattention paradigm in which competition for different types of attentional resources was manipulated. Fifteen volunteers were scanned while making animacy judgments to visually presented words and concurrently performing one of three tasks on auditorily presented words: male/female voice discrimination (control task), 1-back voice comparison (1-back task), or indoor/outdoor judgment (semantic task). The 1-back and semantic tasks were designed to compete for task-generic and task-specific attentional resources, respectively. Using the ''remember/know'' procedure, memory for the study words was assessed after 15 min. In the control condition, subsequent memory effects associated with later recollection were identified in the left dorsal inferior frontal gyrus and in the left hippocampus. These effects were differentially attenuated in the two more difficult divided-attention conditions. The effects of divided attention seem, therefore, to reflect impairments due to limitations at both task-generic and task-specific levels. Additionally, each of the two more difficult divided-attention conditions was associated with subsequent memory effects in regions distinct from those showing effects in the control condition. These findings suggest the engagement of alternative encoding processes to those engaged in the control task. The overall pattern of findings suggests that divided attention can impact later memory in different ways, and accordingly, that different attentional resources, including task-generic and taskspecific resources, make distinct contributions to successful episodic encoding. &
Cognitive neuroscience of episodic memory encoding
Acta Psychologica, 2000
This paper presents a cognitive neuroscienti®c perspective on how human episodic memories are formed. Convergent evidence from multiple brain imaging studies using positron emission tomography (PET) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) suggests a role for frontal cortex in episodic memory encoding. Activity levels within frontal cortex can predict episodic memory encoding across a wide range of behavioral manipulations known to in¯uence memory performance, such as those present during levels of processing and divided attention manipulations. Activity levels within speci®c frontal and medial temporal regions can even predict, on an item by item basis, whether an episodic memory is likely to form. Furthermore, separate frontal regions appear to participate in supplying code-speci®c information, including distinct regions which process semantic attributes of verbal information as well as right-lateralized regions which process nonverbal information. We hypothesize that activity within these multiple frontal regions provides a functional in¯uence (input) to medical temporal regions that bind the information together into a lasting episodic memory trace.